Mille Monti 1953 [PROCESSING]

that sure seems good, with a FR layout too! nice job. Lets just say I’m a way down the road from you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m glad to present, The Centurian 408…

The cars are still undergoing final optimization in Fruinia. The Bossman said to take the phaeton and the coupe for free marketing in the parking lot.

(She’s probably one of the most detailed cars I’ve built and I’m very happy at the results. I’m more of a design player so I have nearly no experience in tuning… I am decently hopeful about the results yet even if my car wasn’t the fastest, I can try resting her fate in her elegance.)


Engine variant V36 - I appreciate the effort :smiley:


Actually I’ve done more than that, just lost the count… Learned a lot about engine design in the process.

I went full Pegaso Z-102 and the over engineering basically make me fighting with terrible reliability + drivability + Comfort or overbudget. It make me little bit regret choosing MR and RR layout.

And knowing how tight the competition in Der Bayer Community Challenge make me warry with my current result since It’s been a while I participate in Community Challenge.

Here is my first ever entry to these. I actually made this during a boring 5hrs long telco I had to participate last friday. :smiley:

So I ended up with this peppy little 1.3l touring coupe. My starting point was to make something that could have existed at the time, with torquey tune in engine and somewhat reasonable choices for parts. Most of my time went into fighting with an aspect of this game, which I had pretty much no experience at all, making it look like a car… Outside looks somewhat ok:ish, at least to my eyes, but the interior was really butchered, hence almost black windows.

She managed a spreadsheet time somewhere in mid 12s. (Lost the spreadsheet >.<) Not lighting fast, but for limited time I had for optimisation, I am quite pleased.


You were right about the cornering g’s… just traded some drivability and gained something like 16minutes.

Still in the works, the Campodoro Squalo 136 MM Special.

Still un-fast and unfastenned


It’s been literal years since I did one of these (for example, I don’t own the car in my profile pic anymore, nor it’s replacement… or its replacement) so lets brush off the rust;


Introducing the Robin Rambler, an affordable car for the whole family! From the Robin Motor company, this new machine from Frunian-Gasmean Borderlands is designed for anything. With a stylish interior, advanced all-round independent suspension and an innovative ‘flat inline’ engine layout, the Rambler is the perfect way to visit all the best sights the countryside has to offer (while being reliable enough that you can’t get out of those awkward family dinners! Sorry about that…)

However! The old saying ‘win on Sunday, sell on Monday’ still applies to such a car, so the engineers at Robin set to work on the Borders Innovation 4 engine, and produced the 1100 RedBreast. This peppy little engine produces 51 hp - yes, it won’t be breaking any speed records, but here at Robin, we think it has a fighting chance in the touring class when squeezed in the back of our now renamed Rambler RedBreast, but only time will tell…


what is a fast finishing time for a 850cc sport class?
is it like 12:30 - 12:00?

My guess is that top runners in 850cc will be around 11h30m. I ran a 11:45 already, but I won’t submit as I might go for the 2000cc instead as I want to get a sub 10h45 (hopefully).

I would argue this is a pretty good guess. I’m running just under 12h in the 1100cc class. So you probably want to shoot for pushing below 12h as much as possible if you want to be competitive.

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All sports classes, even the smallest (which seems to be quite crowded already as per DB posted in Discord), are quite competitive so you have to push your car a lot. I am well under 12h for example for S850, largest classes seems well under 11h.

Might as well post the current status (86 entries) here to make your class choice easier :slight_smile:

2 weeks to go!


Introducing the Corsair Automotive Sloop 2000 MM. Powered by an advanced DOHC 32 valve 2000cc V8 that revs to 9400rpms. The Sloop is Corsairs first real entry into the sports car world after making their name producing reasonable family cars for Gasmea. Currently the engineers are working on optimizing the cars for the Mille Monti. Testing is being done on Chassis 1 through 3 with whichever car ends up fastest getting entered in the race.

This is my first competition car after getting automation a month or so ago. Good luck to everyone! I can’t wait to see how it all plays out. Although from times I’ve seen on this discussion I won’t be all that competitive.


There’s gonna be some traffic jam in Fruinia :joy:


I assume everyone running in Sport 1301-2000 is having around 180-200HP or even more? with 2000cc 150HP I can’t reach sub 11H

Hello! Has anyone achieved sub 10h50m yet?


I was initially running a 2.0 with 220hp, but reducing the power to 150hp with better midrange helped quite a lot with the time, as well as driveability.

currently getting 10h59m with my 2000cc entry, I’m sure there’s faster people. The unlimited sports class should also be quite a bit faster than that

with what concourse score are you testing?

Yes, 10:40’s. Lots and lots of cheese.