True or False: Forum Game 2.0

False, not a musician

TNP is autobox pleb

Tralse, I daily my autobox but I will quite happily row my own.

TNP has one foot noticeably bigger than the other.


TNP has bought parts only to put off installing them for at least a month

Unbileveably true

TNP has a molex computer power supply for sale


TNP is all about the +15 quality spam.

Nah. Priority for quality sliders goes as follows for my company which still awaits a proper name:

  1. Reliability
  2. Performance
  3. Fuel Economy
  4. Weight Reduction (bro)
  5. Depends on the car, and if I feel like it

TNP is great at building only a certain kind of engine.

Heh heh heh I see what you did there.

I like my +15 on Aero. But thatā€™s all Iā€™ll put it on anymore.

Fuck I got ninjaā€™d. True. Iā€™m good at modern high economy high power performance turbo engines. Everything elseā€¦ Probably not as much.

TNP likes oversized Aero solutions on cars.

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TNP is all about the big bits.

Preach it brother.
Or sister, I use brother as a loose term

TNP likes fantasizing about the mopeyness of their lives whilst listening to The Smiths

tralse, i like the smiths, but leave my pondering to be done when listening to Aphex Twin

TNP Likes Aphex Twin

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I do enjoy the quirkiness but also admit that it doesnā€™t feature that regularly on my playlist.

TNP agrees that Everything Everythingā€™s ā€œGet To Heavenā€ was the most politically relevant album of 2015.

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maybe, havenā€™t heard it

TNP is a pleb

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False. Iā€™m far too middle class for thatā€¦

TNP is hyped for the new iDubbbz video

False but i did just buy a BabyMetal cd.

TNP wishes that the 90ā€™s would come back into styleā€¦NIRVANA FOREVER

False, but I want product quality back instead of disposability

TNP has gone on an university campus just for food (me right now)

False, but I know your struggle

TNP just fucking loves eating

I either eat like a hungry wolf or can barely eat without puking depending on if Iā€™m hungry or not.

TNP thinks Golden Years, Sound and Vision, and Rock and Roll Suicide are some seriously underrated songs. (Honorable mention: Absolute Beginners)

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False, yes, Iā€™m an ass

TNP knows as of 7 hours ago apparently Iā€™ve been on the forums for over a year


TNP is watching/streaming the Bathurust 12h race go v8 ford focus

I sadly missed it, but am amazed at those V8 Focusā€™sā€¦wwwhhhaaa??
Awesome to see John Hindaugh and Graham Goodwin commentating though!

TNP canā€™t wait for Le Mans this year