Mille Monti 1953 [PROCESSING]

I have something similar, and it’s in a very obvious spot :frowning: For some reason the fixture just doesn’t cut out sometimes and that apperantly happened when I was submitting it.

The left most rectangle is supposed to be open in the middle like the rest of them.
Besides that, good luck everyone! I look forward to seeing all of the designs while rating them.

(I would put more pictures for clarity but I can’t since I’m new.)

that moment when you realise you have sent the wrong file facepalm

Registration issues

It seems like some players had issues registering their cars. I will open up the registration form for a brief period of time again. The entries will be added to a separate sheet for design voting - I will post again here as soon as I have done that, so that we get enough votes for those entries in as well.

I am at least missing the Perseo GTF Touring (T2000) from @DrDoomD1scord, and at least two messaged me on Discord.

All competitors: Please everybody check if your submitted car is part of the design vote. If not, try to submit again via the registration form:

If your .car file exceeds 1Mb, submit an empty .txt to the registration form and send the .car via personal message to me. THE REGISTRATION VIA GOOGLE FORMS IS REQUIRED. Please match your entered player name and the player name in the .car file.

! Please check thoroughly if you get a confirmation message after sending the registration in the Google form!

Somebody please kill me. :smiley:


Where do i find the 80-120 km/h acceleration time of my car

Roulin Käsekuchen

Shortly after the war, business started booming for the Swiss Roulin Cheese Factory, so much so that they desired to produce a different kind of cheese. The perfect opportunity arrived with the beginning of the Mille Monte, and the end result was this little goober for the S2000 class.

Although it may have a questionable looking appearance like a frog dipped in butter, one thing for certain is-

Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Cheese.


Yeah…so due to a technical issue with my laptop all of my automation mods are gone and can not get online to fix it at this current time therefore i no longer have access to my MM entry so i simply wont be able to partake in the voting process because i dont have the information required to bypass the ID phase of it either way i wish everyone the best of luck

You should be able to get the car file from your Google Drive - at least my submission appears among my files there.

Oh would that have the speed info hes needing

Yes, just download the .car file and drop it in your CarSaveImport folder to access it in game.

Why is my car 30 minutes slower than a cane toad?

I guess you gouda bow down to the grater brie-ing.
Feta luck next time, maybe it’s nacho kind of race.


I get what you’re saying but i have the car file in automation but my mods got wiped so it wont let me access the car its stll there just “locked up” until i get all of my mods back (which was almost everything on the workshop)

Shouldn’t affect your engineering, unless it was on a mod body, in which case uhhhhhhhh

You can try and fix it by mass un subbing and resubbing to all the mods, this tends to kickstart steam into realising it needs to acquire them again. Or sometimes it’ll just do it by itself as steam updates the workshop in the background sometimes.

Thats the thing all of the mod fixtures that made this thing are gone and it wont even let me go into the car because im missing em its rather frustrating mainly due to me not having access to the internet for my computer for a good whil

I’m pretty sure it doesn’t stop you from opening it, they’ll just turn up on the car as yellow circles (missing mod), since there’s no wings, it shouldn’t have affected your engineering. You can definitely force open it

Got it situated major oversight on my part

I accidently must have double clicked after inputting username and car details to log in and it said thanks for your submitting after not even seeing the screen to input details/lore of car…

Any thoughts on how to fix?

Just finished all the voting and sent a lil bit of lore in.

I have to say that @Oreology 's GTO is a work of art, well done!


Entry Form Closed (again)

After receiving the known missing cars (and an additional one), I closed the entry form now again. I’ll prepare the images for these cars and an extra voting sheet today.

Thanks for the voting progress so far! There are more than enough results already to warrant a fair competition, but keep them coming :slight_smile:

For which part? It should not let you submit any form without putting something in. I can try to delete your response.

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