True or False: Forum game

True, I love reading paranormal tales (even if they aren’t true)

TNP has a good sense of direction

I don’t know.

TNP has a cat.

True, he is currently sitting on me

TNP house is covered in pet hair

False, luckily my dog doesn’t shed.

TNP is visiting family this weekend.

false. i’m living with my parents, and have relatives living just 200-300 meters away
TNP also live with their parents.

True. But, come September, I’m off to Uni!

TNP is cooking something real, real nice this evening.

false, microwave food :stuck_out_tongue:
TNP has achieved over 150 desirability in any category on any markup after 1985 once

True, especially running with them pointed up towards the air with lots of tripping hazards on the ground.

TNP is sunburnt.

False, I was outside today so this surprises me…

TNP has gone 0-60 with a neighbors fish tank


TNP thinks the idea of a FWD truck is a little ludacrous

False, depends on the application. Personally I liked the Dodge Rampage.

TNP can drive a big rig.

false. i’ve never even drove a large car.
TNP likes this game

i do now lol

TNP visited omegle before


TNP was surrounded by drunk people recently.


TNP can’t make good looking modern cars in Automation

True, I always turn up where I’m not wanted :laughing:

TNP feels that Burnout 3 was the best burnout ever