Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

Damn, we have all qualified very closely for today’s race. Good luck y’all!

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Looks like we’ll have quite the good battle!
Good luck!

Now selling:
You have 3 hours.

Sorry for double post. Also selling this level 7 chinese mofo:

He’s won a few races for me, but I don’t think I have the financial capability to extend his contract again and put up with a $410k salary.
He’s pretty good value if you ask me.

Any Chance of More Spots open Next Season? I’d like to Join but says League is Full.

Indeed it does and there will be a second league opening at the end of this season.

I still don’t like the idea of a second league, it will split people into two groups and it neither will ever benefit. See how splitting Indy into champ car and IRL worked out, the combined audiences of both was smaller than the original sport, iirc.
What does that tell? People will lose interest, rivalries will mean less, either because there are too many races or because there will be fewer people to rival with.
And what if everyone wants to go to the new league? How will the entry slots be handled on that one?

I think that we still have people that don’t actually play, you can see as Galt Racing Team and LVC Team always use Medium tyres, don’t fix their cars (so they have suspension problems as last race in both their cars) and never speak here at the tread or at the discord.

We can open more room to who actually want to play. Isn’t reach us, just like @Leonardo9613 did even though he entered latter.

I’d be willing to bow out. I have no idea what I’m doing.

I have tried to be active in this, so please don’t count me out.

We should make a list in next 2 weeks, who is willing to participate in the next season. If we don’t reach 16 players, there is no point in making more leauges. There is a problem in having 1 league and promoting thing enabled. It is that there will be 3 teams racing for themselves in the pro section and that is no fun either.

The best 3 will race alone for 2 seasons, yes, but then everyone will start to reach there. It will take some seasons, but I think it’s worth.

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And then i can take the top 4 positions in some races since ill have 2 teams in the pro league

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How about a new rule. If you are inactive for 15 days then you are kicked out due to inactivity.

So @KLinardo, I can count you out.

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I think this one is interesting, but if someone need to stay away for some time, he/she would need to warn you about it and won’t be kicked, what about it?

Yea, if they are away they should contact me saying they will be away.

EDIT: I have kicked out 2 people now. @KLinardo because he wanted to, and another one for inactivity (over 25 days). There is another person I will consider kicking for inactivity as well.


I occasionally miss races, but I do try to be there. Plus, I’m having fun bumbling my way through strategies and trying my best to win, even though I’m nowhere close.

So I’m going to say I want in on the next season, even though I’m utter crap at this game.

Crap? I can say that you’re the hardest guy to pass.

Hardly. Maybe difficult, but there’s far harder people to get around.

Fuck. I missed the race. Anyone know how it went?