Mille Monti 1953 [PROCESSING]

I guess the error message means that the tracks need to be moved up one level. I.e. have the 8 individual folders of the Mille Monti directly in /Tracks, not in a subfolder MilleMontiTracks.


I agree with @Der_Bayer . Try just throwing the folders in the tracks file exactly how they are extracted. Thatā€™s how they worked for me.

Is using an offroad skidtray considered using aero fixtures, and thus disallowed?

itā€™s not an aero fixture, but thereā€™s also absolutely no reason to use one in this challenge

Can a pre-1940s body be used if the car itā€™s based on was considered ā€˜futuristicā€™ for its time, and some cars used similar shaped bodies even after 1950? I just canā€™t seem to find a body from 1940-1956 that I like lol

ā€œNo reason toā€ is a bit harsh. It does help downforce somewhat and reliability, if you need em, but add weight/eng/costs and increases Aero quality cost. Itā€™s probably not worth it in most cases, but also not totally crazy. I did use it in the past in some racing context.

So just to clarify, the only Advanced Trim Settings disallowed is the use of tire diameter? The others are still OK?

Iā€™m on Sports above 2L class, first good-ish prototype is done: Final time was 12h 26min 47s

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Thatā€™s what I did when I downloaded the tracks, but I got an LUA error

Thank you, thatā€™s about what Iā€™m getting in my first test bed. Iā€™m seriously considering just cutting engine volume to get a head start and so I can cut weight

The front and rear tire diameter advanced trim sliders are the only ones that were explicitly stated to remain at their default values of 0 at all times. Other advanced trim sliders can be adjusted, but anyone doing so should use moderation.

Thank you,
removing the subfolder fixed it.

As it has an effect on aero, Iā€™d say it should be banned. But it is too late now. Hope it is too heavy to be worth the little effect it has.

For now: yes, unless you have the feeling it somehow might be giving you an unfair advantage. Then letā€™s discuss in more detail first :slight_smile:

Please share some screenshots of your folder structure and the error message so that we can help you.

I just solved the issue lol, I was putting the whole file in, not extracting the tracks inside and putting it in the ā€œtracksā€ folder.

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Offroad Skidtray is rather heavy, but it may improve CoG a bit. I donā€™t know if Automation takes that into account though, and even if it did, it doesnā€™t weigh enough to impact it that much.

Hello there ! Sorry to ask, but can we use decals for pilotā€™s name and country flags ?

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Are sports cars supposed to be open top? I canā€™t find any closed top sports cars in the pictures. Also is 4x4 allowed?

Hey, I saw, that a Iso Isetta with a Wheelbase of 1,5m participated in the 1954 Mille Miglia and I had the idea to take this as an inspiration. Would it therefore be possible to lower the minimum wheelbase on vehicles in the class of an engine capacity lower than 850cc to 1,5m? Thanks! :slight_smile:

if you look at the historic 1953 mille miglia, lots of the front runners were close tops

Would a historically accurate three tone paint be acceptable?
Czechoslovak racing colors from that era are red underbody, white body and a single blue stripe:


I was thinking of having red wheels+bottom of chassis and a single blue stripe if possible, alternatively dropping the blue stripe.