True or False: Forum game


TNP prefers the Mercedes W203 shape to the W204

False. I like the front of the W204 more.

TNP lives in a country with taxes on horsepower.

False. Thatā€™s why we have bogans.

TNP is a fan of JVST SAY YES.

False. Never heard of him.

Itā€™s also part of the reason diesels are so common here. Iā€™ve driven a 75hp petrol car and my 68hp diesel just feels so much faster. low-end-torque ftw!

TNP is really bored right now.

False, just added a page to my engine post.

TNP has seen more episodes of classic Doctor Who than new episodes of Doctor Who (Namely any Doctor Who before 1989 or 2005-present)

True. Though that said I had no idea what was going on in the earlier Doctor Who episodes because I couldnā€™t even talk. (By your criteria would have been the 7th Doctor)

I think Iā€™ve seen a grand total of 3 episodes from 2005-present: 2 of the 10th, and 1 of the 11th. I just havenā€™t picked it up.

TNP has a dent on their car they canā€™t be bothered to fix.

Tralse. Not really a major dent but some idiot slammed his door into mine. Itā€™s too small to have it fixed.

TNP owns more than 10 games on Steam.

False I only own 2, automation and formula truck 2013

TNP prefers console gaming to pc gaming

False. #pcmasterrace

TNP has gone faster than 200 km/h / 124 mph in a car.

False. I donā€™t think my Elantra could even go quite that fast. Not that Iā€™d dare to. Gets a wicked vibration at about 85 MPH (and donā€™t ask how I know.)

TNP tries not to speed.

Tralse. Iā€™m not going as fast that Iā€™d risk serious consequences.

TNP thinks itā€™s weird how the Americans and Aussies seem to have more powerful cars but lower speed limits than we Europeans.

False. We donā€™t drive as good as Europeans, so the speeds have to be lower to compensate

TNP agrees

To be honest I donā€™t know. Even. False. I think itā€™s not an assessment of skill but rather an assessment of the conditions and culture and the cars.

I mean Iā€™ve tried the road trip in the US, in a touring car. It was terrifying: driving 85mph with steering so vague I canā€™t tell which way the car is going while packed into a two lane carriageway isnā€™t my idea of fun. In Australia, most cars have more direct steering feel, and while the roads are narrow, the speed limit is more like 65mph and thatā€™s pretty strict. Then there was this one time I had to make a dash through the country on a single lane road before dawn to get to the hospital 160km away. That time I averaged 100mph >_> I literally set the cruise control and held on for dear life. Never again.

TNP has a tuned ECU.

False. Best way to make my car faster would probably be sell it and get the 90hp variant.

160 km/h is normal highway speed here, single lane road is something different though. Iā€™ve gone 140 km/h (the lose-your-license-limit) on country roads more than 1 time, which is where it starts to feel sporty but not dangerous under good conditions.

TNP has a slow enough car to somewhat stay within traffic rules while driving it hard.

True. My Civic had 126 hp when it was new, and Iā€™m pretty sure it lost most of that.

TNP would buy this manā€™s Volvo:

True. Iā€™m a sucker for all Volvos, donā€™t ask why.

TNP has accidentally brushed their teeth with their siblingsā€™ out of sleepiness

Nop. Datā€™s nasty

TNP is nasty

I guess so, since I have done that

TNP is a fan of rally

Nah, I donā€™t like it that much.

TNP knows what potatgratƤng is