Weekend Warrior C-Spec - [DONE]

It was three spots short of what I expected

Isn’t it useful to change the headlight layer either?

Even if you change the headlight layer, the result is the same. The hood connections get under the headlight and is visible from there. I mean, could’ve been better, but it is what it is, unfortunately. And also, I don’t think that if my headlights were in that position, it would look that good either, because the connections would be visible and would look weird, and also I’m either not much of a headlight in a way higher position, like I’ve seen in some few cars. If the headlights were a bit higher without interfering in the fixture mesh at all, I’d make them like that.

Man, considering the competition, I thought I’d be eliminated by now. It seems like overall balanced played a bigger role than maxing a few specific KPIs.

Are you referring to this?

Yeah, that’s one of the reasons why. Also, I’ve experienced the fact that my glass was a bit affected by the hood corner lines, but if you can suggest me how to fix that, I’ll see what I can do about it.

Maybe I’ve found a way According to your original design, the part of your turn signal can actually be blocked. The one that is in the gap.

The easiest way to do this is to cover it directly

Hmm, I guess I should try to see if I can fix it. Thank you for the suggestion and for spending your time with this!

These parts are not affected by gaps

If that doesn’t meet your requirements, you can try making your own headlight shape, which can cut out that gap directly.

I’ve managed to fix the issue, but it took me about two hours or so to do that.

(This is not my car I’ve used for the competition, but another trim of the same model.)

I guess if I’ve made the headlights like that, it could’ve gone a bit better in the ranking, but it’s too late now, so it is what it is. I’ve heard some people mentioning to me that the headlights looked a bit too low, and now I can see that I could’ve been much better if I made them like that. Maybe I’ll make another limited production car that will go to a similar competition later.

But I’m glad the host mentioned about that, and you also told me how to make it properly, so thank you all for that. And I apologize for spamming questions quite a bit in the thread. First, about the text formatting, and now, about this stuff, and I know I was being a bit off-topic here, so I apologize for that. Lessons learned.


Yeah, nah, I was literally speedbuilding the entire thing and I didn’t have time to tune everything so I said “fuck it, we ball” :laughing:

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I mean, you literally had a nice design to send, and in your ad, you said that the car you’ve made would be subject to change, meaning that it wasn’t a final product. I thought you were going to improve your car in performance, but since you have work, real life, family, and stuff, I guess it’s quite understandable for speed building it.

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Oreo only got to round 2? This is rare

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Best of the rest, I’ll take that. I know I don’t quite have the hypercar sculpting skills that some others here have, but I’m glad you noticed the details. I did indeed take inspiration from GT race car versions.

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I’m curious. How much time do you spend for a speedbuild and how much for a serious one?

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he would have full 3d monocoque in his normal builds