Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

If you are struggling for money and you are lvl 7 with a young drivers acadimy, get a talent level 7 + driver, train them till they only go up by 4 progress and auction or sell them. 1 lvl 7 driver selling give or take 5 mill, aution give or take 10 mil base

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How does the young academy works? When you scout a driver he will have your lvl?

Doesnt it cost like 10 tokens to get one of those drivers though?

Here it costs 1 token

Can you sell a driver thats only been scouted or can you only sell them after theyve been hired? I heard it costs 10 tokens to hire a driver.

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Now I understand what you’re talking about. I wanted to know this too.

Edit: I’ve tried to scout some drivers, got 3, two with 1 of talent and one with 2 :disappointed_relieved:
To promote it to your team (hire it) it costs 15 tokens :open_mouth:

Selling lvl 6 TD:

race in 12 hrs might wanna do som practise for the race peeps

@Leonardo9613 which level are you now?

not to brag, but i have an 8 in my youth academy…

only talent level 8?

I’ll just put this here:

you know you can go to the league page and look yourself

I think he means level 8 not talent of 8.

in the youth academy you only get shown talent so it will be a talent of 8

ok mr showoff race winner level whateverthefuck.


I’m not saying you can’t be happy, I’m just saying that I found getting talent 8 + fairly common

Would you guys rather me be all secretive about advantages that I may get? I can do that if you want.

Also I don’t mean to “show off”, I think of it more as throwing away secretive advantages to hopefully make the feild closer and make races more interesting for everyone

Level 6 still sadly.

@UMgaming it’s not about being secretive, rather not talking in a manner that passes as arrogant and showing off, and you’ve managed to do that despite the spelling errors.

still level 7… i have the feeling that next season is the last season before the top guys are gonna get transferred up into the pro league

Also level 7.

@UMGaming i was being facetious. i thought the ALL CAPS RAGE gave that away

ok I shall stop, sorry if I came accross as ignorant and as a show off, that was not my intention