Drag Racing Challenge ROUND 13: 3 Cylinders Light Weight Sport Budget! Deadline 15/11/2016

Looks like we will have a nice battle. I mean, if my driver have crazy powers to tame this undrivable beast.

Your car must have double the power of mine, which drag is all aboutā€¦ I guess, I wonā€™t score too well unless it goes on a ā€œrealā€ circuit.

I donā€™t know, my engine is all about low-end torque, first time I make one like that.

And Iā€™m in love with the turn signal at the mirror, that was perfect.

well your shit outta luck. soz.

I have been a tad behind with this as real life work is killing me atm. I will scrutize the pms tonight

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So deadline is at 30 september 23:59 Darkshine time?

Saved my ass.


you have 3 more hours to send in entries I will be scrutinizing the drc first and then the hlc


Could we get a list of all received entries please?

the number is: some.

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Donā€™t try to play me :stuck_out_tongue: I asked for a list, John. Get it right, jeez.

List of Entries:

a number of cars

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hhahahhaha :laughing:

Soā€¦any news?


iā€™ve been busy past few days, but i should have the reviews on tomorrow





itā€™s that time again where we send cars down road for fun, and itā€™s the time for off-roading cars to flex their speed muscles

CSM Chill @Spool

First off, we have the CSM Chill. and my first thought is ā€œthats a lot of chromeā€, but thats not the biggest sin this car commits in the looks department. that dumb grin is horrendous.
so, iā€™m not a huge fan of the looks of this machine, but the 857hp to a 6 speed auto 4x4 system i am very much a fan of.

At 2304kg, it is quite portly, but it may just have enough pull to overcomeā€¦

Smooth Doug SR @AirJordan

a stupid name to go with a stupid face (seriously, who calls a car Doug?). this thing ainā€™t pretty, with itā€™s narrow eyes, mouth agape, and indicators that are more gimmicky than a Snapchat dog filter, it is horribly ugly.

Power wise, 608 hp through a 5 speed auto 4x4 is not exactly ā€œhigh techā€, but there is still plenty of poke, though less than the CSM.

but, at under 2000kg, it is quite light. couple that with the chunky tires, it may just be surprising.

Birch Starchaser @Detsikeulii

Ahh, now we get to something that doesnā€™t make the eyeballs fry. nice, clean, contemporary. i wholeheartedly approve!

a 632hp 6.4l V12 is at the heart of this thing, going through a 5 speed 4x4 system, it has a fair bit of poke, although nont the most modern of gearboxes.

at 2051kg, itā€™s not light, but not overly heavy, either. could be a bit of a dark horseā€¦

Gamma Nomad Dragon @Nomade0013

now this i like! a nice, modern tradie that ISNā€™T boganish at all.

Power comes courtesy of a 3996cc Twin turbo Flatplane V8 that develops a rather underwhelming 350hp, couple that with an ancient 4 speed slushbox, and this is a recipe for being just oh so very slow.

it does weigh 1948kg, so thats fairly light for such a big truck, and it has rear stack pipes, so thats +10 cool factor.

UWE Gemballa 850 GTS @RaduST

Mmmm, Racey.

Styled similarly to a modified Cayenne, this actually looks better than that. much less dumpy and much more agressive. niiiice.

Power wise, 875hp is fairly potent, though the 5 speed may strangle it just a little.

At 2371kg, its fat. real fat, so the power has a lot to make up for.

This is also the first car to be named after a murder victim. fun fact.

G+C Ocatillo RH @lysambrias

This is somewhat of an enigma. Usually, itā€™s an older body with newer fixtures, but this, this is a newer body with really old fixtures. still trying to figure out the design choices here, but at least itā€™s nothing to ghastly.

under the hood, i am greeted with a 6200cc V8 hunk 'o iron that, curiously, sports a 5.1L badge (told ya it was an enigma). at 525hp, itā€™s not all that pokey, so it will struggle to qualify.

at 2053kg, itā€™s also not the lightest. i donā€™t have high hopes here.

Manta @ramthecowy


i know iā€™ve been harsh with some cars here today, but iā€™m fairly certain this is in violation of the Geneva Convention. hell, North Korea said it was too inhumane. eurgh its ugly.

after ejecting vomit via at least 4 different orifices, i finally was able to see what that scoop was hiding.

a 5988cc V12 Turbo with 672hp. not very impressive, considering the competition. and, coupled to a 4 speed 'box, itā€™s not looking too great.

at 2248kg, itā€™s not the heaviest, but thats not exactly light either. not too sure how this boil of a car will fare.

Results Tomorrow


I love the sass :joy:

I needed this encouragement :joy: @JohnWaldock

no but

:sweat: not sure what we have here, this should be addressed at scrutineering

hmm, that bypassed me. his original did have the fixtures, so iā€™m guessing it maybe a beta thing where some fixtures donā€™t show up