Mille Monti 1953 [PROCESSING]

59.6 drivability, 11.3 safety. Tiny light aluminium body overpowered tail engine car. The cabin is the crumple zone.

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Soft suspension will help maintain grip, the weight will shift while accelerating and braking, you should take advantage of this aspect and it also help comfort.

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got to 0.93 G, donā€™t how to someone was able to achieve 0.95+ (itā€™s possible that they running with a less than 430kg car?)


After further testing, it looks like the clone car is ~0.1 seconds faster on each stage (raw time). Anyone know what could cause this?

Odd bcs ive been cloning my cars every major mmilestone/gain. They all have exact numbers at the beginning cuz i ran them identical before changing (product of losing track of changes and then forgetting the original setup that is seconds faster just cuz i wanted to experiment with sth first) so hey thats a bonus for u. Maybe somehow it wont make a difference if imported to another PC

Does anyone know why i cant go under 600 for tire diameter on some bodies?

I am still working on fine tuning and engine tweaking, but I have my commitments set down now, so thereā€™s only so much room for improvement. Most of the rest of my time will be trying to create a decent interior.

This is the Ulanzi, competing in the 1100CC Sports class.
My times are not great compared to some of the other top performers, so Iā€™m hoping for a solid midfield position. I may attempt an 850CC touring car variant, as this Mini clone body canā€™t support 2 full seats in the back.


Ok, so after some more testing I think Iā€™ve figured it out. I was running the track tests at 5x speed cause who wants to wait around, but it turns out that causes your time to be slightly inconsistent. I did multiple runs with the same car at 5x speed and the times varied by ~Ā±0.1 seconds. At 1x speed, the clone car and the original are identical, which makes sense. So if you want the testing to be as consistent as possible and get your true time, run the tests at 1x speed.

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You donā€™t need to wait around, if you pause the run before it finishes, it will give you the full run time.

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Oh thatā€¦. Yikes. If you want your fastest possible time, click the start track and pnce its done loading click it again to instantly finish.

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Idk how i did it.

The car is 780kg total its a test mule made in 10 minutes and it beat my nicely decorated 3 day work car :joy:

I think that drivability is gonna negate the time gained tho :face_vomiting:

so, I can play around with every quality slider except for the tyres one?
did I get it right?

Lol, how did I miss this trick? Thank you, you saved me loads of time.

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I couldnā€™t handle two more weeks and had to release myself from constantly fiddling with this project.
So, with no way to undo things now I proudly announce that Veloce Pico 850 has been registered to participate in Mille Monti 1953!

I wish everyone sanity, satisfying results and especially heaps of fun :smiley:

And here is my final piece.


Try to not focus only on the Cornering Gs, when the Drivability and Sportiness meet close to 100% should be the sweet spot for your car. Not only you will have less penalty on the spreadsheet, but the car problably will perform better on any track.


This is the OMV S850 MM, it looks good but doesnā€™t perform good :smiley: Made from the other Germany in about 2 and a half hour, very fun challenge even if I know I wonā€™t be fast enough


Hello, how are you achieving this format in the picture? This is my first automation event and Iā€™d like to make a cool graphic too

Yeah im not sure why people are discussing it. Ive no clue what it even means. I can only guess it means turn faster.

On the other hand tho, sticking to 99/100 in my experience doesnt give you the fastest time. You only need 50sth drivability and im not capable of maintaining those numbers to get faster time.

Just broke thru the 11hour mark and it was hours of wrestling drivability loss vs time gained.

Loading this thing up into BeamNG is a trip. Itā€™s four wheel drifts all the way down, scary! The attention to detail is amazing and the functioning wheel and gauges are great. Also a perfect example about how function over form can be beautiful in itself.

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