Weekend Warrior C-Spec - [DONE]

I thought I might have made a mistake, but I just checked and this is what I got.

That’s normal, lap times in auto can have a little variation, specially for faster cars.

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I would like to come out and say that these were the stats of my car:

Stats that the car had

@Vento, for the car you sent to @Danicoptero, did you change any aspect of the car or send a different version of the car?

when I get home I’ll check my file to compare, maybe i mixed up the time on two of my concepts?

Yeah my apologies, it was the car i scrapped in favor of the more performance looking car…

We’ll take the bragging rights for the fastest car with semi-slicks (and most uselessly comfortable car) for now, not sure it will help the Apex that much for the rest tho :wink:

Nice to see a big lap times battle at the top as well!!

oh well


I sacrificed everything (comfort mainly) to go from 2:14,0 to 2:12,99 (my actual time) only for it to have zero impact on the positioning


Well, I’m not surprised by this more central ranking, because of personal preference, I’ve given top priority to the BeamNG’s driving experience

At first, it scared me, I thought my car would be binned with this ping, hahaha! Looking at the lap times, I knew at first that my car would lag behind, since it’s front-mid engine, RWD, and manual transmission. To be fair, I know I won’t win this competition, but I guess I have a better chance to have a slightly better ranking this time, since I took my time (a lot of time) to make my car’s stats more realistic and better. I can’t wait to see the end of it!

To be fair, I can agree with this one. My car will be exported to BeamNG repository at some point, so driving experience is my priority.

car go fast ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


These are the cars that aren’t good enough and the ones that missed the brief.

About the comfort stat:

A lot of entries have a comfort stat of 0 or close to it. To avoid repetition, I will only mention comfort whenever I review a car that does well in that stat .If I don’t say anything about it, you can assume it has terrible comfort.

19. Crowley Hawk Speed Twelve - @the-chowi

  • Lap time: 2:23.54
  • 0-100 km/h: 3.46s
  • 100-0 Distance: 29.9m
  • Downforce: 841kg
  • Top Speed: 401km/h
  • Power: 1033hp
  • Weight: 1111kg

In last place is the Crowley. Stats are not great, with most of them being average or below average. Acceleration and sportiness are the worst ones, but it suffers the most from having low prestige and one of the slowest laptimes. Failing at two of the top priorities means it was never going to place high.

It looks pretty good and there’s nothing wrong with it, but it doesn’t reach the level of the top cars.

18. Millennium Super Aero II - @greenrun1986

  • Lap time: 2:15.58
  • 0-100 km/h: 2.07s
  • 100-0 Distance: 30.1m
  • Downforce: 1032kg
  • Top Speed: 375km/h
  • Power: 1009hp
  • Weight: 1301kg

Like the car before, the Millenium is average or below average in most stats, but thanks to solid reliability, a faster lap time and beign tied for the best drivability; it gets ahead of the Crowley.

Design is mostly fine, but the weird horizontal fins ruin it for me. It feel like they have no purpose and are there only to fill some empty space. I also think the rear wing endplates would look better if the were the same colour as the body, but that’s more of a nitpick.

17. Clari Trèra - @Vento & @happyfireballman

  • Lap time: 2:45.03
  • 0-100 km/h: 3.47s
  • 100-0 Distance: 30.4m
  • Downforce: 223kg
  • Top Speed: 297km/h
  • Power: 313hp
  • Weight: 1110kg

Before I start with this one I want you to know that there was a mistake with this submission and I got an older version of the car. However, I will review the car I got.

The Clari is the slowest car by over 17 seconds, it’s the only one that can’t reach 300km/h and it has the slowest acceleration. I don’t know if you can even call this a supercar by modern standards, let alone a hypercar. On a more possitive note, it has the best drivability, reliability, fuel economy and the cheapest price. Comfort is also good, but it doesn’t really matter when your performance is several steps down from the competition.

Design is simple but good at the front, but the sides are almost empty and the rear isn’t as good. It’s also too tame compared to most of the entries.

16. Hypervan - @ErenWithPizza

  • Lap time: 2:13.00
  • 0-100 km/h: 2.60s
  • 100-0 Distance: 25.5m
  • Downforce: 2480kg
  • Top Speed: 330km/h
  • Power: 861hp
  • Weight: 864kg

I have to be honest, ever since I hosted the original WW, I’ve been hoping that someone would send me a van or a truck. I don’t have much to say about the design. It’s called Hypervan and it’s a pretty fitting name. It obviously misses the brief, but it’s also kinda cool even if it is a bit too simple.

As for stats, it has a decent laptime and the best braking distance, the rest is average. This was never going to do well, but you have my respects for actually trying.

15. Comet-Bar Aether 9-2 Atomique - @That-S-cop & @Portalkat42

  • Lap time: 2:15.70
  • 0-100 km/h: 2.40s
  • 100-0 Distance: 29.0m
  • Downforce: 841kg
  • Top Speed: 391km/h
  • Power: 831hp
  • Weight: 707kg

A mostly solid car that is let down by a couple of terrible stats. It scores above average in most stats, with SVC being the stand out at only $4758.1, thanks in part to using semi-slicks instead of racing tyres. Unfortunately, it’s also the worst in both prestige and safety. The former is a 4-Star priority, while the latter is a 3-Star. Failing at these two is enough to get it eliminated this early.

On the other hand, design is amazing and fitting for the most lightweight car in the challenge. I specially love the front suspension being visible through the holes and the rear end.


Well, that’s what I get for rushing :sob:

It looks great though imo

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Justice for the Clari :fist::pensive:

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I feel like I’m next on the chopping block due to poor lap time…

Surprised that we’re out quite this early, but I knew we weren’t going to be that competitive. I was kinda hoping the no frills concept of the car would shine through and outweigh the low ish prestige score. (Like where would you actually put infotainment in this thing that would heard over the engine and wind noise? Also infotainment means more weight and weight bad.) Safety was always going to be scuffed though with this much power in such a small car.

To be fair, I expected my car to be in this part of the list. Although my car is not one of the best performing when it comes to lap times, I really am surprised that my car got slightly better in the ranking. Well, I expect my car to be ranked around the last positions in the next part of the list.

And also, I sought for driving experience in BeamNG, like the other guy said previously, and I’ve previously mentioned about that. I don’t care that much about my car being the fastest one (top speed for my entry car is 364 km/h), I’m looking for something like Gordon Murray’s cars have to offer, but in a front-mid engine car instead of a rear-mid engine car.

For a really fast car, I have some few trims of the model in mind, such as one of them that has another 8.8L OHV V10, but has 1100+ bhp and 820 lb-ft of torque, which goes up to 416 km/h of top speed, that’s what I talk about when it comes to be the fastest of the front-mid engine cars.

Also, as for a bet about whoever is going to win this competition, I believe Oreology has higher chance to win, because his car is gorgeous and also the fastest in the competition.



These are the midfielders; decent cars that don’t really stand out from the rest.

14. free - @Turbofreak88884444

  • Lap time: 2:21.83
  • 0-100 km/h: 2.09s
  • 100-0 Distance: 29.8m
  • Downforce: 824kg
  • Top Speed: 391km/h
  • Power: 869hp
  • Weight: 1193kg

Yes, this car is just named “free”. While the design has some good ideas, I cannot say it’s good. The rear wing is mounted on the diffuser and is massive even for a car of this segment. On the other hand, you don’t need so many struts for a splitter of that size either. The single off centre reversing light seems really out of place too.

For better or for worse, nothing stands out in terms of stats. It’s the second cheapest car at $157000, maybe it would have been better if you had used more of the budget.

13. Vermilion Promethium GTO 540 - @Flingang

  • Lap time: 2:27.23
  • 0-100 km/h: 3.05s
  • 100-0 Distance: 29.9m
  • Downforce: 1204kg
  • Top Speed: 364km/h
  • Power: 852hp
  • Weight: 1400kg

Good drivability, SVC and comfort are nice; but having one of the worst performances of any car in the challenge and the lowest sportiness stat means this is as far as it gets.

Design is good, not a fan of the colour, but that’s not a big issue. The headlights look weird though, they’re too low. Having the headlights fully in the bumper seems like a bad idea.

12. Viettor Vescaya XR - @Oreology

  • Lap time: 2:02.93
  • 0-100 km/h: 1.88s
  • 100-0 Distance: 26.8m
  • Downforce: 2464kg
  • Top Speed: 368km/h
  • Power: 1951hp
  • Weight: 1121kg

Despite beign the fastest car and having a gorgeous design, the Viettor only places 12th. It has the lowest prestige of any car left, but when you have perfect scores in the other 4-Star priorities it’s not that big of an issue. Reliability is low, but there are cars with similar reliability placed higher. Service cost are in the $24000s, but again, other cars with similar SVC are placed higher. What really kills the Viettor is an awful, awful drivability of just 5.4.

Design is amazing, the first 10 so far. It’s really low and slick, it looks like it cuts effortlesly through the wind. Even the indicators placed at the last time are great. This car is as fast as it looks.

11. Leisurely Feilian GT1 - @Kitami

  • Lap time: 2:16.57
  • 0-100 km/h: 1.85s
  • 100-0 Distance: 26.9m
  • Downforce: 2485kg
  • Top Speed: 351km/h
  • Power: 832hp
  • Weight: 934kg

We go from a 10 to another 10. While it’s a different concept to the previous car, the Leisurely also looks amazing. It’s highly detailed and looks menacing. One of my favorite details are the WEC position lights on the side.

Stats are a mixed bag. It has the fastest acceleration and the highest sportiness, as well as a low braking distance. Despite this, laptime isn’t that great and it has low prestige and drivability.

10. Cordelia F399 C-Spec - @Ananas

  • Lap time: 2:20.45
  • 0-100 km/h: 1.96s
  • 100-0 Distance: 28.5m
  • Downforce: 2007kg
  • Top Speed: 336km/h
  • Power: 913hp
  • Weight: 1165kg

While prestige and top speed are a bit low, the Cordelia doesn’t have any big weaknesses. It has good acceleration, sportiness and surpisingly low service costs. It’s a an average car, not the best but far from the worst.

Design might be simpler than the top cars, but it’s good. The front fascia is a bit weird, but I like it. I have a feeling this is a modified GT3 car: things like the quick release latches, tow hooks, air jacks, kill switches, etc. There’s a lot of small details that elevate the design. What I don’t like is the rear, specifically the massive exhaust. A taller wing might have looked nicer too.


Now this is epic

Aha. Detuning for the sake of stats may have been wise after all.

Now that I can finally see the whole car, I’m even more impressed by Oreology’s entry. I expected him to place better due to that wicked fast lap time.


Yeah, it was a good run when it lasted. I knew I would be eliminated now. I mean, I decided to go with front-mid engine and RWD, which means it’s not easy to drive, and sportiness would be affected. But what matters is that I went towards BeamNG driving experience, and still did not get among the 5 last positions.

As for the color scheme, I painted it that way, because the Promethium as a solid metal has that metal gray color, and as liquid has that green color. I admit that I should’ve been removed the flakes, but I didn’t know that apparently people don’t like flakes in the Automation paint, and it was too late. I mean, it looks better in BeamNG.

As for the headlights being in the bumper, I made it that way, because if I put them a little above that area I put them in, the hood and bumper connections would be seen in the headlights, so that’s mostly the car model’s fault.

But anyway, good luck for everyone else who’s still in the next round! It was good when it lasted.

Same here, it seems like I lost my bet.