VVT Kick-In Adjustments

I was thinking you should be able to Fine Tune when the valves open up, Like in real life you can buy hondata if you have a honda and change when VTEC kicks in, (Just a meer Suggestion)

Currently you would only be able to make it worse, since it automatically switches cams when the low cam torque is less than the high cam torque.

Well then a new cam profile should be created like VTEC… or something probably will be made due to the fact you will be able to replicate honda engines aswell.

There is no real point in setting the VVL change over to anything other than where it will make the most power. The reason aftermaket Honda ECUs let you do so is so that you can make the most of a different cam that might want a different changeover point

oh ok was just wondering, i still am in the world of Push-rods :slight_smile: cause thats what i love the most.