So here’s an idea i was playing galactic civilizations 2 today and i really like how after each turn that research is completed you get this little news desk type animation with a custom text box and animation describing what you completed an what it means for your people.
so it hit me that something along those line for this game would be great, the auto industry is very much tied up in marketing and presentation, it would be so cool to have an little pop up news reporter thing that talks about your companies advancement weather it be a buyout of another company or radical new design. i believe it would help greatly with immersion.
of course this may be too complex to include but you could do something simpler like in sid meier’s railroads where specific things trigger a newspaper front page to popup with a single head line about what your company did, now that would seem a bit to simple and non-realistic coverage of an advancement because not every development deserves the front page of a national news paper but you could do something like having a different magazine popup for a specific area of advancement i.e an engineering magazine rave about your newest engine that produces x horsepower or an car and driver/motortrend type magazine do a road test of your newest car with simple pros and cons or an economist type of magazine talk about your business savvy or practices.
and if you did do this kind of system you could make it age appropriate like having different looking magazines for each era for instance in the 50’s having drawn pictures instead of photo realistic looking ones or adding film grain in the 70’s photos etc. the 21st century could change the magazine look to a webpage style prompt even. this system would also help with showing the progression of time and the advancement of technology.
what does anyone else think good idea, bad idea what are your thoughts.