True or False: Forum game


Also, my only console is a PS2 and I won’t give up on it until I get 100% on GT4

Continuing from @Fayeding_Spray,

Yee - Star Wars: X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter. 1997 REP-RE-SENT.

Shite! Ok, umm,
Now continuing from @PottoGadd
Yes! I actually, genuinely, definetley love Coleslaw. But never in a sandwich.

TNP has played Doom.
(which of course is an excuse to play the Doom theme )

The new one or the original one? True for original, false for new.

TNP is feeling the nostalgia now.

True, they call them the good ol’ days for a reason.

TNP has played Wolfenstein 3D (the first FPS game ever.)

False, INSURGENCY B**ch! Get on the Real Player’s Game!

TNP has played Insurgency before

COD elitists can go fuck themselves.
Also, I have never heard of Insurgency.

TNP has always wondered what on earth Sticky Keys are

False, they interrupted my game once…and only once…

TNP feels my pain.

No, because idk wth they are

TNP watches Roadkill and always roots for Freiburger. Atleast I do…

Tralse. I watch Roadkill, but for the entertainment.

TNP still uses at least one piece of hardware that’s over 5 years old.

True, my car’s ECU is almost 16 years old, that’s hardware right?

TNP got forza 6 really late

False, I get everything online usually

TNP also usually orders stuff online

True, in fact it’s the only way to get Automation as far as I know.

TNP likes m&m’s.

Oh, they are soo guude.

TNP is Future Bass.

Depends, are we talking bass or bass? Are you implying that I play a bass guitar?(Which I own but am horribly out of practice) Or that I am a fish?

TNP has played a musical instrument in the past but is also horribly out of practice.

Tralse, I currently take piano lessons, but I never practice xD

TNP enjoys taking long walks at night.

those are fun!

TNP has been to Japan before.

false… would love tooo

TNP likes this