Mi suggestion is: is possible to modify the windows (especially the side windows) form like puppet ward or similar?
I think that this idea is great to make modern cars without use a modern body with a fixed windows designs.
Another suggestion is to put different side mirrors, and the option to add the blinkers in this one.
The last suggestion is that the design of the body will affect the CX. To calculate the CX, this is the equation: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistenci … %C3%A1mica (is in Spanish, my language, but you can translate this). The important part is the point 7 (en automovilismo-> Ejemplos de coeficientes aerodinámicos de coches).
The last suggestion is that the design of the body will affect the CX. To calculate the CX, this is the equation: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistenci … %C3%A1mica (is in Spanish, my language, but you can translate this). The important part is the point 7 (en automovilismo-> Ejemplos de coeficientes aerodinámicos de coches).[/quote]
I have thought of this also and I would like to see that morphing the body would affect the size of engine bay also. Here is straight link to the same wikipedia-page in English. CX could also be “rough” estimation without the exact calculation but it’s little weird that the front shape of the car doesn’t affect the drag.
I don’t think there is a good way of modifying the windows with the way we do bodies.
Side mirrors is also kind of painful to do correctly such that they connect nicely to the door, we did try, but it ended up working better having them as part of the car.
Calculating Cd from body shape is also actually quite hard, as you have to try and work out from a whole bunch of vertex positions, really not that simple, though I think some crude changes in drag would be possible.
Does weight and balance change as you morph the car? I never really checked but can I drag the boot out farther to counter act a heavy engine up front or shrink the back of a hatchback in to save weight?
The Cx is a theorical value, but (I’m studying Industrial Technology), the fixed values are the air density (1,225 kg/m3 at 0 meters respect the sea level and 25ºC), and the recent version of Automation can use for this is the S (frontal surface; in cubic meters) and the speed (the most used speeds they are 120 km/h, 50 km/h and the top speed), and for the Cx (coefficient in the x axis), you can use the wedge (use the sinus or cosinus (Sin or Cos) of the angle of the body, depends (look trigonometry and aero).
I don’t remind the name of Russian engineer, that he published a book that explains a method to find the real aero coefficient without, no abstract values.
More bodies are being worked on, including SUV’s and pickups. Please use the search function next time. This has been discussed many times before. (Can’t find related topic because I’m too lazy atm )
for the windows, why not have it so the where the windows are, are plain solid panel while stretching.
I would think this would make the body morphing easier.
Then have the windows as an adjustable stamping/texture in the fixtures menu - like the grilles and vents are.
There is not going to be interiors so it won’t need to be cut out, just black panels.