The Summer 2019 Automation Collector Car Auction (AUCTION HAS ENDED, THANK YOU TO ALL PARTICIPANTS)

Lot 135, Paddle 056, $250,000

Lot 129, Paddle 019, 735,000
Lot 134, Paddle 019, 190,000
Lot 135, paddle 019, 235,000

Lot 135, Paddle 054, 300,000

Lot 129, Paddle 005, $745,000

Lot 129, Paddle 045, 755,000

The sniper rule is now in effect!


Lot 135, paddle 057, 330,000

Lot 135, Paddle 054, 350,000

Lot 131, paddle 044, 250000
Lot 134, paddle 044, 250000

Lot 129, Paddle 005, $765,000
Lot 130, Paddle 005, $152,500

Ladies and Gentlemen, the auctions for Lots 129 to 135 have now ended.

Lot Number Buyer Hammer Price
129 conan $765,000
130 conan $152,500
131 Quotex $250,000
132 On3CherryShake $815,000
133 strop $715,000
134 Quotex $250,000
135 cRiMiNaL $350,000

The auctions for Lots 136 to 142 are now OPEN.

Lot 136: 2019 Baroc

Bidding on Lot 136 begins at $930,000, with a minimum bid increment of $10,000.

Lot 137: 1946 Gloria SW

Bidding on Lot 137 begins at $245,000, with a minimum bid increment of $5,000.

Lot 138: 1993 Makina Raijin 2000 Turbo V-Spec Limited

Bidding on Lot 138 begins at $15,000, with a minimum bid increment of $1,000.

Lot 139: 1987 Seishido Spica 3.0 HG

Bidding on Lot 139 begins at $82,500, with a minimum bid increment of $2,500.

Lot 140: 1972 Honghu X122028888

Bidding on Lot 140 begins at $150,000, with a minimum bid increment of $2,500.

Lot 141: 1949 FABEL Etoile 1250

Bidding on Lot 141 begins at $30,000, with a minimum bid increment of $1,000.

Lot 142: 1992 Matteo Miglia Legatus II Vivace

Bidding on Lot 142 begins at $47,500, with a minimum bid increment of $2,500.

Auction timer is here!


Lot 138, paddle 034; $15,000
Lot 141, paddle 034; $32,000

Lot 142, Paddle 014, $47,500
Lot 136, Paddle 014, $930,000

Lot 140, Paddle 028, $155,000
Lot 141, Paddle 028, $35,000

A bit of flavour

Strop’s phone buzzed. With his heart in his mouth, he dug it out of his pocket and picked it up.


The smallest mouse roared the mightiest indeed. With his ears still ringing, Strop’s launched into his hastily prepared defence: “Dan I know what you’re after but I did the math. This thing is gonna appreciate like nobody’s business and you’d be an idiot to pass-”

“I know exactly what I want and I know what my bottom line is and if you fuck it up so help me the crop is coming back to the office.”

“No, anything but the crop!” Strop broke out in a sweat. “I’ll be good!”

There was a long silence over the line and all that could be heard for several seconds was his own heartbeat, still fresh from placing the last minute bid on the Seabeast and the hubbub of the auction.

“Remember. I want the Baroc. I want it. The Baroc. Not anything else. And don’t blow my fucking budget like last time.”

“Well I can’t control how others bid!” was what Strop wanted to say, but he wasn’t feeling the prospect of a properly tanned hide. “Good as done.”

Dan hung up. Not two seconds later, Strop’s paddle went up.

Lot 136, Paddle 021, $940,000


Lot 138, Paddle 029, $17,000
Lot 142, Paddle 029, $50,000

I passed up Lot 131 on purpose just to avoid shooting my bolt when the later lots come up…

Lot 142, Paddle 047, $52,500

Lot 139, Paddle 005, $82,500

Lot 138, Paddle 014, $18,000

Lot 139, paddle 020, $85,000