Havana Auto Show 1980

Welcome to the 1980 Havana Car Show!
Post your cars up to 1980 in this thread! And win one of 15 highly contested awards! Press days are December 10th-15th!


So what are those awards exactly? And are there going to be multiple different categories (such as standard, premium, performance, concept, etc.) for whatever cars are submitted? Whatever you do, donā€™t forget to make a sound ruleset regarding such aspects as techpool, price, road legality (in terms of emissions, safety, etc.), among others.

Well this is just about design, so things like ā€˜techpoolā€™, ā€˜budgetā€™, and ā€˜priceā€™ donā€™t have any meaning here.

move to community challenges

Car shows have previously been here as they are not challenges.


theres awards so

There is no ruleset, there is no winner. It is not a challenge. Car shows have previously been held in car design sharing forum and I donā€™t see the benefit of changing that now.

For context, here are some other car shows held on the forums.