Why are you called...?

So, this is run on another forum I’m part of, so I feel like that should be a thing here. I’ll start

I’m called Vri404 on a lot of things, including steam and twitter. This name, Vri, came about due to, and I’m ashamed of saying this, Roblox. It was a character I had on a game, and he lasted for a long time. I began using the name everywhere. It literally means nothing. The 404 part comes around because of “Error 404.” So, if you want to find me on places, look for Vri, Vri_ Vri404, or Vri_404.

So, lets learn of how some names came around.

I came up with TrackpadUser at least 5 years ago back when I was playing Garrysmod with a crappy laptop and no external mouse.

I liked it, many others liked it as well, so it stuck, even though it’s been quite a while since the last time I gamed on a trackpad.

Slim Jim is a double entendre. It refers to myself, as well as the snack food I used to eat a lot of.

This guy.

I’ve been using the same name online since like 2003 since switching away from AOL, named after this guy en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niall_of_ … e_Hostages it seemed clever at the time and i’ve been too lazy to change it since.

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About 3 years ago I was playing DarkRP on Garrysmod and decided to change my RP name. The default first name was John, and for the surname I used the first word I thought of, which was Microwave. This then became my username for every website.

When I was 12, I had to create an ail account, and like all other 12 year olds, I thought it would be cool to make it using my name and numbers (at least I didn’t go for something like pussydestr0yer). When it came to buy automation, I didn’t really understand forums and stuff, so I thought I was never going to use this account, so I just used the same combination of numbers I have used in my email, and haven’t been able to come up with something better since.

I used to have more complicated names when I was in school. Then my little creativity died and I just enjoyed having a simple and professional username. Hence KLinardo. First initial and last name.

I don’t really care if people look me up. I have nothing to hide. One day I might think of something good, but until then, simple is good.

Mine comes from a log time ago, I love racing and raced Quarter Midgets for 9 years, 5-14.
My first name is Kevin, so my name backwards is Nivek. I used Nivek for a while. In real life I got a nickname Kevracer. until I came up with Nivracer. First 3 letters of my name backwards then added racer onto the end of it. Most people online call me Niv or Racer if they don’t know my real name.

i had this name for so long i forgot why i came up with it, all i remember is i tried making a youtube account back in '06 and i tried to name myself cpufreak100, but i screwed up the password so i made another account just adding a one onto what i had already, hence the cpufreak101, and many people call me cpu for short, i use it everywhere since it’s easy to remember having known it for so long, and also for the 2nd most creative thing i could think of already being taken

Mine’s actually the same reason as Vri’s. At the time, I thought the name sounded cool, and as I couldn’t think of anything else as my ROBLOX username, I used that. The name stuck and I now use it for virtually everything.

Um… My name is Aaron, and I live in Reno… Things got shortened and usernameified.

A long time ago in a galaxy far away… Jedi Knight Dark Forces II. 1997, on the MSN Gaming Zone. I used the handle Lordred, and it stuck ever since.

Long story short, I’ve been using a cartoon horse as an avatar for over 10 years. It’s a good abstraction from questions about my real identity, most details of which I don’t mind divulging but given my profession it’s always best to keep an extra degree of separation to my personal online activities in general, to deflect cursory examinations and probes by employers.

I started by using a longer form of my current handle to go with my avatar, and had that for a number of years. Sometime in, I think, 2007, while being bored writing a research thesis, I started playing an MMO [size=50]about horses*, yes, I know, I like horses, don’t judge me![/size] One of my friends there decided ‘alright, I’m stick of typing out your full name, so from now on, I’mma call you strop.’

And since then, it stuck.

*[size=50]Like 99.5% of the players were girls aged 10 or less, and most of the rest were either bored middle-aged housewives/single parents, or bored female college students. Both of the latter groups tended to be moderators. Not surprisingly, I became one myself. Let’s say the experience in the moderator group was very different… I learnt all kinds of new shit.[/size]

My name was born a few months before joining this forums, in 2012. I was going to play an online game with my friends, when i realized i needed a better name than… well, that’s another story… so, my favourite game at the time was Gran Turismo 5, i really liked it, to the point of having 800 cars in my garage. So i fused my IRL nickname with “GT5”. Aaaand it grew on me. Well, i’m also known as EnryGT and EnryGTX.

Here we are. :stuck_out_tongue:

Side notes:

@Lordred: Hell yeah I loved JK. In fact, because I currently am home sick with sinusitis and my brain feels like it is made of cotton wool, I whipped it out and just played through the whole thing yesterday :laughing:
@EnryGT: I feel a little shortchanged seeing as I went so far as to reveal the embarrassing parts of my own story. I think you are obliged to tell us what your original name was!*

[size=75]*I bet you it was something like Pu55yD3str0y3r, wasn’t it.[/size]

[quote=“strop”]Side notes:

@Lordred: Hell yeah I loved JK. In fact, because I currently am home sick with sinusitis and my brain feels like it is made of cotton wool, I whipped it out and just played through the whole thing yesterday :laughing:
@EnryGT: I feel a little shortchanged seeing as I went so far as to reveal the embarrassing parts of my own story. I think you are obliged to tell us what your original name was!*

[size=75]*I bet you it was something like Pu55yD3str0y3r, wasn’t it.[/size][/quote]

ENRYSPEED. IN ALL CAPS. Yup. I had zero class back then , you know, being 10.

Well, the name Speedemon does not have a story. I just came up with it when I joined these forums.

BUT my other name, which I used to play minecraft with was BooYaBusta. That came from the mind of a 10 or 9 year old so what were you expecting? I was too lazy to change it, and then it came to the moment were I wanted a youtube channel. I spent around a half hour thinking of a name. All the good names were used and I could not think of anything. Then my friend said “Why not use BooYaBusta?”. And then it stuck. Now my youtube channel is named that and on every game I play my name is BooYaBusta.

Mine is rather, storyless. I came up with the name nerd73 in January 2014 on a computer forum, and it stuck ever since. My name here is just nerd73 without the 73.


im glad i’ve changed my usual nick name. sit down son. this is gonna be a bit long

back in 2006 i think (i was 11) i wanted to try playing NFS most wanted online, so i tried to pick a nickname. i was so prideful because i was relatively good in any racing games (emphasis on relative) i thought of the phrase ‘get ready to get wrecked’ then truncated to ‘getready’ and then elevenified to ‘g3tr34d1’. and seem like a good one AT THE TIME.

so i used that for a few years, and in a few forums here and there, and still used now sometimes.

couple of years back i started to realise that is a stupid name, but i’ve already built up that name a bit, so i haven’t changed it. but did use my newer nickname where i can make new.

as to my current nickname. i have a friend that likes using his initial 3x a his nick. so i thought i’d do the same. it was ‘kkk’ but what does that stand for?
so creativity came by and flew again. i ended up with ‘koolkeikei’ [size=50](which i still use for gmail)[/size] but then decided it’s a bit too long, so i shortened it to either ‘koolkei’* or ‘keikei’ and i use it interchangably.

[size=50]* don’t look up my username on reddit unless you are into weird porn shit like /r/rule34 /r/rule63 or /r/futanari. if so then i am your weird porn shit guy. and i look up those shits a lot

**again if you are not into weird porn shit, don’t google up any thing i just typed in small size[/size]