Drag Racing Challenge ROUND 13: 3 Cylinders Light Weight Sport Budget! Deadline 15/11/2016

Hello guys. I’m back from my little vacation. So we are building in open beta and we are racing at SPG 1/2?

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That’s right. @RaduST

Aaand Done :smiley:

UWE Gemballa 850 GTS



…you can’t use station wagob bodies. @RaduST

That’s not a station wagon. That’s the Cayanne body.

EDIT: Unless I’m wrong.


Oops. (possibly) my bad. It sure looks like one.

Yep, it’s a Cayenne body :slight_smile:

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Then it is legal its a suv

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Smooth Doug SR

7.4 V12. Doug would like you to move out of his way.


Thank you for extending the deadline! :kissing_heart: no way I could have made it by tomorrow

If we’re using automatics then what’s the criteria for dice rolls?

Is there one?

Ohhhh good one! Reaction times +/- is from professional driver is not that much right?
That could even be the case for everyround! (mind blown) If you choose automatics, you are slower but you run consistent.

Wait, I thought Automatics were required. WHAT

They are required for this round. I made a proposition for every round.

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Ok so look at it this way, regardless of whether using a manual or Auto box in drag racing reality an auto will always be more consistent and easier to launch however, consider that reaction time is un-affected by this IRL, as is the myth of simply holding your foot flat and letting the auto box shift in drive, you could do this but again IRL manually shifting the auto may in most cases increases the shift speed and the RPM of the shift. Regardless of gearbox type you still need to drive the cars, it’s not as simple as holding the steering wheel in one spot either. Tyres can change grip with as little as a 1/2 degree change in temperature as well as the actual pressure in the tyre itself, then doing a burnout on slicks can be very easy to over or under do.

What this means is the random number generated penalties will not change regardless or gearbox type used.

edit: Watch this…and try not to laugh


CMT is presenting the Magellan, the heavy duty brother of the CMT Endeavour.

The stats are old and belong to a prototype that had just 4 seats, its all going with the rules meanwhile.

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that’s almost 450kg lighter than my not-a-cayenne

Looks like a solid entry CMT

No experiments.
As my regular workaday pickup was build towards outstanding onroad performance (multilink rear axle) there was a gap left for a conventional one without premium gas engine and complex axles.
I had a good Petoskey V8 to fit in, but my CMT rework had VVL. Damn. I made a new one for heavy duty use. It is maybe not as powerful as the others, but I wanted to keep the car realistic.
A fully loaded truck that denies no task except running a good mileage.

Here are the stats of the car submitted today. It’s now going with the rules.

Bruh… that’s one impressive truck. Like RaduST said, it’s light as hell and your emissions are crazy low.