The "Low Effort" car competition

hey looks like 3 subs have happened so now i must write about car

Simple truck

10 fixtures, road legal in most states (front plate not req in most).

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helo guyse here is my first ever autoamtion car its called the 1971 eagle freedom liberty it has a 10.2 liter v8 that makes 75 hp because its american and american v8s make low power haha isn’t that hilarious please laugh

not 144p photos

You know, even though the days of old Automation are long gone, I still long for them dearly. I first got the game on October 23, 2018 and I remember damn well that the first thing I made was this Honda City thing with a 3 liter V12. And like many others during that time, I was desperate to drive my horrid contraption in BeamNG; that was the main reason I even bought Automation in the first place.

It ticked all the boxes for a first car: +15’d to hell, it was an absolute eye sore, and most importantly, the classic suspension setup of solid axle in the front and independent rear. It was absolutely god awful; even I knew that back then.

However, I still feel there was an odd charm to it, as it represented much similar times when design standards were much lower and no one had a care in the world about how much effort they put into their cars. And now, with the bar for Automation skill being raised exponentially high, (especially due to the addition of 3d fixtures) those days are dead and buried 6 feet underground. I mean, could you ever imagine someone ever even think about creating something like the Zacspeed Helios back then?

So now over 2200 hours later, the inevitable automation player femboy metamorpasis creeps closer and closer and I guess this might be the last 10 fixture car I will ever make, because god forbid the file size of anything I make is under 100kb now.



Lexus LFA but '90s


1995 Mara Zora 1.1 R

Minimalism redefined.

(Regular version of my QFC17 entry, didn’t have to delete too many fixtures, even :stuck_out_tongue:)


That would make a good starting point for a more detailed build - in other words, a rough draft.

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I love this

unless i missed something, you have not yet DM’d me this car

no, once again fixtures are counted by the number of entries on the sidebar.

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Yeah, saw your reply right after I pressed send. Sorry.

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aw shit he invited Benji

Are mods allowed?


1992 Otari 346 “BlackOut”

10 fixtures in total and I used some advanced trim on the wheels, hopes that is ok. The stripes is a part of this body.




No way this was made using 10-25 fixtures - I think you used 50 to 100, and made the most of them throughout the build process.

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I can point out several places where you could drop fixtures to get into a lower category

categories range up to 100 fixtures…

though that car certainly looks more complex than that


Here’s a 10-fixture starting point for a more detailed build. I was originally planning a 25-fixture version, but decided to reduce the fixture count to 10 when I found that option to also be workable.

I chose the larger of the two Starion body sets (2.64m wheelbase) for this draft build - its shape not only lent itself well to the bottom-breather nose I wanted, but also gelled with my fixture choices (incorporating unitary head- and taillights, i.e. both were made with a single fixture each).