True or False: Forum game

False. Cleaned a Hyundai, though.

TNP is eating lunch.

False, as it’s 12 am here.

TNP watches Initial D

Tralse, seen the entire series already, so sad it’s come to its final end :frowning:

TNP has seen Wangan Midnight

Fuck yea, the movie check, the games check, the anime check

TNP likes rotaries

True, braap braap

TNP cannot take the heat

False, I prefer heat over absence of heat. (weather wise)

TNP is not Deskyx


TNP has been in weather colder than 30 degrees celsius with windshear.

true, below 0 (Fahrenheit even!) Common during January for the Midwest US

TNP is subscribed to Markiplier on YouTube


TNP thinks Android is superior to iOS yet still uses it

True. I got my iPhone for free, but it’s shitting itself (Bs inbuilt kill-switch, yadda yadda)

TNP is alone, nothing feels like home.

Alone in bed yeah, but not at home. Nothing like home indeed,

TNP doesn’t live in their home country (i.e. birthplace)

False, but I will move out soon (because I’m escaping serving in the army which is compulsory with the threat of jail here)

TNP lives in a country with a monarch

True. If you don’t mind me asking, where is this @Noporian?

TNP still eats Froot Loops (god they’re so fuckin goooooood)

*note: not a TNP answer

Finland, you have to do army or civil service for around a year or alternatively go to jail, however you can skip it if you have a serious disease like cancer or a bad mental disorder, but I have neither and unless the law is changed as an under 30 year old I’d have to do it. My work doesn’t require me staying here anyway so I can come back after I’m past that 30 mark.

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*also not a TNP answer.

@Noporian I was aware of that, I have a few older Finnish contacts who went through the army and Navy, but I did not know there was a possibility to get charged with crime. I guess being next to Russia makes you paranoid :smile: I hope it all works out fine for you. I forgot all my Finnish. Hyvä suomi!

*still not a TNP answer but someone respond to ramthecowy’s TNP question

It’s relatively easy to skip and not get charged, you only get charged if you avoid going to the questionings of where you wanna go or if you choose to do it. I just don’t have a good enough reason to skip it so I’d be charged with avoiding it.

God I fuckin’ wish.

TNP is a Hero Car.

False, I am a Human

TNP is an ant

Heh. I know people who have faked mental illness to escape serving.

I didn’t know it was that bad in Finland. According to my friends, Estonian military service was at times fun, at times boring, but never anything worth dodging. I myself wasn’t drafted due to health issues.

False. I am the antagonist.

TNP has driven a Soviet car

False. from an old motortrend review one almost came stateside but they realized they would have been a stupid decision, especially since it was a vehicle produced since like the 50’s or 60’s, and this was the 90’s. they even made mention of the “hand crank feature”

TNP has also seen that review