User Levels

Hi, My name is Musicman27, I am new here. I’m not sure how the user level system works and I would like to know. I did not find much information in my (albeit brief) search.

I Do have forum experience on the Beam.NG Drive Forums (2300+ Posts as of now. My Profile link: Musicman27 | BeamNG) but I have never encountered this system before. Can someone please explain it?

Levels are gained by using the forums, both reading posts and replying/creating them. It’s basically an anti-spam measure and as you gain trust (levels) you unlock more features.

There aren’t a lot of them and it isn’t a gamified system; you should have access to all the basic features pretty quickly by spending a bit of time perusing and posting a couple of replies.

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Well I figured those parts out. I’m just wondering how many levels there are and what unlocks them.

Thanks anyways though!

You’ll have access to four of them: new user, basic user, member, and regular. They’re unlocked just by using the forums normally and not by doing anything special.

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