Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

It would be nice, if manually promoting is possible to ensure enough competitors in every group.

I have found out that you can’t manually promote someone, so that is off the table. The next choice is creating a new league for other players to join.

if you do that, leave it till the end of this season

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I think the promotion/relegation system is better, even if it’s automatic. How many of us go up and down each season?

Only 3 people get promoted each season.


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Here is my idea:
We have 2 leagues. The ‘‘GP1’’ (kinda top tier)and the ‘‘GP2’’ (tier 2 + newcomers). Before the begining of the next season (lets say there are 16 competitors and 4 newcomers) the top 10 teams in the standings will be participating in the GP1 league and the 6 others + 4 newcomers in the GP2 league so we have a 50/50 split. At the end of the season let’s say 4 teams from the bottom of the GP1 will be sent to GP2 and the top 4 from the GP2 will be promoted to GP1. And any newcomers will start in the GP2 league and we may compensate to keep 50/50 split between leagues.


@ramthecowy and I have creaed a Cavallera + Blackbird sandwich! :stuck_out_tongue:

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What Matti suggest seems like a very good idea. On top of that I would suggest we run the races at different times such that it will work better as the newcomers and those performing not so well have already voiced that their schedule isn’t conducive to the iGP timings we have now.


I think the 2 league Idea Is great. If there isn’t enough newcomers I could always join with my 2nd account that I have been using for practise for this. That way I will actually have a reason to use it agian, plus It could be a benchmark for new and old teams to aim for as I came 3rd last season and am currently winning this one. I won’t mind the extra time I need to take as I have quite a bit spare, even when school is on. Also It wouldn’t get promoted as I already have a team In the top teir so If I somehow end up winning the second leauge, you won’t have to worry about me double teaming you guys :grin:

Just a thought, If people had the option to get promoted if they are eligable it would be better that a straight up promotion


Qualifying has started!

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And thank the IGP Manager gods its a dry race


Memory reseated, check. 4GB of ReadyBoost just in case, check. Both Gigabit LAN connections working, check. Hopefully no problems this time.

checked the hourly weather forecast… our race may very well be rained upon

technical issues?

I restarted my computer and it worked, but 28th place is at the front of the grid…

Refresh the page and try again. I had to do that.

And glad to see all 12GB of memory present and accounted for this time.

yeah no fair, I’m meant to be on pole :disappointed_relieved:

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i’m not able to join either…

Shift+F5 the iGP Manager page. Not the race one, the one you’re launching from.