Mille Monti 1953 [PROCESSING]

On that note, my 1600cc RR test mule should theoretically be capable of a total time of just under 12 hours (but with no penalties whatsoever) according to the spreadsheet.

Will I need to request editing rights to put my stats in the spreadsheet or no?

make a copy of the spreadsheet and you can edit that one


Thank you for clarifying. I am still confused about one area, can the quality slider be used in the design stages? Or everything must be set to 0 quality?

Thanks, sorry to be a pain.

From what I have read, it is my understanding that quality sliders are fair game except for tires (which needs to remain 0). Quality sliders are different from tech pool points, which have a default value of 5.

All of these have a number plate, i.e. road legal.

Please make a copy, else the spreadsheet will be a mess in no time :slight_smile:

Just Tires must be 0 quality, the other sliders are open.


Given that none of the inspirations were all powered by engines that had no more than 2 valves per cylinder each, Iā€™d suggest that you require all entries to have a maximum of 2 valves per cylinder, for realismā€™s sake.

Hello! This challenge looks great and Iā€™m happy to join - may the best engineer win! I just have a few questions though:

  • In the example spreadsheet, the tech pool limit is set at 5 (except for body where it is 6) but the actual spreadsheet tests if the field is equal to zero when determining if the car passes preliminary scrutiny (except for body where it tests for equal to 3). Is this wrong or am I missing something here?

  • In 1950 with 5 techpool, sports compound tires are available, but they come with a 3-year techpool penalty. Does using sports compound tires at zero quality but with the techpool penalty follow the tire quality rule?

  • The approximate costs seems to always round downwards. Just checking - itā€™s okay to use the rounded values, right? So if I have a 10000$ budget itā€™s okay as long as the approximate costs says 10000 or lower?


Thanks for the hint! This was an oversight on my end. Previously the rules were 0/+3, then I changed the rules but forgot about the spreadsheet. It has now been fixed.

Yes, sports compound is fine as long as the quality slider stays at 0.

Yes, the displayed, rounded value counts.


One last question; how much of a head start will each of the respective smaller classes be given?

One or two minutes, depending on number of entries. This is not 100% fixed yet.

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I would love to get some kind of benchmark on my 2L prototype. What kind of times are yā€™all getting for your 2Lā€™s?

I had a question regarding the quality slider. Where is it supposed to sit? (Except for the tire quality ofc)

Except for tire quality you can choose whatever setting you like. Your approximate car cost needs to stay within the limits though!

Entry gates have now opened

Deadline is on April 22, 11:59 pm CEST


Just submitted, feeling great! Excited to see the competitors!

Quick question, there appears to be no Family (Sport) (Budget) demographic, was that a mistake?

it means family, family sport, or family budget

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Anyone else having trouble with the tracks?
Iā€™m getting a lua error

Exception: Lua Function Call: GetTestTrack GetTestTrack: scripts/client/functional/LuaHelperFunctions.lua:177: bad argument #1 to ā€˜loadstringā€™ (function expected, got nil)
Stack Traceback

(1) C function ā€˜function: 0x024f4b7b28c0ā€™
(2) global C function ā€˜loadstringā€™
(3) Lua global ā€˜loadResourceStringSafeā€™ at file ā€˜scripts/client/functional/LuaHelperFunctions.lua:177ā€™
Local variables:
script = nil
cage = table: 0x024f4b5ddb40 {}
(*temporary) = C function: assert
(*temporary) = table: 0x024f3950b080 {}
(4) Lua function ā€˜?ā€™ at file ā€˜scripts/shared/functional/COMMON/CCarCalculator_TestTrack.lua:945ā€™ (best guess)
Local variables:
self = table: 0x024f391b9780 {lastAccessTime:17.525, CarInfo:table: 0x024f391b7280, EngineCalculator:table: 0x024ef435ef40 (moreā€¦)}
FolderName = string: ā€œMilleMontiTracksā€
luaScriptFileContents = nil

BP CallStack
Unable to display Script Callstack. Compile with DO_BLUEPRINT_GUARD=1

sorry if i am supposed to post somewhere else and this doesnt belong here