Official Car Design Competition (UE4 Open Beta)

Here are my category entries…
Category C

Category E

Category F


and u all guys know that moded wheels and fixtures are not allowed

Well, they are “allowed” but you’ll shoot yourself in the leg because they won’t show up at all :stuck_out_tongue:

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Apart from the wheels all the other mods are labelled “Mod”…as far as I am aware.

And all of my wheels come from the “red batch” which are vanilla…

Alternatively…my cars will end up featureless…

This is the second betta entry. The Betta Cayelle Luxuxry Sports SUV.


Current judging status

12h total judging recordings

Completed round 1 & finals: R
Completed round 1 judging: A, B, C, X
Half finished round 1 judging: D, E, H, Y
Not started round 1 judging yet: F

I will prepare an intro and start editing the round 1 judging videos today.


1970s light sports don’t get enough love.

Post your D bois


Category F

1Machariel H20TFX

2Machariel H20TFX

3Machariel H20TFX

4Machariel H20TFX

5Machariel H20TFX

8Machariel H20TFX


Out of interest, how many people put one in for every catagory?

I did, including the ad category.

I was figured I didn’t have much of a chance in cosmetic design, but I entered anyway with an H entry, and only an H. Hopefully I didn’t use any mod fixtures, but I had a hard time telling. I turned off Steam mods, but that only works for the Kee version. :frowning:

All the fixtures and bodies have a “mod” tag except for the wheels, and as stated above the thumbnails for the mod ones are different than the vanilla ones.

If there is a single exception then my mind will doubt the whole rule. That’s just the way I am.

Here’s my Competition C entry, in case you all wanted to see it.


From another angle…


I entered a design in each category except for Category Y; I just ran out of time before the deadline.


Category A

Category B

Category C (Also Category R)

Category D

Category E

Category F

Category G

Category H

Category X

Some of them turned out better than others, looking back on them, but overall I’m reasonably pleased with hwo they turned out.

Competition C, intended for R but I messed up on the email submitting it to C

Competition F - Had a 90s Civic in mind when making this

Competition G - Wanted to see if I can one up the Pontiac Aztek on ugliness. I'll let you be the judge

Competition H

Competition X - I made this vehicle front engine but had a bug where it kept placing it in the back with the transmission sticking out. Hopefully that doesn't get any points deducted for it.

Competition Y - Figured an MRAP was thinking outside the box enough.


No points were subtracted from the score for the transmission sticking out of the back, it is solved by selecting monocoque chassis and reselecting the drive type.
I was very lenient with people not submitting to Category R correctly, entering them in C + R if they just sent a C car with an ad attached.


My Competition Y entry.


That’s when I realized it wasn’t a 1980s era premium sedan, but the goddamn loch ness monster!

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