Drag Racing Challenge ROUND 13: 3 Cylinders Light Weight Sport Budget! Deadline 15/11/2016

Congrats @AirJordan on another sweet victory!

As for me… I’m not so good at this drag racing gig… :laughing:

Can we agree to ban @AirJordan from all these contests /s

I see no problem about @Spool making the rules (I was thinking about a challenge everybody using the same body, or 2~3 different bodys options, if anyone want to use the idea feel free, I don’t think I will win anytime soon again)

(And I vote yes, @Fayeding_Spray, maybe putting him as a side runner, just to compare the times hahaha)

And no banning of anybody lol, just need rules that do not cater for their style…hint limit bodies cough cough engine placements cough…ahem. Nothing to see here.

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Nice win mate! Out of control weight. @Darkshine, what were the base times in the end?

I’m about to go on a callout now - but I’ll put together a set of criteria tomorrow morning before work. Please bear with me as I’ve not played most of these body styles or even engine options that much (was using these comps to have a better look) so it might be a bit…loose.

Given that some entrants in the previous round omitted safety devices from their entries, will we again see a minimum safety value being implemented for the next round? I wouldn’t want to load my entry onto a trailer to and from a dragstrip, and prefer to drive it there and back.

That’s completely up to @AirJordan or his designee.

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Its all good for spool to make the rules and tara to b champs pick. But you have all forgotten something…airjorden you my friend are the breakout champion as well, so you get to pick track still. The times have not been posted But i am sure john can rectify that. I know that airjordans car ran 10.50


Safety? What’s that?


Shit thats quick! :joy:

you were the closest, but still half a second off. you were also overpowered, but it was by 1hp and your car was undriveable, so it all evened out :joy:

Drag Racing Challenge Round 11 - You can go fast…but I can go anywhere!

The year is 2010. You are part of a eccentric club of former salt lake racers that go camping every summer in your 4WDs and drag race each other with the wife and two terrors in the back. Unfortunately times are tough and the race car gets all the good bits so the cars aren’t lightning quick, plus you’ve got to keep the family comfortable and safe so unfortunately the following restrictions apply.

SUV style body within 10 years (Wagons or Utes)
No Space Frames.
Must have 4 doors.
No limited production on body.
4x4 only.

No CNC or Forge works parts, or magnesium blocks
Max Loudness 35
91 octane fuel

Automatics only

Comfort >45
Practicality >70
Offroad >55
Safety >70
Reliability >65
Emmisions <1100

Price cap 28000 with 20% markup
No negative sliders anywhere in build.


This thing will be hard, but fun.
Challenge accepted!
Gamma will bring you a new Nomad version!

This actually reminds me of the 9th round of this contest… However, we will now be building SUVs instead of pickup trucks, and why is there no minimum utility, drivability or fuel economy threshold? Also, I am quite sure that ladder frames are allowed, but the reason for not allowing spaceframes is simple: who builds an SUV around them in real life? I’m sure nobody does! At least we can actually drive the resulting vehicle to the dragstrip rather than tow it with a trailer.

I just managed to build a test car for this round, and when designing its overhead-valve engine, I found out that giving it VVT didn’t make much difference in terms of power or economy. Is that why we aren’t allowed to use it? Also, I am quite certain that VVL (variable valve lift) can’t be used either, although since it is impossible to use it on an overhead-valve engine (which I plan to use) this is not much of an issue for me.

Ladder chassis are allowed, space frames that are forbidden.

Actually I think that the VVT thing is because it makes a better low-end torque while improve the high-end power at the same time.

ahem, have you ratified this with either myself or @Darkshine5???

@JohnWaldock Sorry John, didn’t realise it was required - nothing in the challenge rules and no indication in the previous two rounds? I’ll happily delete the post now if you require some kind of change?

@abg7 No utility so that little things like bed size of a ute and low range rpm torque are not really affected. The fuel economy restriction is based around the fact there were already as many restrictions as they were and the challenge may not be diverse enough.
Exactly, no mass produced SUV ever used a spaceframe.
VVT and VVL is forbidden to combat the insane low down advantage they give. There must be trade offs in engine design, at least in a challenge format. A simpler way would be have a set engine price ceiling but again variety is awesome.


no, it’s fine, but for future reference, run it past the racemaster before posting.


Good Hard rules. You have a week people that’s it. @nialloftara I ask for you to enable your champions pick, @AirJordan what track are we on?

Stupid question: within 10 years of today?