Zero Expectations Racing Cup (COMPLETE)

Saarland, stuck in 47th place it seems like :smiley:

Round 5 Results

it all gets decided after this, boys

Google Sheets Version

WE ARE SO BACK, GOOBER BROS. That thing is so absurd since it has so much grip and downforce, that it does more than enough to make up for the bumpiness of this track, and I felt way more confident in it than any other car.

Speaking of the other cars, this round hasn’t seem to have affected the overall leaderboard as much as the others, but there is still 1 more round left to decide. Are the positions set in stone already, or could the last track majorly change around the order again?



damn, I really suck at racing challenges.

Troll car almost get into podium

We are sooooooo back GOOBER BROS

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Round 6

Map Link

time trial is included

The track that sends off the challenge is another off-road rally stage. This is admittedly quite an old map, but still great fun with lots of height variation; in my opinion, it still holds up as a great rally track.

Unlike the track in Somerset, there are much less fast sections separating the corners, so grip is a much more important factor here. So now being that this is an off-road track, does this mean that this will be the track to change everything up? Will the Testicular Torsion even complete the track with such little room for a run-up over an incline? Everything will get decided this round!


>dirt track

Well, now you know the meta for next time:


Round 6 Results

Google Sheets Version

The final round of the challenge comes to an end, with the Koyota and Mara Xenia once again dominating everything, but still with plenty of position gains in the top percentile.

And of course, we got our first and last DNFs from our (least) favorite cars at the bottom, which following the aftermath of doing so, they might not be capable of doing any more racing.


After almost 2 months of ZERCin’ it, the madness has finally came to an end. Was it a mistake to have to include 6 whole rounds of this? Probably. But there’s no denying that it was hilarious to see some cars dominate one track, then struggle for dear life on another. Thanks everyone for joining this absolute silliness once again.

Top 10:

  1. @ctesiphon - MM400+
  2. @ctesiphon again - Koyota Yougo Crazy
  3. @Djadania - BetterDeals HPD Death (embarrassing for the 47 other cars)
  4. @T0M - AT GOOBER
  5. @GassTiresandOil - Armor Cricket X
  6. @Mausil - seila
  7. @ScintillaBeam - Roblox Sedan
  8. @moroza - Nordwagen Valkyrja
  9. @AndiD - Mara Xenia
  10. @conan - Maxwell
Full leaderboard after the style multiplier + class leaderboards

Extra awards
  • unfunny testiculartorsion flm ← excluded because I HATE THEM SO MUCH

Speedrun Award (Earliest submission): Mausil’s mr and seila, submitted a day and ~6 hours after submissions opened

Starting and Finishing the Essay in the Last Hour Before it’s Due Award (Latest Submission): Vento’s Capable Tiller, ~3 hours before submissions closed

The Car Possessing the Absolute Longest Most Lengthy Most Extended Most Prolonged Most Stretched out Most Protracted Name out of all the Cars Submitted to the Zero Expectations Racing Cup Award: Jimmy John Randal Yankee USDM Viper Cobra Mustang GTO FerrariKiller V8 V12 Free Download FranceHater

srtst nm: E

NO REPLACEMENT FOR DISPLACEMENT THESE DAMN KIDS AINT GETTIN NOWHERE BEHIND THE WHEELS OF THOSE DAMN HONDERS THEY DONT MAKE EM LIKE THEY USED TO ANYMORE GAHBLESS AMERICA - Sent from my Samsung Smart Fridge Award (Largest displacement): Jimmy John Randal Yankee USDM Viper Cobra Mustang GTO FerrariKiller V8 V12 Free Download FranceHater with 9941cc

Coca Cola Sized Engine Award (Smallest Displacement): Angriest Kei ever and Aero Keai at 660cc

Miata Gapping Supercars at a Trackday Award (best difference between perf index and final position): seila, 36th highest PI, but finished 6th, a difference of 30 places

Life F1 Award (worst difference between perf index and final position): GigaCruiser Dakar, 5th highest PI, but finished 40, a difference of -35 places

Bringing the fastest car in the game to the Sunday Cup in Gran Turismo award (largest time gap): Mara Xenia and BetterDeals in round 3, where they got times of 3:56.868 and 4:20.537 respectively, a 23.669 second gap

Photo finish award (smallest time gap): DCMW and Pingu Zorg in round 2, where they both TIED with a time of 3:21.033, and I somehow didn’t even notice until I looked closely at the times for this award.


I have already agreed to collab on another AutoBeam challenge which is due to launch very soon in time for April Fools. Stay tuned; it should be even funnier to troll two people at once. :flushed:



Im sure it doesn’t feel nice for 47 people to be beaten by BetterDeals.
Troll complete, return to writing April Fools post.


missed the podium by 3 points ahhhhhhh

Still very happy GOOBER ended up 4th despite going offroad more than it can handle :D

great stuff, it’s been a lot of fun to watch
GG WP to everyone

btw if there’s anyone interested in detailed comparison of ZERC you can checkout a spreadsheet I played around with for a while → ZERC But With More Stuff - Google Sheets

Im very happy with my positions, MR and Seila. fantastic driving on your part. very fun to whatch , cheers! :smiley:

Thank you for a fantastic season of racing and silliness. Honestly more entertaining than F1. Gutted AT Goober missed the podium. :sob:

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It even beat the top time in PAIN. Maybe I’ll do this again with the TROL winner? :flushed: