The "guess-what-car" game 2

ford fiesta?


Renault 5 GT Turbo?

Renault 5 is correct! (actually a GTX with the NA engine, but that’s not that important)


s-l1600 1

Hopefully this isn’t too hard or easy

Edit: …is the post visible?


1980’s Dodge Challenger?

This was sold around the world by many different names, but this particular version was sold in the USA.


Not a Challenger

Isuzu Piazza/Pizzaz whatever it was called?

If you can give me the specific version sold in the US I’ll give it to you.

Isuzu Impulse


Is it an Isuzu?

This particular model is not an Isuzu. It is based on one but this one is under a different badge.

Suzuki Cultus/Chevrolet Sprint

Getting closer. I will say that it is older than that model, but is semi related to it.

Buick Opel/Opel by Isuzu?

It was one of the two brands you gave in your previous answer.
