True or False: Forum Game 2.0

False, I like physics and chemistry behind a long time ago

TNP desires to gain more [corporate]k n o w l e d g e[/corporate]


TNP saw something recently that alters how they plan on designing cars.

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TNP makes bland cars

I hope not!

TNP is going to a protest today or soon

False, what’s to protest?

TNP doesn’t keep up with current events

Tralse, national, no, sick of it, international, yes

TNP listens/watches/reads BBC


TNP would be president of their country if they can.

Tralse. As a president I wouldn’t be able to do much. But as a dict… erm, lord patrician… that’s a different story :wink:

TNP likes the Discworld.


TNP explain

It was the setting for Terry Pratchett’s acclaimed book series. Never read them, but had a school teacher who adored them. Incredibly well developed universe though - think wide range of stories set in medieval high fantasy world.

TNP read the Alex Rider books when they were younger

True, read all the way up through like the 7th in the series, then learned there was 3 more planed. Haven’t read since.

TNP read the Hunger Games series before the movies came out (I did).

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Flare, still have yet to read or watch any of it

TNP hates me for that

False, its a dystopian concept with a love story thrown in. That’s all you really need to know.
(but the hunger games themselves is where it’s at. I would read books about previous games because that was the best part.)

TNP has read 1984


TNP has read Moby Dick

no, but i enjoyed the the Porn parody, Moby’s Dick. Starring Moby.

TNP enjoys ambient music

TNP knows gas lawnmowers are better than any plug or battery lawnmower

False, I remember our old Black & Decker was pretty badass, the handle was reversible so you could avoid running over the cord. (Not that it stopped my mom from doing so on several occasions.)

TNP knows what to do with a drunken sailor.

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Aye! specially early on the morning.

TNP knows what happened to the drunk scotsman who left a bar one evening fair.

Tralse depends on the country. In australia he would getcoward punched

Tnp doesnt understand why drunk people get angry so easy

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I do. Alcohol in the bloodstream tends to reduce to brain functionality.

TNP will read Grand Blue.