Theodora Justinian.
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Personality: Manipulative, cunning and clever, Theodora is willing to put down anybody that stands between her and victory. She is arrogant, seeing herself as more clever than any of her competitors, and looks down her nose at those around her, particularly male race drivers.
Background: Born in Greece, Theodora found quick success selling Erin automobiles in West Germany, where she gained a passion for fast and fun cars.
Why are the entering the GAR?: Cash, excitement. Enough said.
The Car:
Those of you with sharp memories may recall this car from Automation D. As Nicholas’ Mother, She later passes this car onto him. But now, in 1995, it is a brand new car, with the same 5.4L Pushrod V8 rear mounted. The original car made roughly 240 Horsepower. With Theodora’s very legal modifications, the car is loud, fast, and ready for illegal racing.