The Car Shopping Round (Round 64): Tears in Heaven

well, it’s definitely appearing as an option for me, which is like, super weird, but it’s there!

Not that super weird, as high engineering cars developed in 1996 only hit the market in like…2002 or 2003?
The Murcielago had these flappy cooler vents that opened and closed, and that car came out in 2002. (God, I feel old now)

Edit: but I get what you mean, hell, even active suspension is a thing, I feel like that shouldnt be a thing.

@HighOctaneLove just checking, but you know there is a track for wangan right? Wangan


LOL now someone has to put a simulation with all the submitted cars and race it there

I’d also like to clarify, is top speed the main criteria here or is just getting to 300km/h enough, then see how fast you get down Haruna?

…or are we gonna race Wangan too? Because if we are then I’m going to… lower the attack of my aero… a lot…

also even 600bhp is enough to go insane fast down this damn hill, forget that benchmark!


i think someone also made the C1 route too.
yeah ram made it… and it’s the smaller in-town highway. i forgot about that

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Racing Wangan would be awesome…

Not sure if I’m competing (as much as I’d love to blast the 5.7L V6 SOHC-4v per cylinder down the mountain… It really doesn’t fit in any of the categories, and I don’t want to just enter the 1996 Storm Knight into yet-another-challenge because I’m honestly a bit tired of seeing that damn car.) but yeah, 600 horsepower in a well-designed car can do a very fast downhill.

As much as HOL would like to let it run, it doesn’t fit in any category.

So, why exactly would anyone built anything other than the exotic as it’s clearly waaay OP?


can i get the link for the track please

12 quality sliders for na engines

does that mean i can set everything on the engine tab +12

or like
+3 for this
+5 for that
+4 for this


Agreed, these categories would be great for running a Touge competition on Haruna though.

I will do some quick builds for cars tuned to 300km/h and see how they loosely stack up.

If the American category didn’t require a pushrod V8, I’d go for giving some of you exotic-builders a good scare with my 4 door sedan.


Further question: are there any restrictions on tyre quality?

Because if there isn’t, fuck doing anything else, all my tech points for the trim goes into the semi-slicks. Can get some reeeeeeal fast times with those, even if you’re only running 255s. Even a 300km/h FF can slay down Haruna.


That’s some seriously unhinged stuff here :smile:

(but probably the whole round is ;))

Thats what i did actually lmao xDD

yeah but it’s still 8 seconds slower than my benchmark RR car :joy:

do the car categories make a difference, or are they just arbitrary?

benchmark car… sure… you’re faster than that then.

oh shit dude, I haven’t actually tried tuning anything yet, I don’t know if I get faster or not :stuck_out_tongue: