Tycoon Starting Region

Yeah, I think when making your profile, you could pick your name and nationality I think. At least, that should definetly be in!
I think for us it would be good to have BeNeLux together in one region, but being able to choose your city of operations (main cities like Amsterdam, Brussels, Liege, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Eindhoven for example) Or even better and not too much hassle, use some sort of city picker like Google Maps haha!

^^^ I was going to suggest that. Also, some cities could be added as time passes. You know, cities grow, and, for example, if in Brazil in the 50’s the best places to build car factories would be only metro SP and RJ, in the following decades other state capitals and medium (around 200,000 inhabitants) towns would also be available.

I’m not sure this feature will be relevant to the game. It wouldn’t be beneficial enough to the gameplay value to warrant the coding time. Sure it would be easy enough to code, and it would be interesting to include the development of the geography in the modern world, but it wouldn’t really make a difference apart from where you can sell your cars. Would be a good thing for modders to add additional cities post-release though.

Yeah, it won’t be on a city level, but population and wealth will change over time in region for sure.

Would transportation of raw materials play into the areas you plan to build plants? For example in Detroit and Lansing they have easy access to raw iron ore from mines in Minnesota, steel from Philly and Pittsburgh, etc plus a really good rail network to supply material and ship finished products. Where as if you start in Denver you will need to pay a bit more to ship materials to your factories, but gain a edge on more consistent shipping of cars due to its Central location (giving you a edge on selling on the West Coast compared to the factories back East).

Materials cost would probably change per region, to reflect the cheap availability of steel in steel making regions for example I’d say.

That will add realism to the game which will make it more dynamic! Sounds like you guys got the plan pretty much down already :slight_smile: