True or False: Forum Game 2.0

Nah, only drug I do is alcohol

TNP likes Martini (the drink and the race team for that matter)

Tralse, race team yes, drink no

TNP dun goofed

False, but having just read through the ‘Car Design Face Off’ and ‘Racing Minivan Challenge’, I know someone who has

TNP knows who the person in my DP is


What is DP?

TNP is eating something with butter.


TNP is butter

False, but no one believes me.

Of course, it’s that guy from Green Day.
I keed, I keed, I know that’s just one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century

TNP prefers tea to coffee

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Oh yeah, that I do

TNP likes Camomile tea


Maybe? Idk…

TNP has that tea


TNP has a love for weird music.

Kinda. Dragonforce, anyone?

TNP’s toes smell like ye olde cheese.

False, when one time I actually smelled them (don’t judge me) for some reason they smelled like extremely cheap artificial blueberry scent. Can’t explain it in any way

TNP thinks if their friends don’t dance then they’re no friends of theirs

Where… From… Have… Hhheeeaaarrrddddd…

TNP knows that feeling


YNP knows how to use the thorn.


TNP has noticed the downfall of the IRC.

Discord is to blame.

TNP is part of the problem

True, but I don’t think it’s a problem.

TNP likes change.

True, need some now

TNP is asleep


TNP has a project they have to do but don’t want to do.



Yes. To eat the flesh tastes like bloody and is so thick. When alive they’re annoying and shit everywhere.

TNP likes eating frogs.