Drag Racing Challenge ROUND 13: 3 Cylinders Light Weight Sport Budget! Deadline 15/11/2016

You could make the fuel mixture richer, allowing you to increase the compression ratio.

I have a doubt, 4 doors pick-ups are included at the challenge? Like a Toyota Hilux?

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They should have 4 doors, and 5 seats and be made between 2000 and 2010. The Hilux works.

@Nomade0013 I have. The AFR is nearly at itā€™s richest setting and compression is pretty high too. Iā€™m sorted, never mind it.

Do we score bonus points for high utility or ride height, extra seats, etc?

Try using progressive springs with active dampers, it will need a lot of tuning to give you a good comfort and wonā€™t give you a good offroad, but saves a lot of money. To me that was a great idea. Now I just need more 2.7 in offroad to make it good. Then tuning to lower the time, Iā€™m doing now 24-low, really low, but not enough.

Do you mean bonus points at the challenge? At the challenge no, there is no bonus points, you just need to make the fastest car that enter the requirements.

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@JohnWaldock sorry to drag you in, could you confirm that all entries must be made in the open beta?

yes, please.

that was in the op, and so it shall stay. (plus my stable is more broken than BritBrit in 2007)

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I feel like Iā€™m going to make a fool of myself, this must definitely have been answered somewhere but both Google and the search show nothing. Is the 4WD supposed to be stuck at 100% power going to the rear?

IRL AWD send the power for the 4 wheels, while the 4x4 send the power to only 2 wheels normally, but when you hit a button, it send to the 4 wheels. So inside the game, yes, the power goes only for the rear wheels, but you need to chose 4x4 because it increase the weight.

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This means in the game, ONLY the rear wheels are driven in the tests. Which means you can minimise front tyre sizeā€¦

Pro savings tip right there.

@AirJordan @ramthecowy, 24 seconds would be an absolute maximum. The start of the torque curve and power band (the length of ā€˜timeā€™ from peak torque to peak power) both seem to have an affect on comfort.

Automatic lockers/Offroad skidtray and tyres/Chunkier brakes all have bearings on comfort and offroad, as well as overall weight.

If safety is a factor, try different material choices. My safety is at advanced and 0 and I meet the requirements.

If cost is too high, start stingeing on engine material choices (ANSI, etc), head architecture. Just be aware some choices have a direct result on combustion chamber design and can change the efficiency of the head (reliability/competitive issues).

And donā€™t forget the emmisions requirement if everyone is scratching around at 10.5:1 AFR.


Iā€™m passing all the requirements now, itā€™s just a matter of speed and optimizing for the 1/2 mile without busting the bank now.


So we send it to who right now? My Gamma Nomad is almost ready to win another challenge.

send cars to @Darkshine5 for scruitineering, heā€™ll then send them to me for running


ok we are staying in open beta as changing back causes more issues than it solves. the Toyota hilux is a perfect example of what this round is about.

No but maybe down the track I may implement something to reward the best built entry


Possibly the ugliest car ever.
One possibility in the brainstorming naming session was ā€˜Bulldog licking piss off a nettleā€™ but focus groups knocked it back as not damning enough.

Fortunately itā€™s not slow and doesnā€™t look horrible when youā€™re inside it.

Just donā€™t look back when you walk away.


Oh. Looks like we both used the same body. Want to see how mine looks?

This is the Manta DRC4.1 (because it was the 4.1th prototype I built for this DRC) and itā€™s in Vanta Black because it is officially a test mule.

You might want to back away for now because it is slow.


Here is Gamma Nomad Dragon, the muddy version of the Nomad Sport already using the new body of the model:

We actually have no idea if it is fast, since we have no idea about others times, but we know one thing: It is just like a Dragon, it can take you anywhere, it is, if youā€™re able to tame it!


A wild SUV approaches! Hereā€™s my entry, the G+C Engineering Ocotillo RH:

I didnā€™t understand the Aussie use of ā€œwagonā€ at first. Sadly my first attempt, a sporty off-road station wagon, doesnā€™t meet the requirements for the competition:


OK for some reason my computer is having problems with receiving entrants. Please send your entries directly to John the racemaster please. Will try and find the problem before next round

Edit: I also recommend sending screenshots of the vehicles to both the thread and John as my system is not loading fixtures either it seems

You verified files via steam lately?

If weā€™ve already sent our entry, do we need to resend?

From Birch Motors, the new Starchaser is the perfect choice for those who want to drive a premium SUV but donā€™t have the money to buy one.

At only 28000$, you get a pretty, spacious interior, good safety and a 6.4L V12. Hence, we gave this project a nickname, the Range Rover On A Budget (RROAB) project.

Starchaser is a great choice if you go to a family picnic in the Sahara desert, want to invade a small country next door or just want to go surfing. It floats! [spoiler]Warranty void if exposed to water.[/spoiler]

Birch Motors - RROAB.