Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

Started 21st, climbed to 9th, fell to 11th, pit and fell to 24th, fought back to 21st.

Nice typical Cavallera race.

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You restarted, so you have a new team, of course things will be a little more difficult. Next season you will do better. Focus on developing Design Headquarters to win good amounts of car design points. (just donā€™t forget the rest, like manufacturing and simulator, for example)


So, whoā€™s tires do I need to set on fire this round, and who needs their gas filled with oil so that I can win one for once?

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Shackā€™s fuel tanker please


MWR tyres, please


ayy donā€™t be messing around with my stuff

looks like weā€™re very much running the risk of a rainy race todayā€¦ 10-11C and partly cloudy at the moment, but rain is guaranteed in 4 hours from now

I donā€™t think itā€™ll rain. If the race were 1h later, then maybe, but during the race time I donā€™t think so.

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Yesterdays race has shown how fast a race can go wrong just because of TRAFFIC. Who gets some clean fast laps after the start and doesnā€™t get into china after the first pit, is basically the winner.
Itā€™s gonna be hell for a fight for the drivers championship till the end. It seems some teams also found the right strategy for them. Good Luck to all.

Belgium freezes over tommorow.


As I said, Iā€™m trying something stupid again. Probably wonā€™t work, butā€¦ Iā€™ve found stupid decisions seem to work in my favor.

Iā€™m trying 2 different strategies, couldnā€™t decide on only oneā€¦

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Hmmā€¦ Current stupid strategy, or an alternate stupid strategy of one-stop supersā€¦ Tough decision.

One-stop supers isnā€™t stupid, is suicide. The tyre wear of the track is too high, donā€™t be fooled by the small amount of laps, the track has 7km.
I suggest one-stop softs or two-stop supers, thatā€™s what Iā€™ll be running.

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Gonna be two-stop supers, both cars. Though I was trying to remember how much tire I had left in the previous race.

@Sillyducky ready to stream?


gg MWR

couldā€™ve been better. but still my best performance so far :slight_smile:

Well, Iā€™ll admit, it didnā€™t work, but I didnā€™t have the tires blow up. Yay for last-minute mid-race strategy changes?

i totally underestimated tyre wear levels, so i was lower than i would have liked