Median Stats posted: viewtopic.php?p=79054#p79054
20th to 5th posted: viewtopic.php?p=79197#p79197
Reviews posted: viewtopic.php?p=80088#p80088
I am running the Steam version of Automation, if you are using the Standalone, you must use Vanilla content only
MODS: I will allow all Steam Workshop mods, I have all of them subscribed currently.
[size=150]Wonderfully Huge Automobiles both Luxurious and Exquisite[/size]
It’s 1997, the economy is in the middle of the Dot-Com boom and is showing no signs of slowing. With this huge influx of wealth more and more people can afford, and are looking at getting their hands on the hottest luxury cars available on the market. Seizing this opportunity your company finds this an irresistible chance to produce some top tier cars to not only rub elbows with the likes of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Bentley, and other big names in the lands of luxury, but also a to try to get a piece of the high profit margin that a luxury line can bring.
Year 1997.
Minimum Wheelbase 101 inches.
Must be a Sedan (No plebeian Hatchbacks or Coupes) NOTE***
Must Seat 4 or more
No Carbon fiber
Minimum weight: 2-Tons Short (1814.3kg or 4000lb) EDIT: Weight was lowered
Maximum Engine displacement: 6497cc or 396.47cid
Minimum Engine displacement: 2500cc or 152.55cid
Engine Internals: No Titanium Rods
Valvetrain: No 5-Valve
Intake Manifold Restrictions: No Race Intake
Exhaust Manifold Restrictions: No Race / No Long Tube
Muffler Requirements: Minimum of One Reverse Flow
Catalytic: Must be equipped
Tires: Medium Compound only.
Fuel: Regular, Premium, or Super.
Minimum Fuel economy of 18 MPG (US) (Better then 13.07L/100km)
Minimum Safety of 50
Maximum Total Cost: 40,000
End of Rules
A Sedan can be 2 door, or 4 door. A Sedan is a medium or large body vehicle which has an A/B and C Pillar. A Sedan has the ability to seat 4 or more, and the roof line is nearly the same height both front and rear. A Fastback 2-Door Sedan is acceptable, but only one body in the game meets that, and it is a little older. If you have any questions on this, please feel free to post a question, or PM me.
Positive Stats:
Prestige (Very Overvalue)
Comfort (Overvalue)
Drivability, Safety, and Reliability (Avg Value.)
Sportiness and Off-Road (Under Value)
Negative Stats:
Maintenance Cost (Very Undervalue)
Environmental Resistance (Very Undervalue)
Stats not counted.
Fuel Economy (added for clarification)
The top 4 submissions will receive reviews by retired LHE founder Fredrick Legroidian, who is a crotchety old coot.
Naming Convention:
Submission Deadline: July 31st 11:59:59 PM PST 2015
Submissions: 20/20
01: Madrias: Storm Baron LX
02: Wargames: WDC Tree
03: Leonardo9613: Baltazar Beluga Big Apple Bling Edition
04: Tycondero: Astana Crown Monarch 5.0L
05: DoctorNarfy: Nickle 8 Spec
06: Riso: Riso Motors Cetacea
07: Blasterspewpew: Desert Motors Ironwood
08: JasonPoland: Polmot Luksor
09: Reeve509: LMT S97
10: NormanVauxhall: Iurlaro Teodora 650 Perla
11: VicVictory: Ardent Motors Manhattan Platinum
12: Pyrlix: B.A.N. Nimbus LLK
13: HighOctaneLove: Bogliq Ambassador
14: NiuYorqCiti: Ponni Lussoporto QT
15: Titleguy1: Rennen Staccato JL edition
16: Urbanliner: Daiki Mercury 6.5 LX
17: earincon198: Ignis Superbia 600
18: louras: PLM Zeus
19: Strop: Sei
20: KrispyDoughnut: Simon Panther 640