False, I don’t even like live ones.
TNP has no use for facebook or twitter.
False, I don’t even like live ones.
TNP has no use for facebook or twitter.
False, I sadly use them quite a lot.
TNP dares to enter the murky world of Politics on Twitter
Yeah no not even going there I think I’d probably lose about 30 IQ points and get brain cancer.
TNP is governed by a formal code of professional ethics.
Aren’t we all?
TNP is a grammar Nazi
Maybe a bit. Though when I’m on any instant messenger, I care more about proper apostrophes than about capitalisation.
I’m also a bit of a pedant. Word meanings may evolve, but they still mean something!
Also you don’t have to be governed by a formal code of professional ethics if you’re not a professional…
TNP subscribes to post-modernism.
Umm, false I think. The buildings aren’t really my style, ill take a more prairie-styled cottage instead. Or even better a 1950s ranch or tudor style house.
TNP likes post hardcore rock
Probably not. Post almost anything in music tends to be diluted half-assed mainstream aesthetic dressed up as irony.
TNP had/has an emo phase.
False, surprisingly.
TNP has had a “Wrong Generation” phase.
TNP has a strong desire for somehing odd.
Tinned peaches. Is that odd enough?
TNP loves tinned peaches.
Tell that to Post-Punk
Tinned peaches go great with cereal and cold milk.
Also in trifle.
Ok, I’ll give you that one, but as for what’s half-assed and washed up, I’ll let the Punk die-hards have that argument
TNP likes underground shit.
True, when I was there the London underground was on time every time
TNP hates poor pubic transit
True, that’s why I can’t imagine my life without a car.
TNP turns down the music when parking, to see better.
what!? from what manner of synaesthesia do you suffer???
I would perhaps suggest seeing your neuropsychiartist and enquiring about obtaining a DWI of your brain.
TNP sits in the car for a while waiting for the current song to finish.
False, I’m not that into music.
TNP has a fun commuting route
Depends on the day
TNP works at more than one location
True, though, at this stage, they’re all hospitals and medical facilities.
TNP is a night owl.
I am not a night owl, I’m a night train-wreck.
(I’m posting this at 3:40am and I’ve been going to bed at 9am for the last week)
TNP has read a good book recently.
False, lack of time
TNP uses too many emojis
I fear I’m starting to
TNP is planning an anti-Valentines day valentines day