True or False: Forum game


TNP is ready for today to end

I just got up and so true.

TNP has gone without food for over 24 hours before.

I’m amazed at how you think voting in the warmonging hag who knowingly cheated in every debate, fucked over her fellow democrat’s victory in the primaries, has the entire media very obviously shilling for her, takes donations from foreign governments such as Saudi Arabia, destabilized the whole Libyan region letting it turn from one of the richest African nations into a hive of terrorism, started a non profit foundation that they took over 94% of the raised revenue for personal raise, and married a rapist is a good idea.

And False I couldn’t imagine that… 12 hours yes but not 24

TNP thinks untended gardens look uglier than no gardens.

1 Like

False. One of our neighbors has a yard that is just dirt. It looks like shit.

TNP is tired of politics.


TNP is finding it hard to embrace the future

false… my only hope is the future. my past is bleak enough already. which is why i’m such an optimistic person, sometimes, TOO optimistic

oh yeah. post 8888!!!

TNP want to go to japan to participate in the Kanamara Matsuri

Go to Japan period even lol

Also I wanted post 8888, oh well

TNP wants no politics after tomorrow

I want no politics (unless funny) yesterday.

The next person likes genetically modified products.

Of course. More food for less water and less growth time with optimum flavors? I see no drawbacks.

TNP thinks the 3G Eclipse wasn’t that bad.


TNP wants everyone to shut up.

@Deskyx addressing some points you made about Clinton earlier:

The tl;dr is coming at the top because that’s my main point. shut the fuck up. If it was Clinton and another candidate or Trump and another sensible candidate we wouldn’t be defending either of them. Why should we now? To stop political bias or something? People need to form their own opinions and opinions can’t be wrong.


All very well and sadly quite true.

  1. the media is rigged. It sure is, but it doesn’t help trump’s image that he’s a fucking dipshit. This is the guy that used the adjective “bigly” on national TV. He had one chance to gain significant traction with Fox News except… they’re filled with people of his own league harassing women and for that Fox got shredded. That being said, it also has to do with the start of the election. Everyone thought Trump was a joke. And he is. You remember that Epic Rap Battle of History between Hillary and Trump that came out recently? Obviously people started moaning that it was rigged but if you step back and look at the bigger picture, you see that the entire series doesn’t really represent the people in it. They’re all caricatures. Heres the problem, nothing Trump has said or done can be made to sound any worse. Sure, they didnt bring up the terrible things that Hillary did and they might have favoured her after all, but Trump wasn’t all clean either. What Speedemon may have been in jest but it has an ounce of truth to it - he is a joke. And so is Clinton.
  2. this idea that everything is rigged. Open your fucking eyes, that’s willful blindness at its best. After the FBI released those 61k Clinton emails saying “all OK” what did diehard republican voters say? “The FBI is rigged.” Are you kidding me?
  3. Clinton has experience. Simply judging by the list of things she has to her name you have written yourself, she has no idea what she is doing. On the other hand, Trump saying that he’s going to arrest and deport all Mexicans is stupidity from the bottom up. Trias politica anybody? Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of the Laws in 1748 - that’s 268 years ago. If Trump thinks he can do that as president he clearly doesn’t know the fundamentals of the government at all.
  4. that either of them will start a war. Both make this a very real possibility. Clinton abuses her power with no regard to the consequences and Trump has no diplomatic experience and can’t keep his mouth shut. While they may not get the express permission from other branches of the American government, guaranteed someone will declare war on America.
  5. neither of these nitwits have told us what they’re going to do or how they’re going to do it. I’m pretty worried what’ll happen to economies around the world.

false, I’m cool with talking until the mods come along and tell us to shut up.

With that, let me just say that somehow being anti-Clinton was made more okay because Trump was there, which is weird but makes sense. I’m not convinced that all the accusations routinely levelled against Clinton are true, but regardless they have traction because she’s very much representative of the machine, the establishment, the thing that’s seen to serve its own interests. Her credentials and her money and her trust and her relations are double-edged swords. (Trump’s money comes from a lot of shady things of varying degree of questionably American-ness, but some might argue that’s American in itself. I have no comment.)

So really what’s extraordinary about this election is that it represents the proportion of people who are so fed up with things that they’re eager to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Whether that be cutting their nose to spite their face or the other way around, they’re willing to embrace incompetence, unpredictability, bigotry and possible damnation because more of the same is a worse despair. Probably the majority of the people who do vote for Trump have no idea exactly what it is they want to stand for, but whatever it is, it’s not the life they’re living now, and that’s good enough.

TNP gets it now.


I do.

And this truly amazed and shocked me every single day.

TNP likes shaving.

EDIT: POST EDITED. I was clearly asking for a fight despite trying to keep political discussions way. Edited to include less rhetoric and just a statement of my beliefs.

You’re trying to equate being a dipshit to being a warmonger who has costed the world millions of lives with her support of the Iraq Wars and action in Libya. Trump is a joke yes. He’s a sleazeball, a caricature of the detached billionare. Clinton is a horrorshow. The embodiment of the modern politician. Corrupt to the core. I simply cannot fathom how you can equate the two.

Willfull blindness is thinking Clinton is still somehow the same evil as Trump even with all the leaked emails. Forget the Spirit Cooking and Comet Pizza Ping Pong pedophile ring bullshit, let’s talk about the more realistic ones. About how she knowingly cheated against Sanders in the primaries. I don’t like him either but I’d take him before Trump. Everyone was all for wikileaks when they leaked Bush administration corruption sometime ago but now they’re being called agents of Putin.

Not every Mexican is an illegal immigrant. Not every illegal immigrant is a Mexican. He cannot deport lawful citizens of the United States. Giving them all amnesty would just render immigration pointless.

I don’t believe you become a successful businessman if you burn bridges. Clinton is the one far more at at odds with Putin with blatant McCarthyist tactics with the wikileaks scandal calling everything a Russian tactic and bringing up Trump’s friendship with Putin.

And true btw. Hate unshaven beards. Really itchy.

TNP thinks silver/white hair is cool.

Honestly, true.

TNP can think of something to talk about that doesn’t involve politics, please?

(Yeah, I’ll admit, I’m rather very annoyed that we’ve got such a rotten choice of presidents this time.)

Yes. Cars! Automation! Pizza! Sex! Music! Anything is really better than politics really

TNP also doesn’t like Wolf Blitzer

True, but it involves a bit of cooperation, and cooperation isn’t what we have right now. Speaking of which:

You’re not allowed to make a rant and then attempt to have the last word by telling everybody to stop.

Either you edit your post and retract what you’ve said, or I will respond. That’s the whole reason it’s so easy for this discussion to be volatile. So you should lead by example, instead of pouring oil on the fire with your inflammatory rhetoric and then asking somebody else to smother it.

SNIPED: Wolf Blitzer? What’s that?

TNP has a crystal ball.


TNPs hair is so long that they can tie their hair with a band/ribbon

@Deskyx let’s end this political discussion right after this very comment. Trump made it anyway. Also, if your friends leave you because of your political views then they’re not really friends are they.


The next person has drifted in reality on dry pavement.


TNP will taste the essence of their soul.

Done. We’ve all weighed in our thoughts anyway.

False I never spun the wheels

TNP will help me to my left foot shaking when driving manual.