Car Company Directory

Name of car Company: Helron
Owner of Company: IDK158
Website or Forum Thread: Helron Auto Company | Automation Lore Wiki | Fandom
Country of origin: USA
Established: 1945
Company ID: 1945060

Name of Car Company: Bergstrand Motor Company
Owner of company: Sully
Website or Forum thread: BMC- Bergstrand Motor Company
Origin: California, USA
Established: 2020 28th January
Company ID: #2020444

Name of car Company: Tiharris
Owner of Company: IDK158
Website of Forum Thread: Tiharris Luxury Automobiles | Automation Lore Wiki | Fandom
Country of Origin: UK
Established: 1945
Company ID: 1945007

Name of car Company: MALVA (Malmö Automobil och LastVagns Aktiebolag)
Owner of Company: Ch_Flash
Website of Forum Thread:
Country of Origin: Sweden
Established: 1945
Company ID: 1945404

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Name of Car Company: Dagel Premium Motor
Owner of company: @Skygel14 / DPM
Country of origin: EU - Spain :es: / Canada :canada:
Website or Forum thread:
Established: April 1996
Company ID: #19961414

Name of Car Company: MARUSSIA Motors
Owner of company: @bundaev
Country of origin: Russia :ru:
Website or Forum thread: Marussia
Established: 2007
Company ID: #2007178

Name of Car Company: Yuno Automobiles
Owner of company @TubroTerra
Country of origin: South Korea :kr:
Website or Forum thread: Yuno Automobiles
Company ID: #46727

Name of Car Company: Dalluha Coach & Motor Works (DCMW)
Owner of company: @moroza
Country of origin: Dalluha
Established: mid-1930s
Company ID: #1935666

Name of Car Company: Norðwagen, DCMW subsidiary/rebadge. Nordwagen and Nordhwagen are acceptable spellings.
Owner of company: @moroza
Country of origin: nominally Hetvesia, de facto Dalluha
Established: 1963
Company ID: #1963666


Name of Car Company: Sportacc-Tyto Motoristica
Owner of company: The MiG
Established: 5th August, 2023
Country of Origin: :it: Italy
Company ID: #2023203
Website or Forum thread: none

Company Groups, Brands and Departments
  • Sportacc Automobili (ICE cars)
    Established: 14th December, 1946
    Brands: Sportacc
  • Tyto Automobili (electric vehicles)
    Established: 29th July, 2023
    Brands: Tyto, Ambra, Fuliggine, Facciagrigia, Maggiore
  • Sportacc Competizioni (racing and development)
    Established: 17th November, 1948
    Departments: Sportacc Squadra Corse, Sportacc Sviluppo
  • Sportacc Componenti (parts and components)
    Established: 2nd March, 1955
    Departments: Sportacc Metallurgica, Sportacc Tecnica, Sportacc Rivestimenti

Name of Car Company: Velusso Automobili
Owner of company: Silence
Established: September 1st, 2023
Country of Origin: Italy :it:
Company ID: #2023091
Website or Forum thread: Velusso Automobili

Name of Car Company: Modessi Motori
Owner of company: Silence
Established: October 12th, 2023
Country of Origin: Italy :it:
Company ID: #2023092
Website or Forum thread: None

Name of Car Company: SCM (Sorgere Compagnia di Motori)
Owner of the company: @Bebo
Website or Forum thread: SCM (Sorgere Compagnia di Motori)
Established: :it: Northern Italy, 1974
Company ID: #1974120

Name of Car Company: Hikaru J.K.G (Hikaru Jūkōgyō Kabushiki Gaisha or Hikaru Heavy Industries)
Owner of Company: Yuiichi Hikaru, @MoteurMourmin
Website or Forum thread: Hikaru Heavy Industries (光重工業株式会社)⁸
Established: :jp: (Japan) Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, 1958
Company ID: #1951135

Official Banner:

Badge on car - 1970 example:


Name of Car Company: Volaro, a subsidiary of VOLARO Group (2008-present)

Owner of Company: (JTS, 1996-2008 - unknown - MJS, 2016-present)

(or, @DoesStuff)

Website or Forum thread: (Not yet)

Established: Malaga, Spain and Spain’s Asturias :es: mid-late 18th century, most likely 1763

Company ID: #1763-708

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Name of Car Company: Summit
Owner of company: @Sandstorm
Website or Forum thread: (Summit Motors Lore)

Company ID: 198736
Established: 1966, Nevada USA :us:
And a random 3 digit number of your choice: 763

Company Logo:


Name of Car Company: Maibatsu Motors
Owner of company: TheSaltyPixzel
Website or Forum thread: Maibatsu Motors
Established: 1984, Japan
Company ID: 1984411

Name of Car Company: Avian
Owner of company: @Sandstorm
Website or Forum thread: TBD

Company ID: 295620
Established: 1964 Melbourne Australia :australia:
And a random 3 digit number of your choice: 843

Company Logo:

Name of Car Company: BHI Group

Owner of company: @JustARandomCrackhead

Formed: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 01/03/1958.


Forrest Motors - Consumer and Sports Cars, Brisbane, Australia, 12/12/1930.
Offenbach Automotive - Prestigious Luxury and Supercars, Berlin, Germany, 03/09/1904
BHI (Brisbane Heavy Industries) - Military and Fleet Vehicles, Brisbane, Australia, 01/03/1958

Website or Forum thread: WIP

Company ID: 1958042

Name of Car Company: Vulcan Automotive

Owner of Company: @imnotchildish

Formed: San Francisco, California, America, 1/27/1969

Forum Thread: Vulcan Automotive Lore

Company ID: 1969284

Name of Car Company: Rivera Motors
Owner of company: squiddude2578
Formed: Atlanta, Georgia, United States, April 23, 2015
Forum thread: Rivera Motorsports - #6 by squiddude2578
Company ID: 2024489

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Name of Car Company : Al-Zayid Mechanical (AZM)
Owner of Company: @AuntUnis
Formed: Al-Nemrah, Dalluha, April 09 1928
Forum Thread: WIP
Company ID: 1928581