Weekend Warrior C-Spec - [DONE]

When will the results be released?

bins are coming out either today or tomorrow



Judging is done, and I could post bins and laptimes already, but there’s an issue.

Out of the 26 entries, 13 have been binned and I’m honestly quite confused by this. What happened? Were the rules too confusing? It can’t be the rule changes during the deliberation phase; all the binned cars would have been disqualified by the original rules anyways. If you could give me your thoughts about this it would be highly appreciated.

Since it would be dissapointing to have half of the entries binned I’m giving a second chance to fix entries with minor rule breaks that don’t affect stats. These are:

@ErenWithPizza - No front indicators

@the-chowi - No reversing lights

@karhgath & @GAlexZilla - No front indicators

@KSIolajidebt & @Tsundere-kun - No rear indicators or reversing lights

@Oreology - No front or rear indicators

@Xepy - No front indicators

You have until Tomorrow 18:00 CEST to submit a fixed version of your entry. Don’t change anything else or you’ll be binned.


Hi, the indicators are integrated into the DRLs or tail lights, it’s all OLED/Lasers.

The problem is that the indicators don’t flash, so I can’t tell that it actually has them.

Someone could just say the indicators are there even if they forgot. I’m not saying that’s your case, I can see the effort you put in your car and can tell that it was intentional, but it’s a rule I think I have to enforce to avoid more problems.


I posted this in discord and sent an updated version - I can’t speak for everyone with the same issue but this is what’s going on with mine:

Here’s the it with no indicators on:

Here’s it with indicators on and with DRLs still on:

Here’s it with indicators on and with DRLs off:

Auto light rendering does wash it out on mine, but it is there and visible when DRLs are turned off. It is definitely still subtle, so the updated one is a lot more visible, with the mirror light added as well.


Yeah ours might be similar or just forgot to put the indicator strip, will verify when I get home. The goal was similar, kinda emulate the strip being multi function, which is not possible without dual strips and playing with light visibility.

Also to be clear @Danicoptero , this is really only for normal front indicators that we were dinged right, not side or any other.

yeah, only front indicators in your case

Do you want the same file back that was sent in the first place, to overwrite the old submission, or should I clone the model and family? Also seeing as some others had 2 missing lights as well, I hope this won’t bring me calamity, but I also don’t have side indicators (unless you count the front DRLs that wrap around to the side) so I went and added those if those are even required

As long as it has the same stats as the original, I don’t care.

Side indicators weren’t required.


I’ve had this problem before. It has to do with the bloom from your DRL washing out your indicator.

Easiest fix was to make your DRL strip thinner, and sandwich it between 2 thicker width indicator strips. Also, check that your housing lens illumination setting is set to Headlight instead of Running Light.


With all of the minor infractions being now fixed, it’s time for the actual bins.


@VaporRossa - Martins EXP-55

Binned for using negative quality (-2 in safety). It looks amazing and would have been a competitive entry, maybe not top 5, but it would have placed high.

What makes it worse is that you didn’t even save any money by reducing quality, so you got worse stats and a bin for no reason.


@PhirmEggplant - Vulcan GTC

The car had no username and I had to search this thread to find who it was. It also uses unleaded 98 fuel instead of 100.

Desing is not great, specially the rear. It’s too much of a mess and you should have hidden some of the wings.


@VibingWithOllie - Erebost

Binned for having to much tyre quality (+6). It also has no indicators or reversing lights but if that was the only issue it could have been fixed.

The design is good but I took some points for originality because it’s literally a Porsche 963.


Left: @ScintillaBeam - Venstech Aggressor EVO
Right: @crwpitman1 - Torrent Niagra EVO R

Both binned for having a rear tyre profile of 30. Additionally the Venstech doesn’t have indicators or reversing lights.

Probably an oversight. You changed tyre width and didn’t notice the profile going down.


Left: @Djadania - BetterDeal Blönder
Right: @SpeedyBoi, @variationofvariables & @yurimacs - SSB-Quezon Adarna

These two are technically legal, but I warned about cheesing too hard.

They both use a glitch to get infinite grip and they never have to brake, thus getting laptimes under a minute.

The BetterDeals is the fastest of the two and it looks like a cardboard box as usual. You knew this was coming, no surprise here. Burn the witch.

The Adarna actually looks like it could maybe go that fast. Insane design 10/10, it looks a like a VGT. But you
flew too close to the sun and you got burned. Not even Miku can save you.

Legal entries

@iivansmith & @chiefzach2018
@That-S-cop & @Portalkat42
@Vento & @happyfireballman
@KSIolajidebt & @Tsundere-kun
@karhgath & @GAlexZilla


It was close at the top, but @Oreology takes first place closely followed by @moroza in second and @iivansmith & @chiefzach2018 in third.

Remember this is only one of the priorities, so even if your car isn’t at the top here you might still have a chance. Although @Oreology also gets bragging rights for building the fastest car.


That ping scared me bru😭


Whoopsy daisy on the -2 safety

I learned that one from Knugcab


dang woulda been around p6 if i hadnt been binned, prolly around p7 accounting for the +1 too much quality

Looks like it’s gonna be a fight between the top 5 :sweat_smile:

Istabin here, did anyone elses time not import well? Imy car ran a 2:04 when i exported it. :thinking:
Not that it matters apparently i forgot to put my username like a derp (again) but im just curios if something happened to my setup on export.

Disregard this post, i was being derpy, it was another entry i had ready.

I’ve gotten 3 thousandths slower too for no explicable reason - my car is the exact same file that I sent to the host. Not like it changes anything though :sweat_smile: still surprised I’m even in the top 10 since I’m not the best tuner out there