Close enough… It’s hard to stay it…
TNP is Chiptune Bass House. (Okay by Tokyo Machine, so guude)
Close enough… It’s hard to stay it…
TNP is Chiptune Bass House. (Okay by Tokyo Machine, so guude)
A few times. Not fun when you end up sick.
TNP is sicc
TNP knows their friend is out having a bunch of fun that you’ll never have due to being lifeless
Yup. I got invited once. Never again. I guess I’m not likeable IRL for some reason.
TNP has tried Bose headphones
True. Stenheiser all the way (or what ever the actual name is)
TNP is an eliteist.
False. i’ll save my rant for another day…
TNP feels Humanity is too disconnected from Nature.
Absolutely cannot disagree with that.
TNP thinks humanity is doomed and stupid, we all suck so we should all die
TNP also says of Doom.
I was until 3 minutes 43 seconds ago.
TNP had to get up early for something today
False. I actually slept in for once.
TNP is free…
Umm… on some aspects on me that are NSF this forum…
TNP doesn’t wanna know
TNP likes Arctic Monkeys.
Tralse theres some cool drumming kinda.
TNP knows that most heavy metal is based on classical music theory/practice
True, it was a boost to our economy and now the Chinese have taken that away from us
TNP hates going to nightclubs
TRue too many people and flashing lights…plays with my PTSD
TNP has a blue helmut from a previous “Job”
Don’t know what that means.
TNP is a 9 on the Richter scale
False, closer to zero
TNP cleaned a Honda today