True or False: Forum game


TNP went to the beach

False. No beaches near where I live.

TNP needs new tires.


TNP is currently on a boat


TNP has been on a plane recently.

Sadly not, though I do live close to an airport

TNP is planning…something

False, never heard of him

TNP wants to kill people who knock your wing mirrors off

False, that has never happened to me. Though I would probably maim them if it did.

TNP sees five lights.

false. that is that?

TNP have tried shisha before.


TNP has a setup for calling scammers

False, when they come it is so much fun to troll them in every way possible. They are also so stupidly dumb.
Example from my life:
Scammer “Your Windows is broken”
Me “I don’t use Windows”
Scammer “Ohh… Your Mac is broken”
Me “I don’t use a Mac”
Scammer “Do you have an computer then?”
Me “So you can’t tell if I have a computer but you are telling me that is is broken”
(Notice the scammer used Caller ID and write it down)
Me “Have a nice day! By the way, I use Linux (I really do)”
Scammer ‘hangs up’

TNP has had a similar experience



TNP eats an apple a day

-Clickbait intensifies-

TNP is Ghastly.

EDIT: Ninja’d, but still makes sense.

False, I just evolved into Haunter.

TNP also just evolved

False. I am weak…

TNP likes to watch iRacing livestreams on youtube.

False, I do like to watch highlights though

TNP doesnt have a pot to piss in

Umm… A toilet? I have 2

TNP thinks backup crappers are smart and every home should have them