Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!


Damn! One of the best finishes of the season for me, sadly only in the last race :grin:

ErinSport GP announce that Jack White will become the teamā€™s reserve driver, and in his place Alessia Bimler will become one of the teamā€™s main drivers, alongside Samuel Brown who maintains his position. Miss Bimler is a Slovenian driver who raced with Soasoa and The Skipping Brigade from 2013 to 2014 and is making her return this season.

ErinSport would like to thank the many other competitors of this competition for a great first season, and looks forward to a hopefully even better season 2.


Well, for season 2 Redhawk Racing will definitely fulfill the factory name of Redhawk Performance Group (aka: RPG) as Iā€™ve been given super acceleration [26] but absolutely no friggin brakes! [2]

So you may need to call out ARRR PEE GEEE! when you get passed by one of our cars.

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I have some Okay stats for my new car, except for a 1 in Fuel Ecoā€¦


Well clearly your cheif designer has a fuel eco weakness unlike mine which has a strenght in downforce, gave me 24 points in that and 25 points in fuel eco because logic

Well, if youā€™ve spotted any unidentified flying objects, itā€™ll be us.


Having just changed some suppliers (to get more fuel eco)

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RPG Racing (yea, slight name change) is literally an RPG for Season 2!


Heres mine

Everyone will fly by me in the braking zones at the start of the seaon but other than that a pretty good car.

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Well for some reason i slept like a baby for 12 hours last night. Didnā€™t even setup the car. And didnt remember this was the last season race, thought it was tommorow. Gg guys.

No ragrets though. 12hours of sleep. Itā€™s worth it :slight_smile:

well damnā€¦ my carā€™s a miata

everything is goodā€¦ except for the engine power


Had more or less the same problem as @koolkei.

Here is mine, the game gave me a really well balanced car:

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dafuq. thatā€™s an average of over 20. O_O

HOW??? is your chief designer a 5.5 start or something?

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Not really, but I donā€™t know how eitherā€¦

that explains itā€¦
their salary is over 200k allā€¦

how are you even still making money??

Iā€™m not :sweat:

I really donā€™t know how Iā€™ll keep it, without the sponsor bonus itā€™s impossible. Maybe if I sell one of my drivers

I have the best cooling. R U jealous??? bet u r


Okay i am jealous of your statsā€¦
But i have a feeling that next season is gonna be a fight instead of a raceā€¦ A fight to keep your teams alive.

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Iā€™m already working on it. Iā€™ll change my drivers and will keep only 2. But I donā€™t know how Iā€™ll keep my cars running.

Blackbird racing would like to announce a few changes for the new season regarding engines and tires.

It has been announced that we will switch engine and tire manufacturers for the next season. We will be using Tifosi engines to boost power and Michigan tires to improve grip. We are proud to have our two new partners for the second season. We will be keeping Subtotal as our fuel provider, as they have served us well in the first season.

I got a good starting point tooā€¦

downforce and tyre economy are clearly a weakness but itā€™s not too bad

hereā€™s my staff, and yes, Iā€™m making money