Shitbox Rally 2023 - Stage 14 (FINISHED!)

Team Not-so Slow
Chapter 2, Part 2

After prior plans of improving the MPG went under, mainly because of well, the negligent difference it’d make with an psuedo-aggressive driving style.

Asides from one, the aero dinner-plates. Although they were made of cardboard. Izzy picks up a cardboard box from the trunk and starts slicing it to make four hubcaps. After around 6 or so minutes of cutting up leftover boxes, she then gets a few zipties and puts them onto the car’s wheels. Talk about getting that few extra MPG.

A few hours later, before the morning as everyone starts packing up and getting ready to get onto the road. Matt walks over to the camping equipment to see Izzy cooking something, it’s completed anyway. He then tells her that she’s gotta pack up. Izzy then takes the beef jerky and packs it in foil and into a plastic bag.

Matt: "Lets go, we need to get moving now, ain’t got much time he shouts across the other side of the car", where the camping equipment is

Izzy: Why is it always me doing this? C’mon, you do some too. she says in a tiring tone, but as they don’t really have much time she sucks it up

Izzy does just that, packing up the team’s equipment, Matt de-constructs the tent to put into the car, Front-wheel-drive being practical as ever.

Camp to Silvercreek City expedition
After some time later as everyone starts getting into their cars, we finished packing up our shit. We get into our car, Izzy being the driver for the stage, and she starts up the car, engine starts to life. All 1.9 litres of it, and floors it off the camp for a second.

After some time later during the driving, we eventually get to the mountain pass, it’s a smooth drive, not Rolls-Royce levels of smoothness but not the kind of rough driving where you’d break your spine and tailbone before you even get there. As it’s cold (aka really fucking cold), Izzy starts complaining “What temperature is it, holy shit i’m probably gonna freeze to death”,
Matt then replies with “You realise the heater still works?”

After some time into the stage, our car is low on gas so we pull over and fill up the car, hoping we don’t get a bad mix. Apparently other teams had bad mixes? 10 minutes later and a bathroom break included, for both team members, Izzy gets back into the car and then continues driving to Silvercreek City, Nehmenweld. Matt rolls up his window to improve fuel economy (and to make the heater more effective inside),

Eventually we arrive at the camp, after a long time of driving, the sun starts rising. We find a parking spot and Matt opens the bootlid and then he gets things set up. Our team gets a refreshing drink from the car’s boot. Not like it’s exactly fresh but it’s water. Whilst Matt finished setting up the tent, he goes and makes some breakfast for the team.


(ooc: making this mainly as a filler post because i usually don’t post for 2 weeks)


Public Service Announcement

The deadline to change team aggression or behavior has passed.
Stage 2 will release in exactly a week (minus a minute).

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Team Mravolinski-Chitco
Part 1

God save the QUEEN

Bed creaked as consequence of some mass shifting about on it.
Mass in question and also woman of peculiar body build, grimaced on this and continued to shift out of bed.

Due to her roundy bits being of unnaturally great size and her back in naturally not stellar condition, she struggled to get up on her feet and start her day.

-Good morning, our Queen.
-Good morning
-You…dont seem to be in good mood?

Grimacing had shown this isnt the case indeed.
Impression that this woman is in her early 40s (as per her youthful appearance) might still happen to be explained by oversize bulk concentrated in specific parts of body, but you might be forgiven to think that, GASP, she actually happens to be much older than she looks.

-Go away.
-If its your back, i may have suggestion of reducing…

Servant had avoided close meetup with the belt.
And yes, it was the back that gave her troubles

-Leopolda, you are awake…
-Yes, Edward, i am…but i deeply regret that decision…
-I had talked to someone regarding your troubles.
Im aware that reaching into 70s is not an easy task, afterall im in same situation myself, but you could make it easier on you…atleast thats what she told me.

Her face approached darker expression, hinting at reaction that was long gone, but got terrifying return.
Edward had caught that and regret of mentioning the gender of his consultant settled in his mind.
As apt for king, he kept composure

-Who is “she”?
-One of nurses had noticed your struggles and brought that up to me…
-They have no business talking to YOU.
-And you have no business returning to your old behaviour.
-I surely do…
-Leopolda, i hoped we went through this already…i dont plan on cheating on you and im aware of my less-than-ideal age.
Kingdom NEEDS females in age range before menopause settles in, because it needs babies and those are important to ensure survival of our kingdom
-Noone said that
-But its specifically implied. I see no reason to be jealous of everything younger than you just bcos you think they will ruin you.
For someone of such humble origins, you are incredibly arrogant.

She left with her belt in hand, ready to deliver pain to whoever tries to stop her.
Even after decades upon decades of Edward’s words being proven correct about…just about anything mentioned so far, her jealousy was only partially put out of its spotlight.
You may say as reader, that that title of queen does mean a lot to her and truth is…hold on, something is happening in the garage

-How about we steal this one, brother?
-Oh yes, but i prefer this car.
Its…ya know…fancier.
-Fancier my ass, this one is just better.
-According to what, exactly?
-Personal preference.
-That doesnt mean jack shit nowadays.
-Listen, i have an idea…
-No, we are not taking that car…
-Im taking it

They stopped and smelt the air

-Do you smell what i smell?
-Increasing stink of female perfume…oh shit, how tf is SHE coming?
-This isnt supposed to happen, he should be chasing us.
Btw this one is much faster car, so im using it.
-I will take my favourite

At this point, bloodthirsty figure of 1.7m had entered the chat.
(In)correctly assuming people leaving are nurses, she settled in car to give chase.

-Aaaaaaaaahhhh, cant fit in this shit…
-SHUT UP…cant get out either…

She throttles it out of garage, giving chase to criminals that are usually worry of her husband.
Owing to her too big posterior, she couldnt properly sit on seat and horn is working overtime courtesy of her fatbags, that also affect her steering.

-I dont believe you one bit…and neither does my child.
-Oh thats nothing but a shame, lady, as im genuine deal.
My magic tricks are really magic and not some pretenduous shit like you see elsewhere.
This portal behind me is indeed genuine portal
-That looks like a garage doorframe.
-Oh but you see, its much more than that.
It can transport you anywhere in world…and beyond.
-Can i climb on this ladder, mom? I want to see how its like to be big.
-Sure sweetie.

After ladder was climbed…

-How does it feel to be big?
-Its awesome, i want to be big all the time…
-You will…

At that point, one of criminals had went in here, car and all, and turned sharp right.
Leopolda followed or tried to follow but due to skill issue, oversteered towards the display.


Car had smashed into ladder and said ladder went flying away into portal as was, as it turns out, the case with still oversteering car.
Portal in this case was opened to similar Rift environment as the one through which our teams entered Nehmenweld.
But it was tad bit colder, road was apparently downhill and it was rather slippery.
Now you may wonder what exactly happened to little girl that was on ladder

-Ouch that hurt
-Aaaaahhh move from my head.
-No, its comfy here
-Move, i cant see where im going…aaah where tf are we?
-My mom said no swearing.
-That was quite wonderful mom, allowing child to climb ladder and stand on it.
-That would have been fine if you knew how to drive.
-Hrmph, i give up.
-Prob for the better.
-What did you say, you little shit?
-You could have killed someone
-I could still kill you
-Ok, what kind of excuse you would have?
-Im queen. Noone is allowed to offend the queen.
Kneel before me.

At about this moment, this wild duo had went through another portal on other side.

-I dont know where we are.
-You are small and stupid, ofc you dont know.
-Seems that guy was right, he is real magician.
-Dont ask. There is camp. People. Stuff.

And on that, girl left the car, soon followed by Leopolda.
Leopolda changed her mind and decided to return into car to get to camp.
Camp was abandoned and they realised they are only two people there.

-I need to go to toilet.
-Toi toi?
-There are some of those lined up there.

Leopolda winced, realising kid refered to portable toilets.
“Toi toi” is apparently brand that makes and/or maintains them around here (Serbia) so i used it here as reference.
Kid was serving herself on one of big water reservoirs when other car arrived, with man and woman in it.
Magician and mother had realised that girl ended up in car and decided to follow already described duo

-Oh thank god you are fine. Why are you so wet?
-Tried to drink…(points with finger)…from there.
-Wait…are you really ok?
-Yes mom, it was fun.
Would do it again.
-Im really almightily powerful. Where tf this portal led us anyway?
-Doesnt matter. Also…we now believe you.
-Lets get you two ladies home.

I hate these shitty toilets

At one point, she tumbled in toilet and tipped it over
As you can hear, she is…not excited about it.

Oh also i think i could post rough sketch of her
Such balanced build with no issues whatsoever
(Sketch is based on pic of Kim Kardashian i found on internet, chosen as basis as both her and Leopolda are supposed to be endowed in lower region.
Kim is not inspiration for Leopolda in any way, shape or form (apart from prob artificially oversized roundy bits) and sketch should be viewed as such

Krta's speshul forces

-So, where are we going again?
-Hmm, do i really need to explain again? Oh well then.
I had received very peculiar mail from some Glasswalker guy about organisation of some Shitbox Rally.
-You…never seemed interested in that stuff afaik.
-Yes, but some of our friends do happen to do so.
Certain team that entered previous year was Mravolinski-Chitco. Rings any bell?
-Oh certainly.
-To top it off, Mrdja was part of that team.
-There is almost two decades of fight between you two.
Or, well, between us and them…but you and him, that is really the genesis of it all.
-Neither side can really recall how it all started and i…im not sure for what reason i wanted him gone. But thats of little matter, as i still want to defeat him and have means to do so.
I had probably decided that this fight continues until i die and im keeping to that decision.

Big muscular guy, who will be refered to as Comandeer, had shifted in his seat after he heard from his superior.
Speaking of which, i shall prob describe said superior.

Krta and his inspiration described

As far as i recall, Krta is inspired by certain bad guy called Grimm de Witt that comes from some “Tajni agent Izzy” game. (Tajni=secret, agent is self explanatory and main/playable character is called Izzy)
Unfortunately, this seems to be limited only to Serbia in regards to its international reach, so i will try to explain it briefly

Plot is placed in Meow-york, where certain blue cat (and also secret agent) Izzy lives.
He has girlfriend who also happens to be cat and is very kidnappable
His main enemy is certain rat called Grimm de Witt, who has some bad plans on his mind including but not limited to kidnapping girlfriend mentioned above.

Job of player was to try to navigate Izzy through obstacles that Grimm would set along with his muscular sidekick Hector.
Player does this while TV show is going on by calling said show using phone and navigation is done by clicking buttons on phone (i think 2, 4, 6 and 8)
And yes, this whole thing was aired many years ago, when phones had numerical and physical keyboards

Picture below shows Izzy peeking from left side and two bad guys, Grimm being one on left.


Now, what are differences i may have brought to my own main bad guy?
Krta’s name is inspired by krtica aka Serbian for mole and he has build and some abilities reminiscent of one, meaning he is of much stouter build compared to Grimm
Most of that additional build is fat tissue tho and not muscle.
He rarely digs through ground but he can do that if he so chooses
Also he has full clothing and no hats to speak of.

While im at it, closest analogue to Commandeer i can think off top of my head is Constantin Schrant from team VSmgAB.
Both are leaders of groups of lower-ranked soldiers, being big and strong human males
And yes, Commandeer is as far as he got naming-wise, with no proper name afterwards.

Ofc Commandeer is likely not as good of a soldier, seeing that he usually aims demonstrating his strength and prowess on someone obviously below his own level in either of disciplines but he would gladly do so using his own fists.
Think along lines of smaller and weaker people
(For example, Rohan and Mary from Constantin’s group. These two are also match to Commandeer’s subordinates size-wise and just like said subordinates, they carry and know how to use weapon)

That being said, he does have weapons at his disposal and he can punch through regular wooden door with no trouble afterwards (punched through locked door and used that same hand immideately after the fact to unlock said door, as key was inside lock on other side)

To return back to story, Commandeer thought about everything and decided to talk plan

-So, whats our plan?
-Simple, we are going to follow them closely.
According to mail, they are already on their way to that other world, as mail specified when they are going there.
It also specified location so we will go same way as they did.
-As far as im informed, some other teams in that group could give us hard time.

“Hard time” in some cases may happen to be belittling of what said teams can do
Obviously some members of Shift Happens are some good armor away from being able to go toe to toe with these guys, even if stripped off their other weapons or abilities; members of VSmgAB would likely need to compensate for less man-power via better tactics, not to mention Amanda or Chicota could handle them by themselves
Krta took the known facts into account when setting the answer

-We will attack them when appropriate time comes, meaning to wait until they are fighting something or someone else.
That means synchronising our attack with whatever they may additionally fight off, ensuring their best fighters arent fully focused on us.
For example, email mentioned they had faced off some 3.3 meter tall werewolfes last year…that seems as good of a time as any to attack them
-And if they dont come into such situation during journey?
-Well, in that case, we may as well enjoy journey ourselves.
There will be plenty of time to take our plan into action.

They had arrived into Nevada Camp.

-This is…beyond my expectations. Hosts really outdid themselves here.
-What do we do? Destroy the camp?
-No, that could leave marks that will lead back to us…


-The FUCK did i just said?!?
-Someone is in camp.
-Wait, what?
-Sound came from over there
-Someone is in toilets.

They had approached carefully and tipped-over toilet (that produced thump attracting attention in first place) soon opened to reveal Leopolda mentioned in previous part of this post.
Not that there would be any logical reason for them meeting up, but…well, they met up now.

-Who are you?
-Uhhh…just a passerby…also a queen.
Your toilets are just terrible.
-Hmm…thats powerful title…but our guns are more powerful.
Besides, we could leave you here with no help
Choose wisely

Leopolda weighed her options and decided to join this group for now
Having many guns pointed in her direction may have contributed to decision
One of underlings had something to say

-This is tipped
-So what?
-I dunno…they can eat us
-Wouldnt eat you, as you are too useless for that
Khm khm
We will position it upright and you need to clean it then

Guy regretted his whole useless life during scrubbing away stuff in toilet that isnt supposed to be where it ended up due to tipover.

-Hey, our targets were precisely here.
-I know what you plan to do…just leave small sign that we were here for them
-Will be arranged boss
-Hey look at this

“This” was looked at.

-So this is how they went there…we will follow them through this
-You mean…how they used to get there?
We have alternative plan tho
-When to prepare for going?

Upon utilising some remote of his, Krta managed to open portal in front of shed that was used by SR group.
Portal in question is not going to be as stable as one we used, but it should be pretty sufficient for their needs.

Considering that there was real possibility of it not leading to desired destination, some volunteers were found to check.
And indeed, there were couple of tries until they got it right, which was then dealt with in exact fashion we did it.
Rift drive in this case wasnt eventful either and Leopolda was glad that this time she was in control of her cabriolet.
They had gotten to other side and, as luck would have it, had exited on some nice road.

-Its perfect…
This is probably correct place as well…
-How do we check for that?
-AntiRenata will tell us if she senses the presence of someone based on VerBanka around here
Oh my…i would be able to see my daughter…
Yes, this is correct indeed.
-Good, now as a reward, take this sandwich.

She was suspicious, but took it.
She ate it…and went to sleep

-We will keep her under anesthesia until potential battle
If she can sense her daughter, her daughter can sense her…and therefore us.

Andrea Chitco is technically prototype for upgraded version of that AntiRenata.
As such, she is considered daughter of said character by anyone you dare to ask.
To return on subject, Krta had once again took that pesky remote out

-With that being cleared out…its showtime.

And with that, remote was used and as such some portal or more of them was/were supposed to be created.
But how peculiar that it seems to do absolutely nothing…

Some familiar faces in new places

The morning started out like any other at Pedro’s place. Shaike and Mrdja were outside, tinkering with Pedro’s old motorcycle while Sora and VerBanka were inside, enjoying a cup of coffee and chatting.

Shaike and Mrdja were trying to fix up Pedro’s old motorcycle, but Mrdja was struggling with the mechanics. Shaike had been showing him how to tighten up the chain when Mrdja accidentally let go of the wrench and it fell into the engine. They spent the next hour trying to fish it out, but it seemed hopelessly stuck. Finally, they gave up and decided to take a coffee break and join females.
Speaking of whom…

-I really think you should manage this place, Empress.
Your might would make our stay so much better
-And whats exactly wrong with how Pedro and his family do it?
-Well…they never ask you for opinion.
-…This is literally their house
-You are literal Empress of this universe. You can decide fate of everything here on a whim.

Pedro had chimed in as he was passing by

-She just decides to not give a fuck. Until proven otherwise, assume toughest decision she wants to face is of “do i wear red or blue T-shirt today?” kind.
-I…just want to drink this coffee in peace.
-Well, sorry on that, Sora needs to be fking Karen in all and every circumstance
-I what?
-Nevermind. Its something i heard from rest of group and you do happen to behave akin to that, but with rather unique spin.
-I just want all the best for her
-Stop being annoying, then.
Yes, i could have decided to ofc consult with her regarding every single possible decision

  • I need to prioritise my family first, as husband and father. Not only is my family much bigger than your group, but its much less mature on average compared to you lot: i have lot of children and they usually would not take “no, we currently cant do that”.
  • Im seeing her as good friend and would imagine same goes other way. As such, when inside of group or interracting, we are equals.
    She is not particularly needy person and much less bossy.

Child went in room. Words of wisdom went perfectly in line with his very stained crotch

-I peed my pants.
-Our Empress shouldnt have saw your stained pants.
-Does that mean she doesnt pee?
-Sora, as in this older lady, refered to me as Empress.
Considering you saw me entering bathroom just this morning, i guess that answers the question.
-So yes, you do pee?
-Yes. Granted, im not usually doing that in my own pants.
-Im 2. Too small to use toilet.
-But not too small to not need diapers.
Or, well, notifying some adult to take you to toilet to do it.
-Washing stained clothing is bitch and a half. When i was much younger, i needed to wash some sheets and clothes used by hospital.
By hand. In whatever was avaiable.
Washing machines are blessing.

-Uhhh question: why you peed your pants in first place?
-We had challenge: i needed to drink entire juice by myself.
Pack is on table.
-You gulped that entire pack?
-Yes. My brother said i cant do that.
-I mean…that can be done, but expect to need to go to toilet very very soon afterwards.
Although i see you had…learned about that the hard way.
-I have gotten box of cookies.
-Just…eat them in moderation.

Pedro had listened to conversation

-You may be too late with that suggestion…knowing my kids, half of that pack is already gone.
He is also squatting, which means that he is currently doing number two.
Im dissapointed in you and in myself.
-Arent you gonna bring him to toilet?
-He is not to be interrupted while doing the thing.
I will change him and wash him, prob would have needed bath anyway.

As such, he went few minutes later with said son to sort this shit out

-Well that was certainly a conversation
-You arent bothered by that kid?
-He is 2. Also, well, it was overall just funny.
Wouldnt be surprized if Pedro looks like he was freshly bathed instead.

Pedro had indeed went beside them being as wet as human can be.

-Told you.
-I slipped into bathtub
-That…doesnt help.
-Seems im technically clean too

Suddenly, Shaike lost his balance and stumbled backwards, right into one of Krta’s portals that had opened up behind him. He fell through the portal, tumbling head over heels before landing in a heap on the other side.
Mrdja rushed over to see what had happened to his friend, only to trip over a stray toolbox and fall into the same portal that had swallowed Shaike.
Sora and VerBanka, startled by the commotion, ran outside just in time to see both guys disappear into thin air. Before they could react, they too were pulled into a nearby portal that had opened up under their feet.

Unfazed Pedro scooped up their belongings and sent them through portal.
“This be all that you had around here. Good luck”
But…he slipped too into portal, ending almost on top of VerBanka.

-Hey watch it
-Wasnt my fault for slipping

He looked above into portal and his wife was looking back on him.

-Dont worry about me, i had went to protect the girls.
-(chuckling) I doubt it, as i watched you falling into it. Stay safe anyway.
-You take care of kids, we have one naked one still roaming around atm.

As portal closed and they paid more attention to environment, they could feel the air around them growing colder and colder. They found themselves in a snow-covered wilderness, far from the warmth of Pedro’s home.

Confused and disoriented and with Pedro trying to dry himself by using some of packed clothing of others, they stumbled through the snow, trying to find some kind of shelter. Luckily, they stumbled upon a set of cabins nearby and took shelter in them.

-I guess i will borrow clothes and stuff from you two.
We should stick together, im sure we will find way from out of here.

Little bit later, Pedro was just returning from outhouse when VerBanka intercepted him and pulled him to side.

-I need you to know something.
-Ok, tell
-This isnt universe from which you and Sora originate.
-Ok and?
-That means i literally have no special abilities out here.
Here im literally just as regular as you are.
-Oh boy, i smell trouble regarding Sora.
-We will need to put up with her lack of that knowledge for now.
She would go crazy
-Somehow i dont doubt that.
Do other two guys know?
-Im sure they would assume that themselves.
-I suggest staying in cabins. Im sure locals would appreciate some help in return for us staying little bit in them.

Roaming without much purpose other than making it into this story, he came into Silvercreek City.
After making sure he is somewhat loosely securing his car, combination of being sad and tired led him to stumble into first cabin he saw.
This cabin was used by female part of group covered so far and they were concerned at first, seeing this complete stranger bashing in and promptly faceplanting himself onto one of beds.
Well, that lasted for about half an Aetherian hour, since they concluded that he was just tired and continued on.

When they finished washing some dishes in order to kinda give back to owners of lounge they used, they returned back to find visitor awake.
VerBanka tried to talk in English, but realised this fella doesnt speak it.
Tbf noone they encountered so far was any different, but atleast action used to be good substitute for words.

Pedro would also happen to get in and he was just as confused.
Some other local was brought up, so intentions of this guy would be clearer.
Result was that host local had tried to mimic taking stuff out and other local brought his car and opened trunk.
Girls decided to decline going with him.
Pedro decided to see if this guy would accept whole group by getting some Shaike’s stuff out.
He also gestured that he is coming with them.
This attracted attention of Mrdja and Shaike, prompting them to leave their cabin.
Guy didnt mind that action and was rather happy to see that group has few more members, from which was concluded that he, in fact, wanted some company of general kind.

His station wagon soon got filled with lot of stuff and fair share of people
I was, admitedly, never driven in something quite this old at any point of my life but was able to manage.
From perspective of today, its kinda hard to believe that Chevrolet Suburban started out as station wagon and not SUV as we came to know it, but thats exactly what happened.
By its nature and design, this car that now attempted to leave parking lot of sorts would be of very interesting design

Admitedly, my first idea as writer was something akin to first generation of Chevrolet Suburban, but as i consulted Madrias recently, people around here would be more likely to use something like Ford Model A of 1930s, but stretched.
Im aware of existence of Model A-based truck called Model AA (very original naming i guess) and due to its similarity to Model A, that had wagon versions, wouldnt call out possibility of making even bigger wagons based on truck

Namely, this would be kinda like GAZ-03-30
You would be willing to note that, unlike others, this particular one had rather reliable entertainment system, namely VERY talkative owner.
He had prob realised by now that we cant exactly understand him and shown zero care for that minor detail.

City that locals know as Silvercreek, it was nice knowing ya and we are now going forward to…well, wherever this talking book drives us.
But some engine notes will soon make themselves heard and snow on parking lot will be violated by some other tires…

Tackling route of Radigan

It quickly became clear that these conditions arent easy on either cars or ones manning said cars the following morning.
Loojoe was worse than Siviko and Siviko was rather freezing
Cars had managed to start with lot of negotiation of various kinds and they were kept idling while Amanda and Chicota attempted to help others in either getting car out of snow or getting it to fire up in first place.

Andrea and Mat drove Kontir and Saguaro respectively onto the road and until next clearing besides road sufficient enough to fit Saguaro.

There, they will stop briefly and wait for already mentioned duo to finish helping out.
Andrea surrendered hot seat to whoever was willing to take it, as she wasnt interested in driving further
Willing member in this case would be Pi, that tried to test her driving skills in this condition.

It was decided that better offroader was to take leading position.
After few minutes, Pi thought about Mat taking the wheel of truck but was countered by him over radio, as his greater snow driving experience is of greater use in old wagon.

Driving had been quite uneventful, as nothing of note had really happened during it.
As such, Andrea decided to start game of “Guess who i am?”

-So, here are rules of game. Im…something or someone, that just so happens to be in same room as you.
However, seeing as there is no light source of any kind you cant really see me…or wherever you would be trying to go from your comfy chair.
Kind of questions you are supposed to ask is answered with “Yes” or “No” and if you decide to ask question that isnt answerable by either, i have right to remain completely silent.
-Clear. I will go first: “Are you girl or a boy?”


-Should be noted that “girl” and “boy” imply being human of rather specific age, Mat.
I guess thats why she decided not to answer on this.
-Will try again: “Are you female?”
-Uhh…“Should i fear you?”

Andrea giggled on that question

Out of character, im kinda interested as to why this happened to be literally second question asked.
-Would that question be something you would ask inside character

More giggling

-I figured out who she is.
-Would be rude to reveal that. I know you are right Pi, but i guess game wouldnt really be much of delight in that case.
-Hehehe, im not that kinda person anyway.
Ngl, that wording was quite interesting and was both that and her reaction to it that led me to conclusion.
-Could someone decide you are weird?
Are you smart?
-Could i lift you off ground? Im in good shape, ya know.

Loojoe decided to chime in

-Have you ever been in Aetherii?
-Would you want to go to Aetherii?
-Do you like to travel?
-Can you fly?
-Do you know atleast someone in either car?
-Do you have friends?
-Considering you said that Mat over here cant lift you off ground, i take you have reason for that claim?
-But you cant see either of us?
-And you are still confident in that?

Mat took over

-Are you physically big?
-Bigger than Chicota?
-Bigger than car?
-Bigger than house?


-Thats peculiar. Are you living being?
-Can yiu move under your own power?
-Are you supposed to move under…

Pi decided that Mat may not be able to guess this

-Are you called A?
-Yes…you said you wouldnt interfere.
-Mat is not aware that your usual house of sort also happens to be handled by supercomputer
A is supercomputer to be precise, but as she is integral part of it, itsnot wrong to refer to entire thing as A.
There would certainly be both bigger and smaller houses than that.

-Ok then, what do we want to do now?
-We are kinda low on fuel here, so…that.

Refuel has happened and convoy continued on its way.
It became quite apparent that team was by no means fast, but atleast it havent finished last…

Mat and Chicota rented out cabins for team to spend the night in.
Conveniently, it seems these were just used by bunch of other people.
Apparently they are now on road to next place, since they found local that would be willing to help and said local just wanted to talk to someone
5 humans, out of which 3 males, speaking in strange language

-I wonder who these would be…

It came that point of time where some restocking of supplies needed to be done.
Walker that was encountered yesterday and was guest of team for this stage had accompanied Pi going into town, where he expressed hope they will not meet again during event.
Couple of “Take care and good luck” later, they went separate ways
Pi had hauled the supplies and group had rechecked everything before most of them went to bed

This stage went well in way that there were no breakdowns or other more significant issues and these cabins had proven nice place to stay.
Making that even better would be being better placed in finish of the stage, but for the most part this situation is more likely to go in less favourable way
Its only left to hope that luck will still stay on team’s side…


Team Shift Happens

Pre-Race Camp (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Drive (VSmgAB)
Stage 0 Camp; Part 1 (VSmgAB)
Stage 0 Camp, Arrival. (Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp, The Range (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp, Night Time Breaker Trip (VSmgAB + Shift Happens

Stage 1 - Drive

After a morning meeting with Kaylie that informed all of the crew that using the microwave required turning off the Home Unit’s climate control, Kasiya and Takaraya got their rigs started and attempted to get their cabs warmed up. Kivenaal and Malavera helped pack up the tents while Kaylie and Kayden gathered up and stored the lights, leaving Rukari and Jayde to pack away the shooting range and the power cables for the lights, Carry All, and two trailers.

A brief, simple breakfast of cold burgers settled the snarling stomachs of the rather large crew, and when 1 Sun rolled around, the two HD-GV units and their trailers set off on the first proper stage of the Rally.

Kasiya was glad for two things: The 10-wheel-drive system, and the automatic transmission. The latter because he could keep both hands on the wheel, the former because the heavy duty utility tires had surprisingly little bite on the snow on their own. The array of windshield wipers flicked snowflakes away from the windows, the headlights carved a path through the snow-filled air, and the echoing bellow of 16 cylinders working hard resonated off of the mountain pass.

“90 kilometers an hour my armor-clad ass!” Kasiya grumbled over the radio after glancing down at the heads-up display on his windshield. “Lucky to be doing 50!”

“Just keep it steady up there,” Takaraya replied. “We’ve got a lot of road to cover, and we’re not driving nimble vehicles here.”

It was 6-and-23 Sun when the two HD-GV units pulled up into camp, snow caked in the wheel-wells after a long drive, side windows lightly fogged up, lights still gurning brightly.

This gave them a fair bit of time to set up their camp, just leaving the engines idling until Valentin and his crew arrived at 6-and-54 Sun and got the generator set up.

Much later on, after most of the teams had arrived save for the crew sitting in jail, it was Kasiya who announced, while sitting on the roof of the Carry All, “So, you’ve heard in the email that we’d be having challenges, yes?” He patted the thick binder of documentation in his lap, then continued with, “First challenge is this: Service History. Who’s reliable, who isn’t? And, if anyone can come up with the most interesting tidbit of information about their car, that’s even better.”

“We’ll both go first,” Takaraya admitted. “We can’t win, but we can give some interesting information about these two trucks of ours. Like the fact that the Home Unit over there has had its windshield replaced twice.”

“Mine tracks in a straight line because the second-axle steering rack was replaced after, and I quote, “a direct hit by enemy action.” Takaraya there tells me that what that really means is someone drove over a land mine,” Kasiya replied. “So, what crazy stories do all of you have to tell?”

Later on, at 2-and-24 Moon, Jayde made his way into town to get Team 486 out of jail. He placed a couple of golden Syrkal coins on the counter, motioning to the team in the jail cell, and mentioning, “I’m here to pay their release fee. They will be paying me back later.”


4 Dicks in a Truck, Part 1: The Cast And The Characters



(STAGE 1 CAMP (ft. VSmgAB / @Elizipeazie !)

< Norse and Valentin meet some interesting people >

It can be said that none of the team were particularly well versed in the art of driving a truck on the order of 50,000 lbs through icy mountain passes, however doing so seemed to be rather necessary in light of the trip they were taking. Dom drove through the switchbacks with apparent ease, Riley gawked at the scenery, and Rose and Christian clutched the back of their seats the whole way. About halfway through the trip the truck found its way through a patch of black ice, resulting in rather loud screams from 3/4 of the team, and a few cracked plates.
Finally, after about 7 hours of long (though fun) driving, the team found themselves driving into camp at Silvercreek. Dom meandered the truck off to the side of the clearing, and ordered the rest of the team to help set up the RV to hunker down for the night.
With Valentin remaining close to Robert to make sure everything was running smoothly, Norse took a walk around camp, taking a look at the various vehicles other teams have brought to the event. Anything from barely-held-together shitboxes to old luxury landyachts to massive military-style vehicles could be found already strewn across camp.
What truly sparked some interest to him, though, was a massive US-style semi truck consisting of at least 85 percent rust with a pristine-looking trailer attached.
Norse approached the first person that obviously was part of the team operating this behemoth of a vehicle, a blonde, slim person marginally shorter than Norse who was currently rummaging through some containers attached to the outside of their rig.
“Uhm Hello there! You seem to have brought more than enough in terms of living space…” Norse spoke to the as-of-yet unknown participant while inspecting the full-size semi from afar.
Dom turned, apparently undisturbed, towards Norse. “Yes, sir. We thought it to be a good idea to bring enough to spare. We also tend to take up a fair amount of room.”
“Certainly beats sleeping in a glorified tic-tac, hehe,” Norse chuckled, pointing at the orange trailer he and Valentin share for the trip before turning back to face Dom, “still, could be worse. Some elected to use tents.”
“I imagine so,” said Dom, pausing for a moment to inspect the trailers that the man had pointed out. “Are you with the people we corresponded with about power generation?” he finally asked.
“Yeah. Njordal Eikeland.” Norse confirmed, aware of his hard-to-pronounce name and expecting the worst. He reached forth and offerered a handshake, “Are you even using power from Robert?”
Dom reached out to meet him. “Dominik Shinkarev. Though you can call me Dom. And to answer your question: No, sir. We ended up bringing an onboard generator.” He retrieved a walkie talkie from his belt and asked, “Hey, Riley, are you done with the generator?” A muffled response in affirmation was heard from the other end.
“Ah that makes sense, I guess. Also, no need to be all formal with ‘sir’ and such. People default to ‘Norse’ because they butcher my name all the time,” Norse commented, once again turning around, now curious himself as to what Valentin was up to. As expected, he was still busy getting power to the people as he served the participants and their requests for the juice of electrons.
“If that’s what you prefer, sir. Did you have any troubles on the journey up here?”
“Not at all! Valentin, being the mastermind that he is, put our entire fleet of cars on rails and controls them all with a massive remote of sorts. Needless to say, watching the landscape for 5 hours did not get boring here. How about you?” Norse replied with a smile.
“As a whole, it was great fun driving the truck,” he patted the trailer, “however a couple of us were clutching their seats the whole ride. There was also a small hiccup involving a patch of black ice. I will admit that I’m a bit envious of your ability to not have to actually drive on these roads.”
“Even if I wanted to, I can’t. I don’t even have a scooter license…” Norse admitted rather sheepishly, “and on rails, Val is the only certified member that can run the train, so we are at his mercy there as well.”
“I, and at least one other member of my team, would be very interested in talking to Valentin. Is he free?”
Norse took a moment to look for Valentin again. It was obvious that he was still at work regarding the electricity contracts with a multitude of other teams. “I mean he seems to be working on power distribution, but i’m not him…” Norse said, unsure about how Valentin would react given the unfamiliar situation at hand.
“Ah. I’d loathe interrupting someone while they’re working. Would you be interested in meeting Riley nonetheless?”
“Of course, if you are okay with that.”
Dom once again lifted his walkie talkie, speaking into it, “Hey, Riley. Come around to the other side of the truck. There’s someone I think you’ll be interested in meeting.” A seemingly excited sound of affirmation once again came from the other end.
Dom waited stoically for a moment as Riley came around the trailer, briefly slipping for a moment as he ran around the corner toward them. A long and scruffy mess of hair covered much of his face and a tattered-looking, slightly too large motorcycle jacket hung around him. “Wha’d I miss?”
“Uhh… introductions?” Norse stammered, thoroughly surprised at Riley’s entry to the scene, “Njordal Eikeland. I’m with the team that power most of camp.”
Riley outstretched his hand, “Riley McKinnley. I do… things! Uhh, I’m into cars, ostensibly. I’m the team’s resident mechanic when Dom here has better things to do. I like guns.”
Norse had visible difficulty adjusting to the fast-paced nature of Riley’s personality. As such, the handshake was awkward at best.
“Pleased to meet you… I don’t drive… i have no role within the team beyond vacationing… I like cycling?”
“Cycling is fun! I brought some Bike!” Dom nodded, his face stoic and clearly judging, “Yes. Riley brought a bicycle. And a couple motorbikes.”
Norse wasn’t sure if Dom was judging him or Riley, making him rather insecure in the moment… “Yeaaaah… ummm… any particular reason that ended in you joining this event?” he eventually inquired in an attempt to steer the topic elsewhere.
“Oh yeah! Rose dragged me along. Really she dragged the whole team along but me in particular.” Dom continued, explaining, “Last year, Rose, one of the other members of the team, found a forum post detailing last year’s Rally. I helped restore the truck and get supplies ready, and Rose and Riley helped on the intellectual side.”
Norse decided to dig a little further: “I assume a lot of work went on underneath that thing, then? I mean… I am no expert, or even vaguely knowledgeable, but looking at it has me think that this took some pain and suffering to fix.”
Dom looked back at the cab and explained, “It ended up being a full frame off restoration. We all agreed that the patina was integral to the appearance of the truck, but underneath, it’s all modern. The old engine is now someone’s table, too.”
“It has some charm to it, I have to say… old stuff with a story behind it does create an odd level of connection.” Norse commented. What to them was the truck and it’s story was Norse’s bicycle and it’s story to him. Old, more or less professionally cobbled together, but with an evolution that is unique to that one vehicle.
Dom remembered at that moment that he was interested in meeting Val, as well. “Norse, do you think that Val is free at this point?”
For another time, Norse turned around to look for Valentin, who currently was sat in the driver’s bucket seat of the generator car, seemingly not doing much.
“Looks like it, I think…” Norse confirmed, leading the pair of truckers over to the center of camp where his own team was parked up.
Once there, Valentin knocked onto the driver side window, followed by him opening the door a bit.
“Umm. There’s a couple of people who want to meet you. Dominik and Riley, over here.” Norse told to Valentin while motioning to the two new faces."
Valentin in turn nodded and gently pushed the door all the way open, allowing him to unfurl himself to his full 7’3" height from within the 80s wagon.
“Good afternoon. Valentin Schrant,” he calmly said, reaching out to offer a handshake to both, starting with Riley.
Riley and Dom both shook his hand and introduced themselves. “Christ you’re tall,” stated Riley, and Dom cringed.
Norse could not prevent a mild laugh as he somewhat expected a reaction like this.
Similarly, Valentin also did not hear such comments for the first time and was already accustomed to it.
“Yes. Yes, I am. 7 feet 3 inches or 2.21 meters, the air is nice up here and I do not play basketball,” Valentin recited like a tape recorder, “should get that written across my forearm or something…”
“I’m sorry for that,” Dom apologized, “however I, and I would strongly guess Riley here, would be very interested in hearing about how your hybrid road train (?) system works.” As Riley heard that, he found himself exclaiming, “Wait they have that?”
“No need to be sorry. I know that I am far away from ordinary,” Valentin said, unfased by the comment regarding height. “For the train, we simply swap wheels for steel ones for rail use. I have a remote control system in place that allows me to use the gas and brake on all four cars from here…” Valentin explained, reaching into the generator car to procure the remote control from within. Said remote is then shown to the two guests. “…one stick is gas and dynamic brake, the other is friction brakes. Put some additional lights to make it look a train at night and off we go.”
With every word Riley found himself more and more interested. “What’s the gauge here that you can just swap the wheels and go? Are the cars attached? Is the remote wireless? Is it regulated as a car or a train or both? How does dynamic brake work exactly?” and all the while Dom simply says “There he goes.”
“Two people found themselves.” Norse added in response to Dom’s apparent annoyance.
Valentin then began a still fairly condensed, but more specific explanation:
“They for some reason ended up running standard gauge, 1435 millimeters. Your truck won’t fit because of native track width being far broader if that is what you are hinting at. Yes, the remote is wireless and directly taps into the receivers, which in turn are plugged into the respective ECU. Well… the communication is wireless, but I have a charger cable hooked up to it as I don’t want to lose control of my train at triple-digit speeds. On earth, it is just a quartet of cars with some more lights. Here, cars seem to not be regulated at all, but I did have to register a train company and list these as rolling stock to be allowed to run on rails. The dynamic brake is essentially a torque converter with a fixed output, integrated into the gearbox. Stopping 25 tons of train from well past three-digits in speed with friction brakes only works well once, after all.”
After that, the remote is returned to the car’s interior and the door to it closed.
Riley’s eyes were lighting up looking at the train of cars, inspecting the mechanics of them. "But how do you switch wheels exactly?" he asked, “Do you physically replace the tire wheels with rail wheels? The track width on those cars looks wider than standard gauge to my eyes.”
Valentin was puzzled at the repeated question regarding wheel change. “Uhm… like any other set of wheels. We align the thing with the rails on a level crossing or other suitable spot and get it jacked up. Power tools to the lug nuts and on go the different rim rings. We have two-piece rims to save on weight, as the rail hoops are milled from a solid block of steel,” Valentin explained, only now thinking about how showing is better than telling. Thus, he led the group (or whoever was willing) to one of the trailers. There, he opened up one of the garage-door-style compartments, revealing two sets of steel rings within, complete with flanges to avoid derailing. “The hub stays on the car, we just swap rings, basically…”
“God that’s fucking cool,” he spoke quietly to himself, before more loudly asking, “Did you have to make any alterations to the powertrain, or is is mostly what came from factory? How much power do these even make?”
“Let me put it this way… what remains of the stock powertrain is the AMP ‘Mars’ block, heads and bottom end, plus some minor things. Everything else is completely re-engineered. Depending on how you measure it, you have about 100 thermal horsepower, 223 at the crank and about 270 peak at the traction motors,” Valentin mentioned, heading back to Robert the second, soon after latching the hood of the steamer.
It was then lifted away, revealing what must be the densest engine bay in the history of ever.
“Oh my god they’re steam cars. These are so fucking cool. Immensely cool.” Looking into the mess of wiring and piping, Riley asked, “Christ, how do you even, like, know what’s what?”
“Fairly simple. Anything ahead of the engine is generator stuff and has nothing to do with the hot bits. Brass is live steam, blue-ish steel piping is water… well, should be water, at least. Black hose with blue sleeve is is generator coolant. No sleeve is 400V DC wiring. Orange cable bits are the phase connectors from the generator to it’s controller. Things you know when you are the head that created it all.”
Valentin chuckled a little after having pointed out every major bit of piping, cable or component there is. He took care to not let himself, his equally oversized braided hairdo or Riley too close to anything within the bay as it currently was running to produce power for most of camp.

“How do you even use ICE parts for an external combustion engine?”
“I’m not the first to convert an internal combustion engine to use steam. It doesn’t matter how you push the piston down, really. An explosion of fuel creates force that moves the thing along. Roughly 50 bars of steam pressure also moves the thing along. The pistons do not care.” Valentin commented, carefully lowering the hood again, thus hiding the intricate inner workings of the steam assembly from view again.
“So it’s steam-electric? I assume you just switch the leads off to wherever, or is there a more complicated system than that?”
“Uuuhhh… care to elaborate? The generator and each of the two motors have their own controllers. On my end, I just tell it to ‘give some juice’…” Valentin mumbled, more than loud enough for Riley to hear, but still unsure if that was the actual answer to his question.
Riley cared to elaborate. “Sorry, I just meant ‘is there any special procedure for switching from powering the traction motors to using the engine as an external generator’ - for reference, we just have two different engines, one for the truck and one for the generator. Apologies for the confusion.”
“Aaah okay. The gear lever… well… ‘lever’ has a setting for generator operation. Doesn’t change anything on the engine end and just alters the consumer of the power generated.” Valentin spoke, complete with finger quotes for the PRNDL which was little more than a small rotary dial with some letters on it.
“Oh that’s super interesting. Better than anything I’d have thought of,” he laughed. Riley thought for a moment, before asking, “I would understand if I’m not allowed to, but I would be very interested in seeing the interior of the car?”
Valentin simply nods, opening the driver door a third time for Riley to take a look inside.

Riley chucked to himself. “Hah. I can assume that’s not what it looked like coming out of the factory?”
Just to prove a point, Valentin went around to the passenger side and squeezed himself onto the respective seat.
Folded up like a garden chair, he glanced over to the driver side where Riley was stood:
“I can drive like this. But just because I can does not mean that I should…”
He unfolded himself again and returned to the driver side.
“Apart from that, the only real changes are the center console and the fact that I have a Borosonic for a dashboard…”
Riley looked to the trailer next to the generator car. “Is this for storage? I assume at least one of your trailers is for sleeping in as well?”
“Fuel storage, yes. Thing burns about 75 liters of fuel an hour at full load. This has around 14 hours of fuel, plus added range through not running at full power continuously.”
“That’s a lot of fuel. So do you have RV trailers? From what I remember of the convoy it looked like a number of them had windows, so I assume those are what you sleep in?”
“RV would be optimistic…” Valentin commented as he led Riley back to the trailer where he showed him the rail wheels earlier. “Capsule Hotel is closer…”
Riley laughed, “Yeah that looks a fair bit more cramped than ours, especially given your being rather vertically gifted.”
“I did order a longer mattress to sleep on and extended one compartment to accommodate, so at least I can stretch in bed. But sitting up, even for the shortest people present, is a hard no.” Valentin replied, also smiling a little.
“For once my height seems perfectly adequate,” stated all 5’3 of Riley.
“Would you or Norse be interested in seeing the semi trailer? It has a fair bit more room than your ‘capsule hotels,’ I promise.”
Valentin thought hard for a moment, then relented: “I showed you what i brought, so might as well see what you have as well.”
Riley grabbed the Walkie Talkie from his belt and talked into it “Dom. Reconvene at the trailer. Gonna show Valentin around a bit, and Norse if he wants, too,” before leading Valentin to the trailer. “While we’re outside, may as well look at that first.” He walked up to a large square compartment door on the passenger’s side near the cab, grabbed a key from his pocket, and opened it up to reveal a large generator. “This is the kind of stuff that I do for the team. Mechanical stuff, like getting this generator ready to work while Dom’s busy doing something else.”
“It is… a generator.” Valentin comments as he inspects the unit installed in the compartment. “Likely much noisier than Robert, but it makes power…”
“It’s mostly backup, to be honest,” explained Riley, “for the batteries. We have an honestly kinda excessive amount of batteries under the RV, enough for several days and nights, and they’re actually charged pretty fast by the engine up front.”
“Feeding one trailer with power is wholly different compared to feeding 30 with 4 kilowatts each,” Valentin chuckled, “should add a buffer battery to better account for peak loads next time around, though…”
“Could use those trailers for it,” Riley laughed
“Not without fudging the generator software. Also, I doubt that it will take 200 kilowatts of charging power…” Valentin protested, crossing his arms and looking at the trailer side panels, behind which the batteries presumably are hidden.
“I suppose,” replied Riley. “Anyway, I should show you the interior too.” He led Valentin around the trailer to the set of trailer wheels, surrounded on both sides by retractable staircases. He seemed to think for a moment before choosing to unlatch the rearmost one, sliding down with a satisfying ku-chunk. He clambered up the too-large steps before opening the door and climbing into a spacious, modern-looking lounge area: To their right was a wall with a doorway, and in the center was a table surrounded by couches. On the back wall was a staircase leading up to an area with a large TV and a number of gaming consoles, under which was an area with a few beanbags surrounded by bookshelves.
For Valentin, the trailer’s steps were on the smaller end of comfortable, but once he ducked through the doorway into the lounge area, he was unable to fully right himself courtesy of the second floor TV area installed overhead.
Still, he took a good look around the place:
“That surely took a while to fabricate…”, he noted, knowing that it can’t be stock due to the size of it in relation to the semi truck up front.
“Yes.” said Dom, and Riley jumped, “Christ! How do you do that?”
“I suppose you’re just not observant enough,” Dom smiled humorously, before continuing, “For the most part it was about raising up the original trailer. My shop and I ended up actually combining parts from a number of different sources over a few months, with at least two wrecked semi trailers and an RV going into the exterior alone.”
“Certainly would have sized up things differently…” Valentin comments, both regarding exterior dimensions and arrangement of interior fittings.
From still within the doorway, Norse peeked into the lounge area, taking in the very comfy-looking seating arrangements.
“They have an entire trailer that you still manage to NOT fit into? Talk about being a lighthouse, haha!”, Norse laughed past Dom and towards Valentin, who himself was not exactly fond of that joke.
“You seem a bit cramped in there, Valentin,” Riley laughed, “Lucky for you, the kitchen is decently big,” he said, leading the group into a kitchen and dining area, finally featuring a ceiling tall enough for Valentin to stand comfortably. The kitchen had an impressive level of creature comfort, with a fridge, oven and range, microwave, large counters, abundant storage space, and even a TV. The dining room jutted out from the trailer with a table large enough to fit eight.
Thoroughly impressed, though a bit lost, Valentin took a look around. He never was an avid cook and thus did not bother getting a massive kitchen with all the creature comforts. The lack of frequent visits at his flat also made a dining area redundant.
“20 bucks on Val not being able to name half of the utensils you have at hand.” Norse chuckled, smiling while opening the nearest drawer, revealing the usual assortment of forks, spoons, knifes and such.
“You still owe me 800 Krona for that shirt…” Valentin commented, despite usually not being pushy regarding finances. Still, not being the guy to place bets upon was reason enough to dig up recent bets.
“Fuck right…” Norse relented, closing the drawer again.
“While we’re here, may as well ask if anyone wants anything to drink,” said Riley, opening the fridge to reveal an assortment of sodas and sparkling waters, as well as a jug of filtered water.
“Thank you, but I am good.” Valentin politely declines. Norse however, did accept a serving of orange soda, happily sipping on it thereafter.
Riley also took an orange soda and closed the fridge, “This is likely the most expensive area of the entire truck, so I am very thoroughly happy that the trailer doesn’t count towards team expenses.” Dom further explained, “Though much of this is very similar to standard RV equipment, we ended up setting it up as basically a normal kitchen, as though it were a house. We also took lots of care to make sure that insulation - both acoustic and thermal - are as high quality as possible.”
“Thermal insulation was important for our ‘solution’ as well. Reduces strain on the AC unit we have. Other than that, being low-profile was important as well, since the train as a whole has a design speed of 200kph. Aerodynamics matter at such a speed. The side effect is the apparent lack of space…” Valentin commented, “that said, since trailers don’t count and neither car was built with the express purpose of being ran at this event, our official expenses are measured in pennies, even if Robert alone is worth about 140 grand or so.”
“Turns out, restoration is expensive,” agreed Dom, “but at least money is cheap.”
“Restoration can be. Research definitely is.” Valentin corrected, as Robert II and the other steam cars had little to do with the extremely mundane vehicles they were built upon.
“I suppose so, though I assure you, at least 80% of any proper restoration is research.”
“You lot likely spent more than enough time on either of those. Just went in different directions with different results,” Norse remarked as he went about a trip of discovery, mostly linked to the ostensibly posh kitchen area being WAY above what his pay grade could even dream of.
“And to be fair, given we’re here, none of us had anything better to do,” replied Riley
Valentin just nodded somewhat awkwardly, as he very much had nothing better to do for most of 2022. A notion which Norse also was aware of, forcing him to scramble for a different topic. In failing to come up with one, he simply finished his glass of soda and went over to the sink, rinsing off the glass he just used.
Riley led the team to the front of the trailer, up a short set of stairs, and into a relatively cramped area with a number of bunk beds. Riley yelled “HEY Y’ALL,” proceeded by two heads popping up and immediately slamming face first into the top bunk, immediately followed by an impressive amount of cursing from both parties. “fucking. what do you want. jesus christ that hurt.” sounded a gravelly voice, followed by Rose climbing out of bed.
The relatively cramped area turned out to be even worse than the other end of the trailer, since Valentin now not only had issues height-wise, but also in width even with his relative lack of mass.
While the inverted head-desk of the two other members was amusing to Norse, Valentin was less fond of the apparent disturbance: “Shouting into other people’s ears was necessary?”
Riley laughed, “Had to show the size of the beds somehow, and adding the element of surprise certainly helps.” Dom remained stoic as he told Rose, “We’re meeting the nice men, and since it appears to be fairly cramped in here, we ought to go into the kitchen,” to which Rose mumbled, “ooooowwww.” The group, plus Rose and Christian, the other of the heads harmed in the great Bonkening, once again returned to the kitchen.
“Needless to say, the individual bed of ours has more space than those. Though we have no other rooms to speak of…” Valentin calmly commented, momentarily tip-toeing to exemplify the fact that he can stretch out in full in his compartment, “In any case, I am going to check of more people need hooking up to power. Has been pleasant meeting you.”
“Yes. You’re a good bunch!” Norse added cheerfully, “Talk to ya sometime!”
Soon after, the two more-or-less elegantly headed out of their trailer and back towards their less flamboyant sleeping solutions.

“Riley, for future reference, you should probably tone it down a bit,” said Dom finally after Valentin and Norse were comfortably out of earshot.

And as always, a huge thanks goes out to Elizi for dealing with me while writing this!



PART 2.1 - Can I see your driver’s license, please?

Earlier parts

Pre-prologue part 1
Pre-prologue part 2
Prologue part 0.1
Prologue part 0.15 - Interlude
Prologue part 0.2
Prologue part 0.3
Prologue part 0.4
Part 1.1 - What’s that smell?
Part 1.2 - Slip-sliding into camp

PART 2.1 - Can I see your driver’s license, please?

The night at camp had not been very dramatic. Our crew was used to the cold, and the gasoline fired heater had kept the camper part of the Sanju warm enough, without draining the batteries. And there was not much drama going on in the IP Rugger when they left either. In the Sanju Wolverine, however, things were a bit different… The big military truck had a hard time staying in its own lane on the snowy roads.

“I said EASY on the gas”, Arne said while Marie kept slipping and sliding around.

“Yeah, yeah, I am trying”, Marie said, without giving a single attempt to actually lift the foot off the accelerator. From Arne, all you could hear was a deep sigh, while the Sanju went all over the road like a drunken snake.

“And I am not sure that it is a good idea to drive this fa…AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!”, Arne was screaming, as they saw a police car slowing down in front of them. Marie slammed the brakes, only to lock up the wheels, somehow managing to barely pass the police car with no space in between the vehicles at all, and finally stopping the Sanju at the start of a hill a bit in front of the police car. The cop was more or less running towards the Sanju, signaling to Marie to open the window.

“What’s the matter?”, she asked.

“CAN I SEE YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE, PLEASE?”, the policeman answered, red in his face.

“Uhm… Here it is…”, she said, “…but as you can see, no commercial vehicle license yet, I am…you know…trying to take it right now.”, Marie mumbled and gave the Swedish driver’s license to the policeman.

“Uhm…I can’t say that I have seen one like this before, but it does not look fake, so yeah, I believe you”, he said. “Trying to take a commercial license, huh?”.

“Yes.”, Marie said.


“Well…you do have a point…”, Arne said.

“OK…”, the policeman said, “Papers and registration on this…thing…”

“Sure”, Marie said, accidentally releasing the parking brake when trying to open the glovebox, rolling backwards and somehow managing to stop at the side of the police car with only centimeters between them.

“I can’t believe this… I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!”, the policeman said. Marie handed over the papers to him, and since they were in order, he could not say anything. But…he would have liked to.

“Uhm, seems OK. Oh well, since this is a foreign truck, I guess I’ll have to take a look so you aren’t smuggling in some illegal goods”, he said and went back to open the rear doors of the Sanju.

“Ehm, I would not recommend that…”, Arne said.

“AHA! You are trying to hide something from m…YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHH!”

“Shit…I think the cop just found Mr Spikey”, Janne said, sitting in the IP Rugger parked a bit behind, watching out over the scene.

“If we manage to finish this race without ending up in prison, I will drink a can of ATF oil”, Andreas sighed.

“GO! JUST GO! YOU’RE OK! AS LONG AS I NEVER HAVE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!”, the policeman said, jumped back into his patrol car (that now were going to have some blood stains on its seats), and went away as if he would have been chased by a demon.

Without anyone taking notice, however, Marie was suddenly gone. After some searching, they found her behind a snow drift, gulping on the fifth can from a sixpack of beer.

“Has it ever occurred to you that you were supposed to be able to drive for the rest of the stint?”, Arne asked her in a very serious voice.

“Uh…uhh…uhh….VIVAAAA LAS VEGAS!”, Marie answered, and everyone understood that she wasn’t going to be driving for a long while.


Marie went in a not very straight line towards the Sanju, went inside and yelled.


“Santa Claus, probably”, Andreas sighed.

After sleeping some hours, Marie had sobered up enough to be able to drive. Tired, freezing, hungry and in a really grumpy mood, our team members rolled into the camp, last of all the participating teams. Everyone just went to sleep without saying a word. Well, except for Andreas that was stumbling on some empty beer cans when entering the Sanju, saying some words that wasn’t suited for children.


Next part


Team Sane Insanity

Part 1.1 Anything is a Tow Truck if You Try Hard Enough

“Stop laughing at my pain!” shouted Raymond.
This was in response to the obvious amusement for the other two team members, witnessing the rather tall Raymond attempt to fit himself in the KKR S2. After managing to sit, in the vague sense of the word, on the seat in the KKR, he undid the roof, preferring the cold to the permanent spinal injury. Due to the possibility of snow, a tarp was fixed onto the passenger side of the car to prevent snow from filling the interior. The team set off, Raymond in the KKR, Nathan again driving the Roadmaster. The whole team was hoping and praying that no mechanical issues would happen to either car, preventing a repeat of the rift.

Stage 1 Drive

Due to the lack of a roof, Raymond decided to floor the KKR, hoping to get to camp as quickly as possible and out of the cold. He began driving significantly and dangerously above the speed limit, considering the snow and the lack of cold weather capabilities of the KKR. The Roadmaster, unsurprisingly, struggled to keep up. However, Nathan and Andrew did not mind, as the Roadmaster was warm and they would entertain themselves with other methods besides looking out the window. The others took their time driving through the snowy roads, a decision that turned out to be great foresight, due to a visit from the cops.

The police had been on high alert after they had received reports of lots of cars traveling very quickly through the road. This was concerning the chain of command, due to the possibility of whiteout conditions later in the day. Of course, everyone was paying keen attention to the speed of the cars driving by, with one officer noticing a bright yellow coupe blasting by without a care in the world. This officer immediately pulled the car over.

“Dang it” Raymond groaned, noticing the visit from the police. He notified his fellow teammates, who eventually caught up and pulled over to witness the police response for this traffic infraction.

“Hello there sir, do you know why I pulled you over?” the police officer, who introduced himself as James, asked Raymond.
“No?” Raymond responded, faking confusion.
“You were going above the speed limit. Do you know that is very dangerous?” James explained
Now, there are many responses one might take. They could apologize. They could make an excuse, like what Raymond did.
“Sorry officer, I did not know there was a speed limit.”
This excuse usually does not work in most countries, and Nehmenweld was no exception. This excuse was made even more pointless and idiotic, due to the fact that they had stopped in front of a speed limit sign.
The police officer, amused by this response, and a creative punishment for Raymond.
“Please step outside your vehicle,” Officer James commanded.
Raymond complied. He was then directed to stand in front of the sign.
“Read to me what this sign says,” Officer James instructed.
“Speed Limit, 55 MPH,” Raymond dictated.
“Now as you can tell, this type of sign makes it very clear what the speed limit is. It is called a speed limit sign,” Officer James explained. He then proceeded to give a long lecture on the history of speed limits and road signs in Nehmenweld, along with the dangers of disobeying them, in the middle of a snowstorm. While Officer James did not mind the cold, Raymond did, and was thoroughly chastised by the end of this lesson and regretting his decision to speed. Eventually, this ended with a ticket, which would be paid upon arrival at camp.

After this incident with the cops was wrapped up and on their merry way, Sane Insanity also attempted to set off. Attempted is the operative word. Nathan, it turns out, had parked the Voyage in a snowbank, and the Voyage had gotten stuck. After the proven method “speed and power” did not work, the KKR was enlisted to the Voyage and yanked out. After multiple attempts to drag the Voyage out of the ditch it made, the Voyage was freed. Finally, the team was able to set off. Except they couldn’t. The Voyage had decided to enter limp home mode. Attempts to locate the issue by pulling codes and checking the fuse box were unsuccessful. The team then decided to use a bootleg copy of Roadmaster’s diagnostic software, but they all forgot which computer it was downloaded onto. The team wasted ever more time narrowing the computer down to an old Thinkpad that refused to charge. Since the team chose to defy logic and download their single copy of important software onto a fossil, diagnosing the issue was made much harder. Sane Insanity decided to cut their losses and try to drive the Roadmaster in limp home mode.
“Can you go any faster?” complained Raymond over the radio, noting the sluggish pace
“No” was Nathan’s succinct response.
“Is there anything you can do?”
“Is driving 15 MPH really the best option?”
Eventually, the team found this pace unreasonably slow, getting overtaken by semi-trucks, and decided to tow the Voyage with the KKR. After wasting even more time attaching the cables, the KKR proceeded to tow the Voyage at the extremely swift 17 MPH. Due to the minor inconvenience caused by the Voyage, the KKR was proving itself to be a moderately effective tow truck, despite its lack of power and the heavy load. Even so, this was an experience that none of the team members wanted to relive.

After 15 hours on the road and being delayed, Sane Insanity pulled into camp. However, the Voyage was still in limp home mode, having not fixed itself. With the Thinkpad charged up, the team was able to diagnose the issue to one transmission sensor that was not properly connected. All three team members were extremely frustrated that this simple issue drastically slowed them down, but this was entirely said in retrospect. In order to prevent a repeat of this incident, all connectors were fully duct-taped over to make sure they would remain securely connected.


Stage 2:

Silvercreek City to Hollenburg

Temperature at mid-day: 0°C
Night-time Low: -5°C
Weather Conditions: In continuation from yesterday, the winds remain largely unchanged, with mild to moderate strength and few gusts. There is no snow- or rainfall for the entire day.

Camp Challenge: Stopping Distance from 62 MPH / 100 km/h.

After yesterday’s brutal climb over the mountain pass, spirits brighten perhaps a little when it’s mentioned that today, we’re taking Highway Route 1 to the next location.

While leaving Silvercreek City was slow, the 55 MPH / 90 km/h speed signs and generally decent conditions on the highway mean we’re able to travel at a decent pace. At least one thing is certain: there is plenty of room for passing, thanks to it being four lanes of divided highway (two lanes for each direction of travel.) Those way out in the front occasionally saw a police car parked near the signs, covering the 75 MPH speed limit with a bright orange “Reduced Speed 55 MPH / 90 km/h” sign instead. The road weaves in and around the mountain, occasionally passing through a small tunnel, for the most part maintaining a speed around 55 MPH, but occasionally dipping down to 35 for some corners, and on a couple of long, straight, well-salted sections of the highway, allowing us to make up a little lost time at 75, before having to return to reality for the next section of less-than-ideal highway.

For those who can’t manage the brisk pace on this run, however, it becomes far more obvious that it’s going to be a long drive. Not just will they have to contend with a slower overall time, but also being the first people to deal with traffic. The mid-to-late 1930’s style cars are certainly stylish, and surprisingly quick, but it’s also abundantly clear that our vehicles outmatch theirs in almost every way.

For those who are pushing their luck, every so often, there’s a car painted up in black and white sitting in the hard shoulder, just waiting to catch a glimpse of someone they know is speeding, their red-and-blue snow-globe-style lights turned on and spinning slowly, warning people of their presence.

As we leave the highway and make it to the city of Hollenburg, it’s more obvious now that Silvercreek was small. Easily fitting 400,000 people within it, we’re forced to deal with the consequences: Traffic. There’s not a huge amount of cars, though clearly some people have their own personal motor vehicles, but there’s a surprising amount of trucks, a handful of primitive buses, three tram lines, and a whole hell of a lot of bicycles.

Thanks to the size of our group, the only place Hollenburg has to offer is the Hollenburg Campground. It’s not a popular place thanks to its nearest neighbor: the cemetery.

Next Stage Expected Conditions:

Road Speed: moderate
Road Condition: poor
Traffic: high
Police: low

Notes: Being stopped by police is always a 15 minute delay for a warning, a 30 minute delay for a ticket, and a 12 hour and 15 minute delay for an arrest.

A change has been made which substantially streamlines the stage calculation process on our end while (hopefully) also making it easier to read for you. As such, the data associated with the challenge is now to be found in the link below, leading to a non-interactive spreadsheet containing the aforementioned data.

(Link removed because we made an oops. Corrections are being made for the future…)


Team Shift Happens

Unofficial Camp Challenge longest distance: HD-GV Home Unit - 134.3m
Things were going smoothly until flashing lights and a loud siren ended up pulling in behind Takaraya in the Home Unit. After a brief warning about keeping his truck in his lane, and not driving in both lanes, Takaraya and Kasiya returned to the long drive ahead of them, with Kasiya grumbling quietly about the traffic and Takaraya trying to keep quite a lot of truck in the lane.


VS Mobil Generator AB

After the customary slow railing-up process, the train of Diones quickly reached the line speed, taking a slightly more scenic route to Hollenburg. Val at least gets to enjoy some more mountain scenery while cruising on smooth, sleek rails.


Team M.A.D.

With the team splitting up, the end result is that the Walkenhorst half of the crew cruises ahead while the Sakura is busy paying back the favor from the previous stage by dragging a certain badly-misfiring Frankencar out of several ditches.


Team Sinesian Rejects

The crew in the Imbe were hardly surprised when Ianis took off in the Itan ute again, leaving them cruising slowly along until someone’s loud music got switched on, leading to the startled driver promptly ending up in the ditch. Due to the engine’s constant pinging, there’s not quite enough power to get the car back on the road, leading to one of the crew flagging down the Sakura Citrine for a little much-needed help. Unfortunately, due to the crash, the crash-damaged front suspension now tends to pull to the right, which, when combined with obnoxious passengers, every time the driver’s hands leave the wheel, the Imbe ends up in the ditch, and the Sakura dutifully drags the car back onto the road. Meanwhile, Ianis got his first real look at Nehmenweld’s police force when his speedy driving sent him off the road, and after an hour of trying to get the ute back on the road, the cops caught back up to him. Having shotguns aimed at you, told to get down on the ground now, and realizing that “K-9 unit” in Nehmenweld means being chased down by something bigger than Kasiya, and nowhere near as nice, Ianis surrenders and accepts his fate. Many, many hours later, he’s grateful when Jayde turns up to bail out the three teams that had screwed up.


Team Not-So-Slow

It’s another comfortable stage in the luxury car. However, it’s just long enough for worry to start creeping in. Didn’t it happen last year, after all, that the car ran great for several stages and then started to fall apart?


The Ambassadors

The choice to split up really only ends up making a difference courtesy of the Mayland’s thirstier engine needing an additional fuel stop. Through it all, the two cars keep well within radio range of one another.


The Knockouts

After victory in the previous stage, the crushing jaws of defeat grabbed Kate this round. An ill-timed sneeze at full speed sends the 1325 Facelift off of the highway, where it quickly ends up stuck in a snow-drift. As she’s ordered out by a Nehmenweld police officer holding back a snarling, 11-foot-tall werewolf with a heavy chain, then promptly placed in handcuffs, she gets an ironic glimpse at the cruising Papillona making its way past.


Team Mravolinski-Chitco

It’s all fun and games until someone does a drive-shaft pole-vault on the highway. Luckily, the Kontir Cunningham is tough enough to take the sudden rear-axle abuse without any further issue, but a highway-side driveshaft repair is not fun.



Another comfortable, if slightly-briskly-paced drive for the two elderly ladies and their much younger family members wraps up the highway stage. Mopey gets a couple extra lumps after laughing at teams being arrested.


Team Flaming Gallahs

It is really bad luck that got all of you this time. See, the police were trying to stop a speeding car that darted around you. The end result, however, was that they accidentally got you with the spike strips, leaving Priscilla II with multiple flat tires. Luckily, you were only stuck waiting for a few hours while the police came back with a couple of mystics to un-pop and re-inflate your blown tires.


Team Friendship! :smiley:

The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round, all down the road.


Team Hillbilly Rollers

After yesterday’s beer fiasco, the solution this time was to pack all the alcohol into the IP Rugger and leave Marie plenty of water in the Wolverine. It seemed to work as she stayed sober this time.


Team Sane Insanity

Nearly 5 hours were lost to diagnosing a misfiring midship sports car. After being concerned that it was bad fuel, bad plugs, or a bad fuel injector, the real problem was found: The engine had a rat-chewed ignition coil wire that caused intermittent misfires. After copious amounts of electrical tape were wrapped around the high-voltage line, the engine seems to run well enough to continue the stage.


Faolan Industries

The fender skirts on the 11/2 are beautiful, but they suck to remove when a tire has popped. The end result is nearly 3 hours of lost time courtesy of removing and replacing the skirts twice thanks to some road debris.


Team Taciturn

The aliens have no issues on this stage, making a very clean run.


Team ReUnity

With the crappy conditions in your favor, the crossover sprints to the finish line first. Unfortunately, it’ll be a while before lighting arrives in camp.


Team Spy Kids

It was all fun and games until the Reekayns threw a rod. 7 hours and 32 minutes later, the engine is now “running” with a missing cylinder. This produced a smoke machine that very quickly resulted in getting a warning that “we don’t appreciate the smoke, so get it cleaned up.” Spare parts are used in camp to return the engine to fully-functioning condition, following the very pleasant experience of an unbalanced paint-shaker of an engine. Meanwhile, the Mocabey spent roughly 4-and-a-quarter hours going the wrong way and then had to turn around and go the right way.


Team J3

Camp Challenge winner (shortest stopping distance): Tiharris Summer V6 J3 - 33.5m
It’s a smooth and quiet cruise for team J3 this time. No failures, only a basic traffic stop because the Rhien Willow was all over the road.

@JCurtiss96 & @Leone

Team Aeromad

Camp Challenge winner (longest stopping distance): Juggernaut 862 Custom Aeromad - 77.7m
If there’s one certainty about having RWD and an airplane engine, it’s that you learn really fast what the definition of “too much power” is. With the Torrento spending a bit over 8.5 hours off the road needing a tug after someone’s heavy right foot put it in the ditch, it’s very clear that this car is “too powerful” for its own good.

@Tzuyu_main & @FallingComet

Team Black Rabbit Disavowed

Other than getting a warning for the Seikatsu’s width causing their extended flatbed to flick the aerials of every police car nearby, it was smooth sailing for the crews involved.


Sheriff Scott’s Posse

Another crew with some really nasty tire trouble. First, you hit the spike strip meant for someone else, and then you slid right into the ditch and buried the car in a snow-drift. Then, with spare tires, patches, and chewing gum in the holes, you did it again just for good measure. This time, you asked a local policeman if they could possibly get you tires in your measurements. They returned… With several inner-tubes to fill your tortured tires with so you could limp it to camp.


Team “486”

Luck was on your side this time. No breakdowns while both cars were flat out, one drafting the other, sirens screaming the whole way behind you. Turns out, the Nehmenweld Highway Patrol takes the Highway part of their name very seriously, as their failed attempt to describe your vehicles as they left the highway means you got away clean… This time.


Team Magdelena

With the Baumhauer spending 5 hours and 41 minutes on the side of the road dealing with a mysterious ticking noise and the Hinode getting pulled over for a speeding ticket, it’s not exactly an uneventful voyage today.


Team Machinas Con Passione

Other than Alessio getting a warning for his driving pace in the Blue Wonder, it’s a smooth experience here.

@GetWrekt01 & @That-S-Cop

Cunning Stunts

Both crews were bored on this trip, as it was a long, long stretch of highway driving with nothing really going on other than the occasional car parked on the side of the road to look at.


Team Till D End

When the dry-rotted tires on the camper’s rear axle exploded, it created one interesting setback for Team Till D End. Fortunately, after 4 hours of waiting, a few policemen were able to retrofit some tube tires and their respective treads onto the rear dually axle of your truck. It feels a little strange to drive a “ten wheeler” into camp, courtesy of the eight tires, two per rim, crammed under the camper bed.



It turns out, driving the edgiest car around doesn’t go over well when you’re driving like an idiot drafting the camper in front of you. Luckily, when the MCMOTD came to a shuddering halt courtesy of something fouling up the fuel system, the cops were only interested in arresting the driver of it. That said, being confronted by Nehmenweld’s version of “K-9” units in the form of giant freaking werewolves, plus the cops who started by aiming sawn-off shotguns at you, that was a guarantee for cooperation.


Team Gunship

Spending 10 hours and 34 minutes diagnosing an intermittent fault causing the engine to completely shut off on the highway is a nightmare. Especially when it just keeps happening, racking up 20 minutes here, an hour there, 12 minutes over there, and so on. Eventually, the problem is solved, and the crew is able to scream into camp in their open-cockpit roadster.


4 Dicks in a Truck

18 wheels of PAIN. Running over a discarded spike strip and puncturing all 18 wheels sucked. Sure, patching them all up was easy enough, but 18 wheels needing work wasn’t fun. Neither were the 100 lug-nuts all put on by the 800 pound gorilla in the shop the last time the rig was worked on. After nearly 11 hours of back-breaking work, you’re on the road again.


Team Shift Happens

Pre-Race Camp (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Drive (VSmgAB)
Stage 0 Camp; Part 1 (VSmgAB)
Stage 0 Camp, Arrival. (Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp, The Range (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp, Night Time Breaker Trip (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 1 Drive (Shift Happens)

Stage 2 Drive

Highway Route 1, heading to Hollenburg

Kaylie had to admit, it was a bit unusual having the team split into two vehicles like this. She and Jayde were joined by Kasiya behind the wheel, and Rukari who was currently their radio operator, while the other truck had Takaraya driving, Kivenaal and Malavera in the back, and Kayden as the radio operator. The HD-GV units had room for 5 people with ease, but they only had 4 in each cab. Ironically, the biggest argument the team had actually had while back in Nevada was regarding who went in which vehicle - Kivenaal and Malavera had refused to be in separate trucks, and likewise, Jayde insisted he would rather be with Kaylie instead of on his own.

But the team split meant that, unless they were on the radio, or within range of the HD-GVs’ internal networking equipment, there was no contact with the other half of the team. And as for using the computers, Kaylie and Jayde both gave up after realizing neither of them knew the language or the keyboard layout enough to use it, even if Malavera was familiar with the system.

Takaraya was just getting comfortable on the first proper bit of highway cruising they got to do. While Kasiya was right in the middle of the lane up ahead, kicking up snow from the side of the road with the HD-GVs tires and the trailer tires as well, Takaraya was a bit further over, keeping his truck out of the snow-pile at the edge of the lane.

Things seemed normal until he heard the long, slow, rising wail of an air-raid siren from behind his rig. A glance in the mirror showed flashes of light, and his knowledge on vehicles dragged a groan out of him. “Kayden, inform Kasiya and the others that we just got pulled over,” Takaraya said, putting on the hazard lights and pulling the rig over. Kasiya, up ahead, did much the same.

15 minutes and a polite warning to keep his rig in the lane later, the convoy was back on the move, passing by a couple of teams who were having far worse luck with the police.

Kaylie looked out of the rear cab window and asked, “Are they using Dyre as police dogs?”

“Yes,” Jayde replied. “Let’s face it, would you run from one, knowing they will chase you until they catch you?”

Kaylie shuddered, and Jayde pulled her close, understanding that Kaylie did still have some issues with the Dyre, courtesy of the previous year.

Stage 2 Camp

Hollenburg, 7-and-27 Sun

As the two trucks pulled into the new campsite and were parked for the night, the usual routine of putting all the lights out was started, even with the generator unit not on site yet. Once the light poles were up and the cords were run so no one would trip over them, it was time to start making food. From the back of one of the refrigerated trailers, Kayden grabbed a heavy pack of pork chops, while Takaraya removed their charcoal grill from the back of the Carry All.

“So,” Kaylie asked, “Who’s turn is it to run the grill?”

“That’d be Kasiya,” Kivenaal responded. Kasiya groaned and held up an armor-clad hand.

“You’re crazy if you think I’m cooking in this,” Kasiya shot back.

“It’s safe enough you can take the armor off,” Kaylie mentioned.

Kasiya growled and shook his head, before snatching the offered grilling tools out of Kivenaal’s hand. “Fine, but if I sacrifice half of these to the grilling gods-”

“You’ll do okay in that,” Takaraya said, cutting his son off. “It’s just powered armor, it’s an extension of you.”


Team VSmgAB & Team Shift Happens

Stage 0 Camp, The Range (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp, Nighttime Breaker Trip (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp; Can’t sleep (VSmgAB; Machinas Con Passione)
Stage 1 Drive (VSmgAB)
Stage 1 Drive (Shift Happens)
Stage 2 Drive/Camp (Shift Happens)

Writer’s note: Other than a single relevant plot point during the drive to the second camp, nothing of note happens. Said event will be referenced below.

Stage 2 Camp; Hollenburg Campsite

After 9 hours of less-than eventful running along Nehmenweld’s railways, the convoy of four cars pulls into the lot with a little more than half of the participating vehicles already present, among which Shift Happens.
As the camp lights were already set up, they carefully navigated the mess of poles and cables strewn across the place before, as always, parking up smack-dab in the middle of the teams already present.

Immediately afterwards, power was set up, made evident by the entire camp being flooded with nearly useless lighting, given that it was nowhere near dusk at this time.
Once that was done, all the teams present and also drawing power got their share of angry electrons.

Now that Valentin had some time outside of necessary duties, he procured a small stack of three binders, which he skimmed through while sat in the driver’s seat of Robert the second.

“Wait what?” he mumbles in disbelief while almost staring into one of the binders opened up across his lap. As he flipped through further, it was patently obvious that the contents of it were not some elaborate prank or something along those lines, which sent Valentin into a level of confusion as if it was written in 96px impact font across his forehead.
Checking the other two binders did not help at all, containing what amounts to the same thing with some details changed up.

Eventually, he climbs out of the heavily reclined seat, hauling the stack of binders over to Kaylie of Shift Happens, who, together with most of the remaining team, was busy cooking up lunch on a charcoal grill.

“Uhm… mind if we talk for a minute? I have… uhm… high-profile mail here…” Valentin asks while holding up the three binders.

Kaylie nodded, motioning to Val to sit down at the folding table in one of the larger, reinforced metal folding chairs. “Sure, Valentin. I was on standby in case Kasiya needed help with cooking, but,” Kaylie said, motioning in Kasiya’s direction as the power-armored werewolf casually flipped pork chops on the grill, only occasionally having to prod one into the spot he wanted it to be, “as you can see, he’s surprisingly good in that suit. And don’t worry, I think he’s gentler in the suit than outside of it.”

“I’m just aware of what the suit is capable of,” Kasiya admitted. “It’s why I’m not moving any more than I must do for the purpose of cooking.”

Kaylie chuckled. “Yeah, apparently, Kayden never got the memo about “don’t talk with your hands while in powered armor.” He still moves his hands around without realizing that one dramatic arm sweep might leave someone with a bloody nose. Anyway, you said you have some high-profile mail, and wanted to talk, so I’ll shut up and listen. If you and your crew are in the mood for pork chops off the grill, you’re welcome to share.”

With how mentally taxing the news within the binders was to Valentin, he managed to be completely oblivious to armored-up Kasiya until Kaylie mentioned it.
Even then, he was remarkably calm about it.

“Anyway…” he starts, plonking the set of binders onto the fold-up table, “simply put. Multiple companies over here apparently want me as chief engineer for their railroads. I haven’t read them in full… yet… but i am ostensibly a foreigner to everyone here…”

Kaylie gave a light smile, then replied, “Well, you did make a bit of a statement last year. I’m not entirely surprised that you’ve got companies being interested in you.”

Kasiya tried his best to ignore the personal conversation, knowing he wasn’t technically invited into it, and as a result, trying to listen in would be more-or-less deliberately eavesdropping. “Hey, Rukari, mind if I borrow your magnetic-tape playback unit?”

Rukari looked a bit confused, until Kaylie, with a smirk, said, “He’s asking to borrow your cassette player.”

“Oh. Yes, just be careful with it,” Rukari said, handing it to Kasiya. Kasiya unplugged Rukari’s earbuds and handed them back, plugging in his own set and starting the tape, only to immediately flinch and scramble for the volume wheel.

“If he starts going deaf,” Kasiya said, “get on his case about the loud music.” He attached the player to his left shoulder with a velcro strap, then returned to cooking, now that he could suitably block out the conversation around him.

“I have no idea if that statement is still true… regardless, i have no clue what to do with these, since i also do not fancy moving away from earth for an engineer job of unknown pay-grade and working conditions…” Valentin remarked, completely ignoring the request for the tape player, but still being polite enough to not talk over that conversation.

Kaylie thought for a moment, then said, “I can understand that thought-pattern.” She knocked on the side of the Home Unit, then said, “Jayde, Malavera, I need your input on something.”

Jayde arrived almost instantly, just pulling on a warm coat before sitting in one of the chairs. “Mal will be out here shortly, but he’ll be a bit grumpy,” Jayde warned.

Kaylie groaned. “One moment, Val,” she said, before getting up and walking into the Home Unit’s living area. When she returned with Malavera following, however, it was clear she was looking a bit embarrassed.

Malavera, on the other hand, gave a light smirk with one of his two heads as he joined the other two at the table. “Well, now that Kaylie’s seen more of me than she intended to,” he quipped, “we can figure out what was so important that I need to put my nap off for a few hours.”

Kaylie sighed. “How was I to know this fucker sleeps naked on top of the covers?” she muttered. “Anyway, Val has some companies looking at hiring him here in this world. He also has no plans to move here. Is there a possible way to bridge between here and Earth for Valentin, should he want to do this?”

Jayde nodded. “I can create a mirror-bridge between here and Earth. It’s… Not exactly easy, but I did learn how to do it. I’d be a bit tired after doing so, but a night of rest and some food, I’ll be fine,” Jayde admitted, trying his best to avoid mentioning the word magic around Valentin.

“Payment wouldn’t be too hard to make legal,” Malavera said. “I have the deed to a silver mine in Nevada. We could have an agent involved, who uses the coin of the realm to purchase silver, transport that to Earth, it gets sold as a product of my mine, and you then have United States Dollars. Logistically… I’d hire you as an independent contractor so I could pay you your wages. Obviously, taxes are going to take a fair chunk, but… Considering how much silver goes for at the moment, it’s reasonable.”

“Money here is backed in precious metals,” Jayde admitted. “For example,” he said, putting a Silver Syrkal on the table, “that is worth $36, in equivalent buying power. But here, it can be used to buy silver, which when transported to Earth, could be worth more than $36.”

“Alright i am not gonna question your habits of sleep…” Valentin blankly commented, involuntarily exercising the thought of imagining the Shift Happens crew asleep, but quickly collecting himself and listening to what they had to contribute.

“So… we set up one of those mirror portal things like what you came to earth through… use Malavera’s silver mine rights as a middleman for legal purposes on earth, thus tying actual wage to earthen silver prices… and… one moment.” Valentin said, thinking for a moment about the process that would be used,
“That also means that actual wage would theoretically be linked to earthen silver prices, though, right?”

Jayde gave an appreciative smile, then said, “A traveling mirror between your residence and your place of work, that’s easy enough to do. Malavera’s the mine-owner, so, he’s the authority there. But yes, buying local raw silver with local currency, then transporting that to Nevada, where the silver will be sold for US dollars, at which point, you’ll be paid.”

When Valentin asked if his wage would be linked to Earth’s silver prices, Malavera gave a light nod. “Yes. Though if what Kivenaal says is true, it’s in your favor that way, at least at the moment.”

Kivenaal sat up on the roof rack of the Home Unit, then admitted, “A Silver Syrkal is worth about $36 in buying power here, compared to 1920’s and 1930’s era dollars. The amount of silver purchased with that amount of money and brought to Earth, well… I get about three ounces per Silver Syrkal here, and then sell three ounces for about $20 per ounce.”

Malavera chuckled, then said, “As mentioned before, prices are in your favor, even though it’s not guaranteed to be stable.”

Jayde then mentioned, “As for influence on the markets, what we’re proposing to do shouldn’t make too much of a dent. It’s not like we’re dropping Kasiya’s weight in gold on the market. Silver’s fairly common.”

“Uhm… sure hope the silver market does not crash, then…” Valentin mumbled as he rearranged the binders on his desk, picking one seemingly at random to dig into.
Said binder was made of leader and had a very ornate Logo fabricated onto it. A string of text made it obvious that this specific one belonged to the Holsian State Railways.

“Wait… are we not in Nehmenweld? Am i getting international requests now?”, he mumbled mostly to himself, but still loud enough for the others at the table to hear.

He then started actually reading through the proposal…

Kivenaal chuckled. “If you’re concerned about crashing the silver market, I can purchase other valuable metals and sell those as well,” he admitted. “Silver is just one of the easier ones I can buy.”

When Val mentioned he had an international request, Jayde took a look at the binder just out of curiosity. “Yeah, that’s interesting,” Jayde admitted, before pulling out a map of the world from his bag. He rolled it out on the table and carefully traced his fingers over it, studying the map. “We’re here in Nehmenweld,” he said, running a hand over the huge southern continent of the world." He traced his hand across the middle of the map, stating, “Equator is here. Then, up here, this is Holsia. Unfortunately, that’s all I really know about them is where they are on a map. Never been there.”

“Neither have I,” Kivenaal admitted. “I’d ask Rukari, but…”

Rukari stuck his head out from behind the HD-GV Home Unit and admitted, “Never been to Holsia. Have seen it on sea charts, but never been there.”

Kivenaal leaned down over the side of the roof rack, trying to smack his brother’s head for the mild startle, only for Rukari to grab Kivenaal’s hand and pull. The end result was both Valraadii giving a pained grunt as Kivenaal landed on Rukari, knocking them both to the ground.

Jayde looked over at them, then said, “Well, that’s certainly a new one. What’d we learn?”

“Rukari’s mean, but not clever,” Kivenaal quipped.

“Kivenaal is heavy and lands with elbows on you,” Rukari groaned out, slowly sitting up after shoving his bigger brother off of him.

“Those two,” Malavera said in an off-hand comment, “will probably never change.”

Valentin was largely busy reading the proposal -or at least what seemed to be the most important parts- and also studying the map of Jayde when both Kivenaal and Rukari went to the ground.
Shaken, Valentin almost jumps up from the table:
“You okay?”, he inquires as a fall from about 4 meters cannot have been pleasant.

“We’re both okay,” Rukari said.

“I’ll feel that one later, but, yeah, I’m fine,” Kivenaal added.

Kayden had heard the sound of someone taking a bit of a tumble and wandered out of the Home Unit’s cab to see both Rukari and Kivenaal laying on the ground. “Right, did either of you break something?” Kayden asked.

Kivenaal groaned and pulled himself to his feet using Malavera’s shoulder, then said, “No, just sore.”

“My foot fell off,” Rukari grumbled, taking a few extra minutes to put his prosthetic foot back on the end of his right leg before he stood up and settled at the table.

Kasiya, still mostly oblivious to the conversations going on, finally set a plate of pork chops down on the table in a clear spot, grabbing a couple of buns and a couple pork chops to fill them with as he settled down next to the end of the table, still able to use it like everyone else.

“Hey, Takaraya, food’s ready,” Kaylie called out. Takaraya, as a result, climbed out of the back of the Home Unit, settling at the table in one of the reinforced folding chairs.

“I am going to dig through these proposals for a bit…” Valentin commented as he returned to his seat between binders, a map and now a plate of porkchop sandwiches.

A while of reading follows until Valentin closes that binder up again.
“They are apparently offering about 11 million of their currency per year, plus a further 110 thousand for each engine built with my blueprints…” Valentin commented, having no idea how much money that actually would translate to, made worse by the ring of common languages apparently not translating the name of the currency in question.

He then quickly skims the other two binders for the proposed wages.
“The Queensdale Southern Central apparently offers 920 golden Syrkals… aaand…”
he pauses, flipping through the third binder,
“The *Northern and Mountain Transportation proposes 830 golden Syrkals, plus 1400 Syrkals for each design that enters production. What they mean by ‘entering production’ is inconclusive though…”

From Malavera’s wrist-watch, a dark holographic figure appeared, wearing a very-much military uniform, down to the fact that he was processing it in green color. “I may have an answer for part of your questions. By “entering production,” what they are referring to is, and I quote, “Any engine that is produced with the intent of usage in revenue-earning service. Engines built for testing or research purposes are not considered part of being in series production. Production runs of fewer than 25 copies are considered invalid for the purposes of this contract.” So, to summarize, any locomotive assembled in 25 or more units, built for railroad service, will count toward that bonus.”

Malavera looked over at Val, then said, “Well, you just met Hunter.”

Nova piped up from Kayden’s pocket, “Well, that was a dusty archive crawl that got me nowhere. Not one reference in my currency database to Holsia.”

Layara, choosing to appear holographically on the table at one-foot-tall, gave a polite bow in Val’s direction before admitting, “It appears that my archives are incomplete. I have no record of Holsia in my internal archive. However,” Layara paused for a moment, before continuing, “The HD-GV units have an onboard mainframe. It is possible that there could be data in there that I do not have remote access to. I can get Kasiya to go check the archives, though I make no promises that we’ll find anything in there.”

Suddenly meeting two new AI personalities, especially in visual form appearing in two very different places proved to be somewhat overwhelming to Valentin. Nova speaking from within Kayden’s pocket fueled this further.

“Uhhh… sure.” he stammers, not really knowing what he actually agreed to while his gaze darted back and forth between Malavera, Layara and Hunter in an attempt to match voice to ‘face’.

“One moment while I attempt to get Kasiya’s attention, then,” Layara said. She then turned to Rukari and asked, “Can you please turn off the cassette playback device?”

Rukari nodded, before pulling out his own set of earbuds and motioning to Kasiya that he wanted the player back. Kasiya nodded, stopping the tape, disconnecting his own set of earbuds, and handing the portable player back over. As soon as Kasiya had put his own earbuds back away, Layara looked to him and said, “I need you to check the HD-GV archives for Valentin.”

Kasiya shrugged, then got up and opened the rear cab door to the Home Unit, as it was the closer of the two vehicles to the table. His fingers, even in power armor, flew over the keyboard, logging in and opening the archive search function. “Okay, archives are open. What’s the search query?” Kasiya asked.

Layara responded, “Aetherii, Currency, country of origin, Holsia.”

Kasiya typed in the keywords, then hit the enter key with his right thumb. “Mainframe is now searching the archives on both the Home Unit and the Carry All,” Kasiya mentioned.

Then, after two agonizingly long minutes, the screen displayed an annoying result. “No information available,” Kasiya said. “It checked both trucks, there’s nothing.”

“Looks like this has to wait for a bit, then… might as well ask around for conversion rates if and when the time comes…” Valentin relented, closing up the slew of paperwork strewn across the table, even going as far as folding up Jayde’s map, which took a few attempts to figure out the folding pattern.

“Mind if i nick a porkchop for the way back to Robert?”, he inquires once everything was packed up.

Kasiya locked the computer, then dropped back down out of the cab of the truck, for the briefest of moments forgetting about his added weight as he rattled the dishes on the table. “Sorry. Forgot that I’m close to 1600 kilograms in this for a moment,” Kasiya admitted a bit sheepishly.

When Val asked if he could grab a porkchop to take back, Kasiya, however, smiled. “Take as many for yourself and Norse as the two of you will eat. We always end up making a little extra because what isn’t eaten today becomes breakfast tomorrow, and worst case scenario, we rely a little on Jayde’s bag of surprises.”

“Hey, I don’t have a carton of eggs in my bag this time, so don’t get any ideas. We brought a refrigerated cube for a reason,” Jayde admitted. “Thank you, Valentin, by the way,” he said, tucking his map into the front pouch on his bag.

As Val scooped up two more sandwiches and wandered over toward Robert, the rest of the crew started seriously digging into the sandwiches.


Last Day to make changes to aggression / driving mode for Stage 3!

If you’re wanting to change up how your teams are going to handle Stage 3, get your changes in soon!



PART 3.1 - No beer means no drama!

Earlier parts

Pre-prologue part 1
Pre-prologue part 2
Prologue part 0.1
Prologue part 0.15 - Interlude
Prologue part 0.2
Prologue part 0.3
Prologue part 0.4
Part 1.1 - What’s that smell?
Part 2.1 - Can I see your driver’s license, please?

PART 3.1 - No beer means no drama!

The morning started out with all the team members being rather grumpy after the chaos the previous day. Janne really searched through the Wolverine for all the hidden beer he could find, put it inside the Rugger, and locked the canopy.

“Hey, I have no keys to that canopy!”, Marie said.

“It seems like you have understood my idea behind this, then!”, Janne answered.

He put a can of fresh water inside the cab of the Wolverine and said to Marie that it was all that she would get in case she got thirsty.

“Water is gross! Fishes are fucking in it!”, Marie mumbled.

The drive in itself, though, was rather undramatic this time. Marie actually started to somehow get the grip of how to drive the Wolverine, even if she still stuttered, grinded the gears, stalled it and took the turns a bit wide, it went a lot calmer this time. At least Arne did not fear knocking his teeth out on the glovebox door anymore.

“Seems like you are learning”, Arne said.

Of course, mainly keeping the drive to highways, and better weather conditions might have contributed to the relaxed drive. They passed other teams that mainly seemed to have tyre troubles, but for some reason, the old and somewhat dry tyre setups on both the Rugger and even more the Wolverine seemed to hold up well.

Somewhere in between the slowest and the fastest teams, our friends rolled into camp without too much drama.



Camping in the Cold

In the fading light, the two luxury sedans sat in the clearing where the convoy had made camp. On board the Ambassador the space heater was running on full blast, the car’s electrical system having been connected to the power generator. The IVERA sat nearby, completely silent and dormant. Its occupants were asleep, one in the camper shell, and two in the cabin. In the Ambassador, the fox and the caracal were scrunched side by side, the back seats of their car having been folded down to create a makeshift bed for the two. Both were fully stretched out, their legs extending into the trunk, and all of the gear that was in it, was either shoved into the front seats or in the gap between the rear and front seats.

Neither Landon nor Karl could drift off. It was honestly quite incredible.

“Karl?” Landon whispered.

The caracal sighed. “Yeah?”

“Have you tried to fall asleep?”

An annoyed grunt. “Yes, and I can’t. I don’t understand how you thought there was enough room in here for the two of us. Especially you with your massive upper torso.”

“Hey now, don’t fault me for trying to be in shape.”

“Good god, Landon. You might be a general but I didn’t expect you to be this obtuse.”

“Obtuse? What does that have to do with not being able to sleep?”

From behind the general comes a groan. “Just forget about it, okay?”

“Alright.” Landon lets out a quiet breath. “So, uh… Are we gonna sleep like this? Back to back, squished together like sardines? Almost fully clothed?”

“You have a better idea?”


“Then shut up!” Karl hissed, trying not to let out a snarl.

The two fell silent, and tried to drift off to sleep. Eventually, both were successful, at the behest of jabbing, kicking or poking each other while sleeping. Meanwhile, in the IVERA all was well. Aryton and Denali were huddled together for warmth, while Amell was in an extreme cold grade sleeping bag in the IVERA’s Toppola. As time went on, everyone reached morning, having managed to get a mostly reasonable amount of rest for the drive to Silvercreek City the next morning.

Again, General Sabourne could only hope that no serious problems would befall him and his team as they drove the first leg of the journey through Nehmenweld.

Smooth Cruise: The Stage One Drive

The next morning was cold, but thanks to the space heaters neither of the two crews encountered the frigid temperatures outside. Soon, everyone was getting packed up to leave and the two luxury yachts turned out onto the main road.

The mountains were snow capped, much like the Orvelis and Phecada mountain ranges of central Velkaristan, or the Rocky Mountains of North America. It was a spectacle to behold, at least until the blizzards started.

The Ambassador’s pitot tubes measured -20 celsius, and the airspeed was almost double as it led the two car convoy. Both the fox and caracal were wearing mostly effective winter clothing, some of which was shed because of Mayland Motors’ famously powerful heater.

Landon was glancing every so often into the rear view mirror on the passenger side. In it were the headlights and rough profile of an IVERA Executive with a toppola camper. “This is… real bad. I’d wager out right dangerous, especially with the winds.”

They approached another hairpin turn as they traversed the switchback roads. “We are driving through a blizzard, Landon. Visibility is not on our side. There’s– Oh shit!” The car’s tail swung wide as the rear tires lost traction, while Karl welded his foot to the floor by accident, only letting off and feathering it when he felt the car about to spin out, his counter steer keeping them straight. The massive car that was the Mayland then proceeded to pull off a drift around the corner somehow better Fujiwara from Initial D.

“That was fun! Scary as hell, but fun.”

“Dangerous too. Though, I don’t think it’s a good idea when we can’t see 30 feet ahead of us.”

Following this near miss, the two cars continued on. Eventually, they arrived at a gas station off the road at a small village. The attendant didn’t pay much attention to the two cars as his shift was almost over, and after the two cars resumed the journey, he got in his own car and drove himself home.

Eventually after more driving in the blizzard, they arrived in Silvercreek City, a large settlement with people living out their days in extreme cold. The Mountain View Cabins provided an excellent piece of shelter, and a nice change from sleeping in the back of a car, especially for Landon and Karl, the two, tall and muscular brutes of the team.

Inside their cabin, was a table in the center, a wood burning stove on one side and an empty bunk bed in the corner. It provided a perfect place to discuss the quest they had, to hunt down the mythical chalice. Karl had a map out on the table, and was studying it trying to match the picture in his journal and documents he’d brought along.

“Any luck?” Landon asked, somewhat interested.

Karl, looked up and shook his head. “No. Nehmenweld is as big, if not bigger than North America. And this jungle up here in the north? It’s thousands of miles of trees, judging from the scale.”

A piece of burning firewood in the stove popped, and the fire continued crackling.

“What about this stretch of highway?” Landon pointed out the road snaking through the jungle. I did a bit of studying on the chalice, and I remember it had worshipers that visited a temple back in the day. Maybe we’ll find the entrance along this road?”

“That’s the new highway, Landon. The old road was abandoned long ago and it’s not on this chart.”

A huff of breath came from the General, and he stepped over to the stove where tea was brewing in a kettle Karl had brought.

Karl changed the topic. “What do we tell the hosts?”

“What?” Landon’s eyes were full of incredulousness, and a bit of anger.

“The hosts.”

His emotions faded, and the general shook his head. “We can’t. This mission risks exposing a weapon of mass destruction. Or at least an equivalent, we’ll be in big trouble if we lose it to someone.”

A huff from the caracal. “Look Landon, the further we travel, the harder it will be to keep this a secret. We have to search for leads or clues, and it’ll be veeery suspicious if we don’t explain why we turn up in the camp at a ridiculous hour or leave long before anyone else. Then we’ll have to explain ourselves which will only make things worse, especially if we get caught lying to them.”

“So what’s the plan?” The general poured the boiling water into his thermos and placed a tea bag into it.

“We tell them. We tell the hosts what we are here to do, aside from participating in this rally.”


“Tomorrow, before we leave for Hollenburg.” Karl pointed out the city on the map. I’ll fill them in once we arrive in the next campground. I’d suggest starting with Kasiya, he’s probably the most knowledgeable in this subject. If you can, I’d also suggest getting his father, the commander and Kivenaal, the gunslinger, maybe Jayde as well. Ramius tells me he and Kivenaal can be trusted.”

“Understood. Until then we can come up with a plan on how to find the first clue. Perhaps brainstorm a few ideas.”

Later in the night they finished up with their plotting and planning and packed up all their gear and neatly organized it so they can load it into the cars again tomorrow as efficiently as possible. Meanwhile, the cabin next door was deathly silent. Amell was reading a book, while his brother and future sister-in-law were asleep huddled together. Eventually the last three remaining members of the Ambassadors team, drifted off to sleep, to be well rested for tomorrow.

'Till next time!


Sounds Like a Plan

The morning was finally upon the camp, and Team Ambassadors was getting packed up once again. Landon being a military officer was bright and early, and had already packed up most of the items he and Karl had taken out of the car, same with the sleeping bag he was given. Karl followed shortly after and also began packing up. Within minutes they had packed up the Ambassador, and were now helping out with loading the IVERA.

At some point during the loading sequence, Landon glanced towards the commander’s son who was near one of the HDGV trucks parked on the far side of the camp. Karl on the other hand, nodded in the direction as if to say “Go On”.

Landon sighed, his breath visible in the cold air. Well, it would sure be helpful to have more than just him and Karl hunting for the damn cup. Especially with a cybernetic wolf, a gun slinging 4 armed tiger, a massive skyscraper archeologist that was the commander’s son, and a lion who seemed to to know how all that magic malarkey works.

The general left his team and started in the direction of the Khalan trucks. Unlike Nevada he didn’t wear his dress uniform, which was safely packed away in his suitcase. This time he wore a pair of jeans, a dark indigo t-shirt under his leather jacket, and a thick winter parka to top it all off, and of course military grade winter boots. His sidearm was in the Mayland’s glovebox since they entered into Nehmenweld.

He slowly approached the two trucks thinking over what he should say and how he should say it.

Takaraya was the first to notice Landon, though before he could say something, Kasiya also turned to look at the general, still dressed in a full suit of powered armor.

“Do you need something?” Kasiya asked, the shining gray paint on his armor glinting in the sunlight, a sharp contrast to his jet black fur.

The general stopped short, addressing both of them. “There’s something I have to tell you. Something that should stay between us. You see, Karl and I are here because… Well while we are here for the rally and to have a bit of down time, him and I are hunting for something his grandfather had been looking for but never found.”

“You probably know what it is.” He turned to Kasiya.

Kasiya gave a light nod. “The Sacred Chalice of Aureia. One moment,” he said. “Layara, holo-projection on, the map of Nehmenweld. Overlay our route on it.”

From Kasiya’s left forearm, a map appeared in shimmering pale green, with a thick blue path carved from south to north.

“My sources say it was used in a temple for healing purposes, which makes sense as Aureia was considered the Goddess of Peace and Healing. Some time after the First War of Magic, the temple disappeared. Or, more specifically… A rainforest appeared around said temple. Either of you know a little bit of the old languages here?”

Jayde said something that even the rings couldn’t translate, then mentioned, “Jilbuur is an Ancient Aetheriian word. It means “Healing Water.” A lot of mystics use Ancient Aetheriian for spellcasting, but… they’re memorizing words, I learned the language.”

“I don’t but, Karl does.” Landon replied to the question of speaking the language. “I know the cup was used for healing. But I learned it can be used for something far sinister.”

He breathed. “It has potential that if it falls into the wrong hands, it can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.”

“Sounds to me,” Kivenaal said, leaning out of the rear door of the Home Unit, “that we should find it to destroy it.”

“My instructions are fairly simple,” Kasiya said. “I am to find the Chalice and 3D scan it, determine the material construction, and learn the history of it. Once my task is done, I have no further need of the Chalice. Upon my return to Earth, I’ll send in the required information and the Interplanetary Historical Preservation Society will create a replica of the Chalice for people to view.”

Jayde sighed. “Why is it that humans have the most irritating habit of taking things meant to heal and using them to harm?”

Kivenaal shrugged. “I mean, I’m strong enough with magic to perform, as they were called at the Fall of Aetherii, “Strategic Level Magicks.” All it would take to make it a weapon of mass destruction would be a way to give someone strong magic. Now, imagine your average cult of dark wizards, but instead of little rituals and blood sacrifices, you use the Chalice, spread your followers across a world, and have them, with enhanced magic, casting blood-fueled dark magicks to turn entire cities into glass. Not like nuclear weapons do, either. Literal streets, buildings, lights, plants, pets, people, transformed into perfect glass.” He paused for a moment, then said, “Which is why I believe it should be destroyed.”

Landon looked to Jayde. “Well, it’s not humans. It’s a whole variety of humanoid civilizations.”

“It’s why we have to find it first.” A voice said. Karl. “My grandfather was one of the first who took upon the quest to find it.” His tone be came solemn. “He never did.” Then it went back to normal. “But that doesn’t stop us from doing so and saving the lives of millions.”

“You said we risk exposing it if we go after it.” The general reminded. “Someone could be following us.”

“Yes, but they don’t know this posse is looking for it.”

“Many people chase after the Chalice, year after year,” Jayde said with a note of warning. “The biggest threat will be all the others who are looking for it.”

“As soon as we start searching, they’re going to know we’re looking, and we’re going to be considered a threat because we’re competition for them,” Kivenaal added.

Kasiya sighed. “I was given that warning as well,” he said, “and my grandfather advised me to bring my AI support with me. Of course, Layara is built into my powered armor, so… in a way, he told me to bring along some heavy duty protection.”

Takaraya added, “That’s a full suit of advanced environmental protection armor, minus the helmet. If he had the helmet on, you could hit him with a 30mm autocannon and it would do no harm to him. With the helmet off, .50 BMG is the most dangerous thing he can casually block, thanks to potential fragmentation.”

“I’ve got the helmet in the back of the truck. I just hate wearing it,” Kasiya grumbled.

Landon and Karl looked at each other. Karl was the one who spoke first. “Okay, we’re a team then.”

Takaraya slowly walked over to Karl, then said, “If we are a team, then that means we need to know all the specifics. Right now, none of us have a claim on the Chalice, beyond Kivenaal’s desire to destroy it. Kasiya needs to scan it, photograph it, mark down the materials it was constructed from, and document its history. What are your goals for it?”

“Mine is to preserve it and document it in my family history. Mark it as one of the great achievements of the Heislingberg family.” He elbows Landon, lightly.

“Oh uhm… Mine is purely for the security interests of Velkaristan and the strategic advantage of not leaving a superweapon lying around for anyone to take.” The general seemed to be genuine. “I guess they’d stuff it in a vault and forget about it.”

Kivenaal sighed. “I have one problem with the plan of throwing it in a vault. Eventually, whether it’s next year or 5 millennia from today, someone will find it, and they will use it.”

Kasiya then spoke up, “We have several different species here. Come up with some way to seal it that requires Karl, Landon, and Kivenaal to unlock it. That way, when someone inevitably finds it, they’ll have to try to convince the most dangerous person in the galaxy,” he paused long enough to motion to Kivenaal before continuing, “exactly why they want the Chalice so badly.”

Landon nodded. “Hence why I’m not to keen on trusting my own government. So we’ll need to but it in it’s own safe that can only be opened when a retinal scan, two DNA samples and a code are present.”

“I agree.” Karl replied. “But I think we should get going. I’ll fill you in on what Landon and I know so far when we arrive in Hollenburg.”

Kasiya nodded. “Very well. We’ll see you in Hollenburg,” he replied, before climbing up into the cab of his truck. Kivenaal, Jayde, and Takaraya did the same, joining the other half of the crew, with Kaylie, Jayde, Rukari, and Kasiya in the Carry All, and Kayden, Kivenaal, Malavera, and Takaraya in the Home Unit.

Shortly after, two massive V16 engines rumbled to life, with Kasiya leading and Takaraya following as they left camp.

The Ambassador and IVERA also soon left the camp, behind a few of the other cars. Landon spoke up as they turned out onto the road. “I guess I’ll hear the rest of your plan when we get to the next overnight stop.”

“Yeah, We’ll put our minds to it when we get there.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

And with that the next leg of the journey began.

Oh yes, another one in the span of two days. Enjoy it while it lasts!


Team Sinesian Rejects

Plus Shift Happens

Team information
Previous part (Part 2 - Sour dreams)
Next part

Part 4-ish - A word with authority

Silvercreek Lodges, Nehmenweld

Dawn broke on the team, huddled up in the Ilaris Itan ute’s bed and the cramped interior of the Frankencar. Not wanting to pay the considerable sum for a night in the lodges, they decided to just keep it simple and keep it cheap. At least the cars came with okay leather seats, with the three in the Imbe enjoying the comfort of front reclining seats, a feature that the cab in the Itan did not allow.

“Agh… My back hurts.” Jas, who did not have the comfort of a proper 3-person bench, had to sleep kind-of curled up, to fit between the wheel arches of the subcompact.

Alauran wipes his eyes and yawns. “Well, you get what you paid for.” He says, shortly after.

Lastly, TJ is awakened by the sound of the Ute’s door slamming closed, with the screech of the swapped inline-4 greeting him after, closing with a symphony of tire squealing.

“God, does he have somewhere to be?” TJ asks.

“I Imagine. We have to head for Hollenburg ourselves, don’t you know?” Al responds, jokingly.

“No, you’re the guy with the entire map imprinted in your brain. Now show me the way from memory if you know so well.” TJ quips.

“Exit here, take a right. Keep straight for a few kilometers until we reach the highway entrance, though I suppose that’s a bit difficult for you.” TJ shoots him a disappointed look. Al continues. “Then we drive on the highway until we reach the exit which says Hollenburg, so we end up somewhere in Hollenburg. The campground should have some kind of marked route, though we might not have to navigate to it using the map, since we can follow the other teams in the traffic, or the hearses.”

“The WHAT now?” Jas gives a shocked look.

“Oh right, they put a cemetery next to the fun-group-activity-joy campground.” Al answers.

“Great, traffic. We’ll catch up to Ianis when he demonstrates the safety features of the ute on some poor family of four.” TJ says, sarcasm laced throughout the sentence.

“Alright, let’s go then. Can’t let him leave us in the dust.” Al suggests.

“After breakfast.” Jas says.

Al looks at Jas and relents. “…After breakfast.”

Having chowed down on the stuff they brought with them, they set off after the ute, albeit at a much more pedestrian pace, contrary to the lightning-fast driving that Ianis is so fond of.

Of course, like the last leg, it has consequences. Soon after flying past a speed limit sign at well over twice the posted speed limit, police were more than on his tail. At a hundred miles per hour, the tires fought for traction in the rapidly changing conditions. Salted, grippy roadway often gave way to smooth sections of ice, and corners often came unexpectedly. He had this in mind, and commanded the vehicle with ferocity as the engine screamed with each straight, brakes smoking once it was time for a corner.

This…couldn’t last. Not with the stock brakes at least. After many cycles of approaching 120 miles per hour, and slowing back down to 40, the brakes began to fade. Eventually, a particularly nasty corner caused the inevitable. With a thousand swear words, the brakes became gas-powered, and the Ute added a hundred Syrkals to the maintenance of the guardrail, as he punched a hole through it, eventually coming to a rest in a glob of moderately-thick snow. Ianis forced the door open through the layer of white-and-brown goodness, and began shoveling and packing the snow to make an attempt at an escape. The landscape was devoid of any hiding places, and the snow only got thicker the further away from the highway you got.

The ute stubbornly refused to get unstuck and back on to the highway, as this model was never intended for extreme off-roading, being delivered with only rear-wheel-drive options, unlike the ‘prestigious’ V8 trim, which had 4x4 generously included. Eventually, Ianis’s ears perked up and heard the police sirens in the distance.

He ducked in to the car, and reached for the rifle. As soon as he did though, he froze.

Looking in the partially-folded side mirror, he observed a monster out of a fantasy novel. Eleven feet tall, giant, and under control of the police. Seeing this, he quickly pulled the rifle apart, and stuffed it in to the glovebox.

“Police! Exit the vehicle now!” A police officer shouted, the monster standing beside, ready to shoot off towards the ute and bash Ianis’s legs in. Further compelled by staring down the barrel of a shotgun, he stepped out of the vehicle.

“On the ground! Hands where I can see them!” The officer demanded, Ianis deciding that the fastest way would be to just cooperate now.

The cuffs went on, and soon enough, he was stuffed in the back of a manky-looking 30’s police car.

As soon as the door closed, they started moving. The officer in the passenger seat looked over at Ianis, and having nothing else to do besides monitor the radio, he decided to start doing paperwork en-route.

“What compelled you to drive well over twice the speed limit?” The officer asked.

“I have a job to do.” Ianis replied, staring at the spot where the wooden guardrail was pierced.
The officer rolled his eyes, before continuing. “What job requires such idiotic driving?”

Ianis turned and stared at the officer for a couple of seconds, before answering. “An important job.”

The officer decides he’s not going to hear anything useful from him, and cuts it off, sighing. They head to the police office, where he is jailed, vehicle being towed to the impound, after recovery from the snowbank. Upon discovery of the weapon, they decide to start a ‘thorough inspection’.

“Ugh… can’t they make driving a bit more exciting than this?” Jas asked.

“You’ve never driven a meter in your life. But no. These roads and the speed limit don’t allow for any spirited driving.” TJ responds, frustrated.

“The less exciting, the more safe.” Al adds.

TJ snorts. “Of course you’re the one to say that.”

They drive on for a bit longer, TJ slowly becoming more inattentive as the road continues to be boring for miles and miles.

“I wonder if they have radio in Nehmenweld.” Jas says, and reaches for the head unit’s power button.

“Isn’t that in tape mo-” Al tries to say, before being cut off by Freddie Mercury blasting through the speakers in the car.

TJ is violently brought back to consciousness as he tugs the steering wheel to the right, careening them off the highway with great speed, striking the raised curb hard, the suspension vocating its disapproval through a loud clunk. The vehicle then stops as it dives in to the snow.


“Teej, how about I drive next time?” Alauran suggests.

“How about we stop Jas from ever touching that thing” - He points at the cassette player in the center console - “ever again? How about that, since that’s the only evil in this entire vehicle?”

“It wasn’t my fault that it-”

TJ cuts him off. “Yes it was, and since you can’t lift a feather, go sit here and give it a jab of the accelerator when we tell you to do so.”

No time is wasted as the two exit the car, and begin the push, with Jas remaining inside for…mental support. And indeed pushing the accelerator whenever they think they’ve got it out.
With hours upon hours of pushing, compacting snow and murdering the clutch, they eventually get it out of the snowbank, with great difficulty. They get back up to speed, with the throttle being feathered as it tries to knock with every request of power.

“This bitch’s pulling now. Can’t take my hands off the thing before it decides the right direction is a wall, curb or barrier.” TJ says, now very frustrated at the car’s inability to work correctly. The suspension, not having appreciated the sudden meet-up with a raised curb, started pulling to the right, only increasing the ‘fun’ that TJ was having, babying the damaged engine.

As they start entering the final stretch in to Hollenburg, disaster strikes. TJ’s inattentiveness eventually makes his hands leave the steering wheel, sending the car sideways, and sending another unfortunate car off the road as well, it hitting the barrier, cracking off a good part of the fiberglass fender. Both cars come to a stop as TJ is awakened by the claxon, and Alauran’s shouting of various swear words.

The driver of the other car walks up to the Frankencar, both intrigued at the alien design of the car and frustrated that they probably racked up a good sum’s worth of damage.

“Excuse me, but you have just caused great damage to my vehicle. I request for you to provide an appropriate sum for the damages.”

TJ starts to sweat. “I…we do not have any currency with us.”

The driver rolled his eyes. “Then how will I cover my expenses?”

Al snatched the cassette deck from the back seats. “May we interest you in advanced music-recording technology?” He took the tape out of the deck, shoved it in to the player in the car, and pressed play, to which loud music started blaring. The eyes of the driver lit up.

“What technology powers this? Impeccable quality! This will more than cover my expenses. I have no need for this when I have the power of perfect auditory stimulation!” The driver motioned for the cassette deck, to which Al quickly removed the head unit from the car, and shoved both the cassette deck, the tapes, and the head unit in to the hands of the driver, who, in return, threw a bag of golden coins in to the car, before stuffing it all in his car and driving off with some urgency.

“I…” TJ stuttered for a bit.

“You’re welcome.” Al responded. TJ then stomped back on the gas and they headed for Hollenburg campground.

By the time that they arrive, a good three-quarters of everyone has already arrived. Lighting is set up, generators running, people setting up their camping equipment for the night. What is absent is Ianis and the Ute, however.

“Don’t see the Ute anywhere…” TJ comments, looking around the campground, and glancing over at the graveyard.

“Didn’t someone get arrested last time? With his speeding, we might as well head up to the police station to check up.” Al responds.

“We should ask…who was it who paid the bail? Jayde? Ah, screw it, someone at Shift Happens has to know.”

The two leave Jas to connect the power and set up the heater, while they go and pad over to the sizable HD-GVs.

Kasiya and Jayde looked over to see Alauran and TJ approaching them. “Hello there!” Kasiya said. “We’re just getting prepared for a trip into town.”

Jayde pulled his enchanted bag’s strap over his shoulder, then grabbed his oak cane. “A bunch of people managed to get themselves locked up for running from the police earlier. I’ll pay their fines, get them free, but I’m going to want repayment at some point.”

TJ looked at the two of them and began speaking. “Hey. We noticed that Ianis with the Ute is…absent. Got any news on him? Like, did he get murdered by those Dyre things? Or something like that?”

“We’re willing to pay his fine and bail, we scored some of those syr-things from some local who experienced his driving first-hand.” Alauran interjected, simultaneously pulling out a sizable sum of golden coins, and presenting it to the two. “Turns out, a tape deck is valuable? At least, it’s worth more to them than a ginormous fender being split in half.”

“Yeah, we had a bit of an issue with the tape player in the car and decided we didn’t need it anymore. So we gave it away when I had a severe minor accident.” TJ’s face turned sour, but that soon gave way to an exhausted expression.

Jayde pulled a sheet of parchment out of his bag, then made a quick motion over it with his left hand. Instantly, words appeared on the page, and Jayde checked over it. “Ianis managed to get thrown in jail for running,” he said.

Kasiya gave a quiet, low growl before shaking his head. “I’m going to have a word with him about that speeding problem of his,” he said, deciding to go with Jayde on this trip.

Al wastes no time. “I figured. Well, besides him shortening someone’s car by a few feet, but we would have seen him on the road if that happened.”

TJ looks over at the freshly painted Frankencar, now wearing a three-tone livery of partially melted brown snow, red front-end and white everything else, but most importantly the right wheel’s addition of some camber and angle. “So, about that accident. I kind of broke the steering during that. So could we-”

Alauran looks at TJ, before continuing. “It is of no issue, I will be driving from now on, at least until he stops whining about the car. We’ll be heading over to the police station with you, if that is fine.”

“Kaylie! While we’re dealing with retrieving the speeders,” Jayde called out, “mind checking over their car? TJ says he broke the steering.”

“Yeah, get me get my tools out of the truck,” Kaylie replied.

Jayde then looked to Alauran and TJ. “Kaylie will try her best to fix the steering. Once we get back, I’ll help in my own way.”

Kasiya took a long drink from his “canteen”, which happened to be a 10 liter jerry can with a seatbelt tied to the handle, complete with the Bricksley winged lion on the buckle’s release button, before slinging the seatbelt strap over his shoulder and letting the heavy metal can hang at his hip, banging lightly against his powered armor.

TJ sighs. “Thanks!” He shouted in the general direction of Kaylie.

Al waits a second before asking, “So…do we just hop in the vehicle with you, or do we limp the frankencar over to the police station?” He looks over at where Kaylie is, before returning his gaze to Kasiya, who had finished the swing of the giant canteen by then.

Jayde looked over at the pair, then said, “It’s less than a mile between here and the police station. I was going to walk it.”

Kasiya then added, “No offense, but I’m probably damn close to the weight of the frankencar right now with this armor on. Plus, as Jayde mentioned, it’s a relatively short walk. It’s not like one of my father’s 15 mile morning runs.”

“Fair, I guess.” Al responded, slightly embarrassed by the statements. He then prodded at TJ. “Come on, you can handle a bit of a walk, was only a bit of a wrestle with the wheel.” TJ groans, but turns in the direction of the entrance of the campground.

Kasiya chuckled, following Jayde to the police station.

Jayde had a map of Hollenburg open, a dot showing his current position. The ink-spot casually moved across the map as the four of them walked, showing that, yet again, this was one of Jayde’s many magical items.

As the quartet closed in on the police station, Jayde gave a light grimace. “I know that smell. They have trained Dyre here,” he said.

“That would certainly be one way to stop people, as I’ve heard it said, “doing a runner” after their car is stopped,” Kasiya mentioned. “From what I’ve heard, I’m just a bit shorter than one, a bit heavier than one, but I know I’m stronger than one.”

“Smells like dried meat to me.” TJ commented.

“Wonder if we’ll find Ianis in a few casts.” Al joked.

“They need a lot of meat to keep them well fed,” Jayde said. “A hungry Dyre listens to his or her instincts, not their handler’s commands. Your nose might not be sensitive enough to pick up the scent of wolves, or you’re naturally tuning it out.”

When Al joked that Ianis might have a few casts, Jayde said, “That’s certainly possible. They’ll have been trained to not bite and to not kill, but when in doubt, a Dyre is going to try to stop you from running. They have a certain amount of intelligence behind them. As they would put it, “Two-legs not run with one leg broken.” I’ve trained a few in my time, and got the scars to prove it.”

“Yeah, and from my experiences with sparring with him,” Kasiya said, “I feel bad for the Dyre.”

“I told you I’d fight with you as if you were one because you’re big enough and tough enough to handle it,” Jayde quipped.

TJ shudders. “Even if I were the size of you two I wouldn’t want to fight either of you, let alone something that doesn’t exactly have the intelligence to judge whether the body part they’re disabling is important or not.”

Al looks ahead, and with some squinting, made out something along the lines of ‘POLICE’ on a building close by. “I figure that’s where we’re supposed to be?”

“Oh, they have the intelligence to know that,” Jayde said. “That is what makes them scary. An animal might grab at your legs because instinct says if you take out a leg or two, the animal you’re hunting becomes easy prey. A Dyre might decide to go for your legs with a branch used as a club in the wild. Trained Dyre might not use weapons, but you’re still dealing with 600 pounds of wolf.”

“A bit over 270 kilograms,” Kasiya added.

When Al spotted the police station, Jayde nodded. “Yeah, that’s where we’re going.”

After dealing with the stairs outside, with Kasiya providing a strong reminder of his current weight as some of the bricks cracked, the four walked inside the police station.

Jayde went up to the receptionist and mentioned he was here to collect the people on his list, then slid the parchment through the slot in the thick glass window.

“It’ll take about 15 minutes to round up everyone,” The receptionist warned.

“The rest can find a way into our camp. My partner here,” he said, motioning to Kasiya, “however, might have a thing or two to say to Ianis.”

Ianis eventually walked over, still slightly damp from being forced to plant his face and the rest of him in to the snow. He gazed at the four, shooting a sour look at TJ and Al, following with a blank expression at both Jayde and Kasiya. He had a notebook and pen in one of his pockets, which he grabbed and gave to Jayde. “Fines and bail paid. No need for those to be paid again” It read, on the marked page, with someone’s signature in the bottom right. He added:
“Waiting for them to release the Ute. The cops scoured the entire thing for explosives after they found my rifle. They will not listen to me.”

“You ran,” Jayde said. “They’re trying to figure out what you were up to, what you were carrying, that caused you to decide not to stop for the police.”

Kasiya crossed his arms and glared down at Ianis.

Jayde looked over the notebook and gave a light nod. “You might want to back off on the speeding. Or at least stop when they spot you.”

Kasiya, on the other hand, spoke quietly. “Next time, I’ll bring my scythe and wear my black cloak.”

“Kasiya has a point. Malavera mentioned that neither of your cars were exactly safe, merely safe enough. You were made aware of the risks if you had an accident out here. These heavy 30’s cars, they’ll tear through your aluminum cars like a knife through tissue paper,” Jayde added.

Staring at Jayde, and especially Kasiya, Ianis took a few steps back. “I will do as you say. The person who paid for my incident has drilled this in to my head already. This will not happen again.” He looked over to TJ and Al. “And I expect a sizable amount of mockery from them.” TJ snorts.

Ianis continued: “Besides, I am well aware of my safety, or lack thereof. As for the activities of the police, they have no reason to scour the inside of the timing cover.” He scoffed, before asking: “I would like the booklet back.”

Jayde nodded and handed the booklet back to Ianis. “Actually, I’m not surprised they’re checking around the inside of the engine,” he said. “When motor-cars first started showing up around here, a few enterprising smugglers found out that sticking their “product” up in the valve covers, or in the timing cover if there was room, was a good way to hide things from the police. So half the time, they’re going to take the car apart.”

Kasiya, on the other hand, looked to the receptionist. “Could you relay to the officers currently disassembling Ianis’ car that the only thing he was smuggling was pure stupidity?” he asked. When she smirked and grabbed the radio, Kasiya looked back toward Ianis.

“I-” Ianis tried to voice an objection, but elected to just shut up instead. TJ and Al let out a chuckle. Ianis sighed. “That helps. Thanks.”
He shot a look at Kasiya, before regretting it immediately and turning around to face a wall.

“So we’re done here? Is he free to go?” TJ asked, trying to get the attention of both the receptionist and Kasiya.

“He is,” the receptionist said.

Kasiya nodded. “You can retrieve the ute with the frankencar once we get back.”

Jayde paid the receptionist for the others on his list to be released, then said, “We can head back at any time now.”

“How’s the leg, Jayde?” Kasiya asked.

“It hurts, but it always hurts,” Jayde replied. “I wouldn’t have walked this trip unless I knew I could handle it.”

TJ paused to look at Jayde’s leg, but quickly turned to the door. “I suppose we head back to camp then, if there is no business to handle from here?”

“If you’re ready to go, then let us get on the move,” Jayde said. When he saw TJ glance toward his leg, he smirked and moved his robe just enough to show a gleaming hint of black steel, brass, and wood. “Lost it in the beginning of the Four Corners War.”

Kasiya opened the door and carefully ducked through it, then motioned for the others to follow.

TJ recoiled slightly, but quickly returned to a normal pose, before giving an attempt at a smile and following the other two in walking back to the campground.

Jayde chuckled. “There’s four of us in our crew who are members of the missing-parts club. Myself, Kaylie, Takaraya, and Rukari. You get used to it after a while. My leg is heavily enchanted, so other than a slight limp, you’d never know I’m missing a limb from mid-thigh down,” Jayde admitted.

As the five made it to camp, it was clear that Kaylie was working quite quickly on mending the frankencar’s damaged steering and suspension. “Did Ilaris make the suspension on this car out of used shop towels or something!?” she grumbled. “It’s almost impossible to bend things back straight.”

TJ and Al walked over to the fragile origami of aluminum. “They kind of over- and under-engineered it.” TJ commented, with Al adding: “The focus of the chassis and thus the car was minimal weight. The intention was for the vehicle to be as easy to drive as possible in the conditions in the Alagnomar States, which is the country from where Ilaris operates, on our home planet of Lionyamar. The conditions are snow and mountains, if you are wondering. This results in poor serviceability and the gross lack of tolerances, as everything is optimized for weight savings.”

“Oh, and really bad safety ratings from the factory, barring even my…modifications.” TJ commented.

“Yes, I remember it making a headline for the worst performing car against an SUV, but that is no miracle for weighing some 2000 pounds, smashing against something weighing double that. The point is, it’s light, and every person who’s had to perform a bodywork repair hates it.”

“Wait, wait, wait one moment. 2000 pounds? That’s all? You do realize Kasiya in his armor is 1600 kilograms. That’s 3500 pounds. Out of his armor, Kasiya’s 500 kilograms, about 1100 pounds,” Kaylie said. “You’re saying if you crash into him, he stands a good chance of spending a few months healing up a broken leg, while you guys wear wooden suits after he crashes onto your roof,” she added, “and that’s out of his armor. In his armor, you don’t even leave a scratch as your car crunches into him.”

Al grinned. “When I said they were focusing on weight, I meant it. That’s kind of an Ilaris thing, sacrificing safety and some amount of reliability for weight savings. It results in an almost paradoxical deaths-per-vehicle-mile-traveled statistic while having stupidly low safety figures, as it is kind of hard to f-it-up to get yourself in a fatal crash.” He wiped the grin off his face afterward. “It does result in a very high rate of grave and debilitating injuries, as the people have the ability to mitigate the accident partially, but get their legs diced and slashed instead of meeting the gods that day.”

“Barring the tangent that Al went on-” TJ continued, “- We scored an Ilaris roadside assistance manual, and because of its light weight and easy but fun handling, it happens to include a section on how to straighten out bent steering and correct wheel misalignment, due to many inexperienced drivers finding out that you can’t change your direction of travel as easily as you can stop it from sliding about by stomping the throttle, with a meeting of a curb as a result.” He pops open the door and glovebox, grabbing the hefty manual and placing it on the hood, opened on the section containing the page.

“Of course, it’s only meant for emergency repair, but…what can you do out here. We don’t have access to OEM parts here.” He added.

Kaylie sighed. “Would have been nice to have that earlier. I ended up taking the lower control arm off and handing it over to Takaraya. If you haven’t met him, he’s Kasiya’s father, stands about shoulder-height to his son. Has metal limbs, all four of them, and they’re exceptionally powerful.”

Takaraya walked over, still carefully pinching the control arm back into shape a little at a time. “It’s as straight as I can get it. If we knew the materials, I’d give it a little structural improvement, but for now, this will have to do,” he said, handing the part to Kaylie, who very quickly installed it on the Ilaris Imbe. Shortly after, she performed a crude alignment, then got Takaraya to help with it.

Jayde explained, “He might not see any colors at all, but he has the best vision of all of us. This guy read the printers’ information off of the bottom of an eye exam chart. His son can read the bottom line.”

TJ glanced around in the interior of the Imbe. “Well, can’t blame you for not scavenging the car for hidden service manuals. Oh well, straight-enough is better than constant tire screech as the two tires on the front work against eachother. As for seeing, he-” He gives Al a slap on the shoulder - “Has a lot of experience with that.”

“Do not. Say it.” Al responds.

“He looks like a doofus with the reading glasses.”

“For god’s sake…”

“At least you can absorb the knowledge of an uncountable amount of books with those. That has to make up for it, right?”

Al briefly considers a mild amount of violence to solve the problem, but decides against it, at least in front of the hosts.

Jayde cleared his throat and crossed his arms. “As someone who wears glasses on a daily basis, there is nothing wrong with it. And I dare you to say that Malavera,” he said, pausing long enough to motion to the two-headed white wolf who was casually reading a romance novel, one pair of reading glasses on his left head, “looks like a “doofus” with reading glasses on to his face.”

Kivenaal, from on top of the Home Unit’s roof rack, then quipped, “Just think, TJ, age is the great equalizer. You’ll need glasses eventually.”

“Okay, that may be true, but y’know…” He lowers his voice to a mere whisper- “he really does.”

At this point Al just gives him a shove, sending him sideways in to the interior of the Imbe, and coming to rest with his head hovering over the gearstick as he grabbed on to the seatbelt to cancel his momentum.

“Uh…I will handle him from here. Thank you for your help.” Al said, before helping TJ back up from his precarious position.

Kaylie nodded. “This manual has a decent weight to it,” she said. “If you need a few pointers on how to bludgeon someone with a book, I am very skilled in that art,” she added, before handing Al the service manual. “We’ll let you guys figure out how to fix this and then you can go retrieve the ute.”

“Alright. We’ll do that soon enough.” He commented, then hopping in the car and moving it back to where the power box was.

Wooo, a part, after a month. Hoping to get more stuff out more frequently next time, but for now, I need sleep.


Team Mravolinski-Chitco
Part 2

Howls and sucking exhaust

In terms of your favourite chasers of Team Mravolinski-Chitco there was almost nothing of note during their Stage 1, unless you decide to count Leopolda`s inexperience with snow driving and summer rubber on her car as an event worth mentioning.

As such, Krta`s people were forced to pull her out every now and then, wondering why they had accepted her in the group and hoped that soon she will leave them or that they would part ways in some other manner.
To be honest, same could have been said for Krta himself and he noted her presence would kill potential element of surprize due to her insistence on heavy usage of her perfume.

At about 3 Moon, they had officially matched what SR folks would describe as Stage 1 of their journey.
Last of their vehicles had stopped for just a little bit on road near camp and one pair of eyes had searched for blue pickup truck.
Truck was found, and they continued onward to find some place of their own to stay in.
This was almost breaking point for Leopolda, as this group had decided to pass the town and settle in nearby piece of…forest.
Yup, these guys passed what seems like some kind of town to stay in forest.
First time it was understandable, as it seemed there are no inhabited places around but this was predictably different.
Followed some pretty harsh night, during which Leopolda had likely thought:

While few members of this team had decided to see if certain blue truck and…seems to be some kind of wagon…had passed, they had decided to prepare for new day ahead of them.
Morning promised peace and weather seemed nice but this all was broken by bellow of a wild animal
Guns, pistols, axes, hammers and bare hands were pointed in that direction and source of sound came closer and closer.

To their horror, Leopolda came out.
This ungainly sight was certainly not what they expected today, as they were met with how she looks downstairs, with clothing somehow clinging to her ankle.
As this is running on snow and she was never known to be particularly good runner, it was only matter of seconds before inevitable slip.

She survived this fall and only now realised her indignified state, which prompted her to seek cover in her car.
Something else followed and stepped forward, with its massive presence explaining fully what Leopolda had just done.

Shots had fired but this being had anticipated that, displaying agility that was unexpected.
One of elite members of group had squared up…and had soon met the tree in violent fashion, pained howls being only response to this takeout.
Visitor had took note of pain of this big dog and took a peek, enough for some hot fast stuff to find its shoulder.

Krta had just jumped into this whole charade and found it stupid.
He had now been observing beast surely getting serious in sense of “either you or i are dying today”.
Krta was having none of it, but also realised potential unraveled before him.


Order was followed and ammunition was changed to other kind and fired at pissed off opponent
Some shots found wrong targets ofc, so some other guys would find themselves sleepy, but most of them had been fired at beast.
Eventually, beast got very sleepy and finally slumped on ground.

Thanks to vehicles being avaiable, this new member of group was turned around to treat its shoulder.

-Boss, why?
-Do you have eyes? How cant you see?
This…might be absolute blessing for us, such powerful individual could easily even out the odds against our enemies.
I even have very specific idea in mind, for which this guy would be perfect…
-What is it?
-Not yet willing to disclose, but when time is right, you all will know my magnificent plan

At this point, it was understood that this lovely group can continue its journey, but we are not done with this group just yet.

At about 3 Moon, they had officially matched what SR folks would describe as Stage 1 of their journey.
Last of their vehicles had stopped for just a little bit on road near camp and one pair of eyes had searched for blue pickup truck.
Truck was found, and they continued onward to find some place of their own to stay in.
This was almost breaking point for Leopolda, as this group had decided to pass the town and settle in nearby piece of…forest.
Yup, these guys passed what seems like some kind of town to stay in forest.
First time it was understandable, as it seemed there are no inhabited places around but this was predictably different.
Followed some pretty harsh night, during which Leopolda had likely thought:

One vehicle had quickly established itself from rest, not that it wasnt already distinguishable as it is.
Krta decided that his vehicle shall lead the way and it was first to enter Nehmenweld`s highway network, but he was soon overtaken by certain specific car.

-Again that bitch…
-Im no longer with you, suckers. Suck my exhaust and kneel before my magnificence.
-(Over their CB network) She is no longer with us.

Soon, she will come to regret that badly.
Her speed and power had eventually attracted attention of certain people.
They suggested for her to pull over, but she ignored signs
Before someone says she cant understand their language (and tbh, be right about it) fact they behave in “similar” manner to police should have hinted her on what these guys are.
So, she expected them to let it slide, bcos she is queen.
They didnt let that slide, but decided not to give much of chase

-Oh man, that seems delicious.
-MMMMMM…it very much is.
-Smells delightful too…Where you got it?
-This cant be bought, my friend.
-Everything can be bought
-Not this.
-What, you didnt bought it?
-Can you tell me how you got it?
-Come on man, im interested
-No way
-Why are you so stiff on matter
-Bcos you called my mom fat
-So…what that has to do with it?

(silence in which there was ample time to figure this out)

-Yea, she made me this to eat while on job
-Lucky you, then. Nobody in my house gives two shits about what i do to bring money to table.
-Easy there, bud. We will feed you too in few hours.
-Why do we have him in first place? Its not like we usually have much issue with people.
-I heard some bunch from other world decided to make journey through our country. There is possibility some olf them would not really understand us all that well…
-TF is that smell?
-Stinks massively
-What is that?
-Dunno…but it heads towards us.

Car was turned on and reversed for some distance.
Object they noticed was car absolutely blasting on highway and meeting some snow patch
Driver lost control and vehicle was now heading towards their previous spot.
Car was low-slung and got stuck on snow…fact its RWD and sporting summer tires being no help.
Driver was weirdly-shaped female that was also source of smell they noticed

-Help me get car unstuck
-Tf is she talking about?
-She must be one of those tourists passing through country.
-One would think they would atleast learn how to speak our language
-Truly a big oversight.
-Manners arent her greatest strength, tho.

Police driver exits the car and was dragged along to her car
Some others come around in another car

-As expected, she crashed.
-Gimme my money
-(Sigh) Here you go, shouldnt have bet on that
-I knew this would happen. Why is she pulling colleague along?
-Dont like her tone
Leave our colleague alone, otherwise we will need to arrest you.

-She needs to pay anyway for speeding

Weapons are drawn and Leopolda realised this will not go in her favour
Suddenly, familiar group appears.


Leopolda was somehow tackled to ground and put into the cop car, which also meant her car was going to be towed.
And here is where her and Krta divide for good…but will not be last that we are going to hear from her

Familiar faces help with driving and food

To no surprize of any kind for whoever decides to read this, next station for group in which im also member would be Hollenburg.
Entertainment was slowly starting to fade out with fewer words coming out and ones that did came out came out harder
Driving also reflected this
At one point, local came to stop and went away.

-What do we do?
-Dunno, he seems tired and prob went for piss
-Ye…do we wait for him tho? Our Emperor is superior and should wait for noone.
-Sora, we certainly could steal the car, but thats quite stupid thing to do.
We dont know the language around here and he seems friendly
-He could have some nasty plans.
-Im pretty sure he wouldnt accept no less than 3 adult males in his car.
-He could drive us to his gang that can overpower them.
-I will drive now.
-Are you sure, Shaike?
-Guy gotta have some rest, i presume.

He genuinely got confused upon returning back from piss session and washing his hands in fresh snow, but he got the message and placed himself in passenger side, eventually dosing off.
Shaike decided to just follow the road on which we have been driving so far, which would turn out to be highway.
Speed limit was figured out by virtue of matching speed of other cars around us and so we continued onward
Needless to say, Local was very satisfied to see there are actually three people that know how to drive, as Pedro took hot seat to get hang of this new car.
Local also got hang of word “Local” and that was first word he may have learned from Serbian since he got the memo we refered to him as such.
Surely, he could piece together as to what this means, but no particular thought was given.

Some stuff certainly still needed refining in this little community of ours.
Local is now asleep and our group was wondering how to get food.

-Shaike, would you like to get some food with me?
-Ofc VerBanka…but we need to get some local money beforehand.
-There is this money on dashboard
-That belongs to Local.
-Who also needs to eat as much as we do.
-Im with VerBanka here
-Ofc you are, Sora. Listen, he seems to trust us and as such we would certainly need permission for that kinda thing.
Im starving, but we shouldnt stretch that trust too much…especially as we share no common language so we cant really explain.
-Ok then

Several hours later…

-Is he going to awake?
-(After checking) Based on my knowledge of humans, he is alive and breathing.
-I guess we are either going to awake him or indeed buy food ourselves.
-How we would explain what we intend to do?
-Prob something involving pointing at stomach or mouth.
-Just make sure that he doesnt get impression we eat money

All laughed at that wild note

-We really have no other proper choice here, as im not sure how he would react upon us awaking him to try to borrow money
So, we are going to take some money and try to get some food with it.
As i proposed earlier, me and Shaike are going to do the shopping
-Can i get some hamburger with whatever they consider equivalent to tomato, onions…
-No way, we are supposed to be near you for some time in this enclosed space
-VerBanka, relax
-Give this man some onions
-Sora, arent you supposed to agree with me?
-Oh, sorry…absolutely no to Mrdja getting onion
But if we all decide to get something of that kind, we would not have issues with breath caused by it
-You arent helpful there
-I just want to eat soon, im old lady, ya know?
-When i think about it, i wanna join you two in shopping
-Just so you could eat immideately after we buy it?
-Nah, i like spending time with you…but thats possibility i really like

With that, we went on buying
Local was awakened tad bit later and was rather upset seeing there isnt as much money on dashboard as it used to be case
He was also hungry and as he turned to confront about missing money, he had seen us eating or finishing eating and connected two and two.
Sora had noticed his awakened state and offered some food that was bought.
Food was good and we somehow managed to find some juices of sorts
Last and also biggest member of group would also need its “food” soon, so we hit fuel station and gave it “food”.
Local had decided to look into financial situation and found it lacking so something needs to be done.
He had decided to exit the car and went in some direction…

Kontir becomes pole-jumper

Once again group has risen from beds and stuff and started preparing for yet another day on the road, which was made easier this time by virtue of certain members not being meat popsicles this time (Loojoe, Siviko-this is directed at you two)

Group had managed to pack up and once again they were on road.
Mostly flat, a winding, poorly-maintained road through a very sparse forest, in case you wish for more precise description.
Happily, neither car had too much of problem ending victorious in this patch of route partially helped by fact Kontir had lead the way.

-Anyone has any ideas on some small talk?
-I do…ok, admitedly im ripping off some individuals that had planted this idea tad bit earlier but im sure neither would mind
In case you need a refresher…

Now Chicota decided to behave like audio recorder, as he had recorded speech of individuals in question:

-“So, you’ve heard in the email that we’d be having challenges, yes?
First challenge is this: Service History. Who’s reliable, who isn’t? And, if anyone can come up with the most interesting tidbit of information about their car, that’s even better.”
-“We’ll both go first. We can’t win, but we can give some interesting information about these two trucks of ours. Like the fact that the Home Unit over there has had its windshield replaced twice.”
-Mine tracks in a straight line because the second-axle steering rack was replaced after, and I quote, “a direct hit by enemy action.” Takaraya there tells me that what that really means is someone drove over a land mine.
So…what crazy stories do all of you have to tell?

Some pause was given

-You can do THAT?!?
-Yes, i could even speak in same voice as someone else, but i hope its absolutely clear that im not going to exercise that quirk of mine.
-And yes, i did recorded their little speech, as it was interesting and could startup convo in here if needed
Or desired, as is case here.
-Why would they replace windshield twice? Or drive over landmine?
-I think those guys have rather dark history behind them. Before they had gotten in possesion of hosts, they were having their first part of life on warfront.
Wouldnt be surprized, based on stories they had, that Mat could decide to shoot at tire or windshield or something else on those and…not really do much of damage.
-I wouldnt want to get on their bad side
-I know you wouldnt but im sure that, as was case with steering rack damaged by landmine, windshield was in need of replacement over something more substantial than mere rock.

Pause happened

-Would we be able to say something interesting about our cars?
-Probably, which depends on how willing you and Andrea might be to talk on that matter regarding Saguaro and Kontir, respectively.
-I dont think describing how Saguaro sat a lot on parking lot of our dealership would be very interesting.
-I feel same about describing how Kontir sat in certain…room we needed to prepare for it.
-Im sure something can come out of it that would be interesting conversation
Lets say im informed Kontir was parked for VERY long time and Saguaro has interesting history in competing in some other shitbox race last year…not to mention Kontir has been present in original SR run
Im naming that as potential missed opportunity to talk with other teams
-I will remind you that Kasiya still rocked that armor of his while talking about stuff we are discussing now.
-Thats minor and non-important detail for our current conversation. I may soon be made to eat my own words but, as it is for now, there is no reason for such a big and strong guy to be afraid of anything on our route

At one point, event that is namesake of this part of post happened
Violent jerk forward and upwards, rear end going towards sky.
Truck then settled down

-Tf just happened
-What did we hit
-Is everyone alright?
-What is that scraping sound?
-Lets pull over and check
-Pulling over bcos it seems we have problem
-Seems driveshaft broke

After taking peek under the vehicle, that was cleared and was said as true

-What do we do?
-Lets try to fix it.

One generous application of some wire later, journey was attempted to continue
Soon it was realised that best option is prob not trying to repair driveshaft on the road using whatever primitive methods there are, as wire thingy predictably failed to contain the driveshaft.

-What are we gonna do now?
-I recall someone repairing their car in town last time around
-Probably better cause of action compared to…whatever we are doing now
-It does mean that we would now prob need to both remove driveshaft and rely on delivery to front wheels to get us through this stage
-Is it possible?
-Yes, before the driveshaft there is this part that also delivers power to front wheels besides sending it to rear via driveshaft
Most of crew is prob going to pile up in Saguaro.
-Ye, lets do it.

In meantime, Saguaro had shown its relative thirst for fuel, meaning group got a trip to local fuel station
Apart from Saguaro getting some more local fuel in system, no big changes happened there

Kontir was still leading the way when, after fair bit of time spent on road, vehicles had drove into camp.

-I suggest everyone to stay here in camp. I will go and get that driveshaft fixed.

And with that, Kontir left the camp in basically FWD “mode” towards actual town, with Chicota at wheel.
He attracted lot of attention, to no surprise to himself and soon enough found himself in front of what appeared to be workshop.

-I had arrived to try and repair a car
-We never saw such “car” ever. So we doubt we have adequate spare parts.
-I just need driveshaft.
-Well, we dont know how to help you
As we said, thats literally first time we ever saw that car
-You surely have something compatible? I mean, take a look underneath and get measurements.
-(after doing so and spending some time underneath) I dont think we have anything to match it
-Hmmm…can you fix original driveshaft?
-What are you thinking we are, magicians?
-Well, its certainly hard to do so
-Certainly impossible to do it safely
-Are you sure? Bcos i think this could be welded: its made out of steel, after all
-Havent thought about that possibility, but we have gas welding equipment this way.
-Good, if you arent confident enough to weld, i will do so myself.
-Feel free to do so

Chicota did so under watchful eyes of mechanics.
Besides mere welding of affected part, he found some steel strips and welded them lengthwise around driveshaft.
He also had bent some of that strip to serve as kinda safety hoop, placed near the front of driveshaft, so next time it will atleast not be resulting in polevault

-Ok this is now done, im thankful for providing space and materials…fuck, havent really brought much if any money
-Fucking hell, we do not like that
-I also dont like that this dick had blown his transmission…twice in two weeks.
-Dick must be terrible driver
-Well, he does bring money to pay for our services…where are those three of our group?
-Went towards Shiverwind, some asshole woman had stuck her car in snow bcos…i heard it was high speed and terrible driving.
Also were requested to repair some car or two there.
-Oh nice…seems i could technically pay for your services, just not with money.
-But how do you plan repaying us, then?
-He is offering to help us in shop.
-Correct. I must admit, since we are group travelling through your world, i must be at graveyard at 1 Sun, i think?
-Very big group meant we werent allowed luxury to be picky
And tbf we arent picky.
-Someone could have accompanied him to that camp so he could get more money
-Either way, im not really sure if that would be correct way to do it. Another teammate of mine could join us in this repair business
-We could quickly go there and fetch whoever IS avaiable.
-I can guarantee only for two of us being able to work all night and be useful

Still, full of hope, he and few others went into camp, finding Amanda as being only awake member.

-Amanda, we found something to pass the time
-Beating out some bad guys?
-Sadly, no…we are going to repair some cars.
We owe a favour to these guys
-Ah…not interested. Will leave that to you
-Another pair of hands would be very useful.

Loojoe and Pi had awoken

-Tf is happening?
-Few of us are joining some locals on fixing some cars. We owe them favour, as they helped me repair Kontir
-Seems fair. I would join, but i dont know how to repair…well…anything.
-And im hardly of any help there…will notify others when we need to get ready of your location
We are getting off at morning…with or without you three.
-Ok then, we are taking Kontir with us

Trio has loaded in Kontir and returned into workshop
Pi has indeed shown she lacks skill, but she had will to help and she was of help.
Maybe there was need to use something as stool or someone needed to fetch a tool needed for repair or…eh, there would be plenty of other options
This had lasted until almost morning, when indeed workshop was empty of broken cars.

Farewells were said and sore Pi along with two others had re-entered campsite in Kontir, with rest already awake and preparing for next stage
Hopefully this one will not have such significant setbacks…


Stage 3:

Hollenburg to Village of Coalscoop

Temperature at mid-day: -5°C

Night-time Low: -10°C

Weather Conditions: Today, winds are calm, but a thick cloud cover releases ample amounts of snow. The evening marks little in the way of change, but it clears up quickly around 5 moon.

Camp Challenge: “There’s No Replacement.” (Highest Displacement)

When we wake up, we discover that everything has vanished under a blanket of fresh fallen snow. After packing up the camp, instead of leaving on the same road we came in on and returning to the blissful, smooth, fast highway, we leave on a different road that more resembles the “good” roads from Crugandr. It’s paved with something vaguely similar to blacktop, but it’s marred with potholes and patched with tarred gravel, covered in cracks, and then coated in a slushy mix of snow, salt, and sand.

The speed limit signs claim 40 MPH / 65 km/h, but it’s immediately obvious that we’re not doing that easily. One, there’s traffic in the form of filthy coal-trucks coming up the road at us, and empty ones on the way back, trundling along under the speed limit. Occasionally, one does the speed limit, hangs the tail out on a curve, and then proceeds to trundle along a hell of a lot slower for a while. Two, the road conditions just won’t let us make that pace without taking risks.

As we get closer to our destination, the conga line of coal truck traffic has turned the snow-covered road into a mix of salt, sleet and sludge. This nasty, heavy sleet does nothing to speed our progress. Instead, we witness that more of the trucks are slowing down, some are stopping so the drivers can fit tire chains, and others are just idling along, looking for a spot to chain up in.

We soon find out why. As we start to see the village up ahead, the road suddenly turns icy. Our modern vehicles handle this far better than the old trucks did without the chains, but with the chains… We’re being passed by trucks that we passed a while ago.

The village of Coalscoop is quite clearly a mining “town” with less than 10,000 total people inside it, two active coal mines, and a third inactive mine that we’re allowed to set up camp in. Despite it being small, they have a railway stop nearby for loading steam trains with fresh coal, or carrying it away in great big wagons. What are all the trucks for, then? Bringing coal to Hollenburg for personal heating, at a higher price, of course.

Next Stage Expected Conditions:

Road Speed: low
Road Condition: good
Traffic: very low
Police: low

Results here:


Team Shift Happens

Unofficial highest displacement: 21,715 cc, both vehicles. (1,325 ci)

Other than a lot of blared horns in response to the local truck drivers being less-than-careful around the pair of HD-GV units, this was a relatively relaxed stage.


VS Mobil Generator AB

While setting off had a few squeaks and squeals from slipping wheels, once the train was up to speed, it was, as usual, a smooth trip, with Valentin following the advice from the station-master to take it a bit easy as some of the other trains might be a bit slower today.


Team M.A.D.

Despite traveling separately, it seems there may have been a slight agreement to stick together today, as the two vehicles finish nose-to-tail.


Team Sinesian Rejects

While Ianis hasn’t learned much from spending 12 hours in jail and proceeds to boot it hard in the Itan ute, though nowhere near as aggressively as before, leaving the Imbe behind, it’s with the Imbe and the Trio of Tragedy that the real interesting stuff happens. Something under the hood went bang, after all, and it took nearly 12 hours of tinkering around in there to get that engine going again.


Team Not-So-Slow

Other than tailgating part of Team Sinesian Rejects in their ute, there’s nothing much to say about the journey that Team Not-So-Slow made today.


The Ambassadors

When the IVERA Executive blew two tires, it was the crew of the Mayland who went almost 20 minutes out of their way to attempt to find replacements. After almost 13 minutes of discussion, and another 20 minutes of driving, the Mayland returned to drop off the new tires. The IVERA crew, however, got to spend basically an hour waiting, and 7 hours playing round-robin with the tires to get the two good modern radial tires on the front axle, and the four inner-tubes and tires mounted on the IVERA’s rear axle. With significantly less grip out back, the crew limped the second vehicle into camp and sought out the Shift Happens crew for a “tire patch.”


The Knockouts

Kate manages to learn nothing from the previous day’s experience facing down a Dyre and the whole police force, choosing to zoom ahead in her 1325 Facelift, while Octavia has a pleasant drive in the Papillona, enjoying the view as trucks occasionally drift around her.


Team Mravolinski-Chitco

After yesterday’s drive-shaft pole-vault, it’s clear that the Kontir Cunningham is a little bit hurt. After smelling burning gear oil for several miles, they stop and find that the transmission has a small crack in it. They drive it closer to the camp and choose to fix it on the outskirts of camp in case attempting to weld on the oil-filled gearbox turns into a very bad idea, though after 4 hours and some really ugly booger-welds, the truck rolls into camp under its own power.



Another lazy “sunday drive” for the two elders and their crews. The only real excitement was watching a coal truck do a big drift and end up dumping half of their load on the side of the road.


Team Flaming Gallahs

Priscilla II and her crew have an easy time today, even if they’re passed by just about everything on the road.


Team Friendship! :smiley:

Other than another bus traveling not far behind, it’s a slow stage for the crew. They’re slowed up for a moment when a police officer notices a large vehicle with no driver inside, who spends 15 minutes trying to figure out how he’s going to write up this report without being accused of being drunk.


Team Hillbilly Rollers

With the beer still safely locked away, Marie has no choice but to drive another clean stage. She makes up for this annoyance by tailgating the Rugger and blaring the horn at everything that moves. Meanwhile, the crew in the Rugger put on some good music and try to ignore the stupidity-in-motion behind them.


Team Sane Insanity

A ticket for the sports car is the only real bit of excitement here. Otherwise, it’s a trouble free stage.


Faolan Industries

When the van’s engine just “up-and-quit,” the Aether 11/2 was used to get some spare parts from a local village to fix it. After the Aether 52 H was running again thanks to some “close enough” spare parts, the crew ran at a reduced speed as the road was full of hidden potholes, obscured by the snow and slush, and neither Ze’ev nor Storm wanted to risk damaging the vehicles more than necessary.


Team Taciturn

The cloaked aliens received another warning about speeding today. Thankfully, it was just a polite, “Hey, you two might want to slow it down before you end up meeting the front of a coal truck coming around the corner.”


Team ReUnity

A crossover, 4x4, and a lead foot make quick work of this stage.


Team Spy Kids

The choice to split up left the lower-power Reekayns way out in front of the Mocabey today.


Team J3

A few too many hidden potholes dislodged one of the Tiharris’ front coil springs. Without proper tools, what should have taken a competent mechanic about an hour to fix took almost 14 hours, and several big scares. Getting into camp and learning that Rukari lost half a leg because of a spring like that was, shall we say, a bit of an eye-opening realization of how close to death or injury they all were.

@JCurtiss96 & @Leone

Team Aeromad

Camp Challenge Winner - 16,286 cc, both vehicles. (993 ci)

It’s all fun and games until the Torrento starts having engine trouble. Especially the fun kind where the throttle sticks wide open. While trying to fix it, a police officer asked what all the noise was for, and in trying to explain the Torrento had a stuck throttle, the officer instead asked, “No, I meant with the truck.” When trying to explain that they had an airplane engine in the truck, someone cranked over the Torrento and the officer had to resort to yelling that these two vehicles were just “too damn loud.”

@Tzuyu_main & @FallingComet

Team Black Rabbit Disavowed

Between threading-the-needle in the Seikatsu and getting a ticket for it as well as speeding, and the same cop, a mile later, busting the Dauer for speeding as well, it was certainly an eventful run on this stage.


Sheriff Scott’s Posse

When the Warren Warlock got pulled over and warned about their speed, the goof-offs in the Bowie Bearcat decided to blare their horn and pass while covering the officer in road slush. They ended up getting a speeding ticket instead of a warning.


Team “486”

The two vehicles hurtled through the slushy roads at not-so-sensible speeds, luckily managing to avoid a breakdown with the sirens blaring behind them.


Team Magdelena

The driver of the Baumhauer got a pleasant warning that they were speeding before the two vehicles were able to make it into camp.


Team Machinas Con Passione

With the Blue Wonder being the blocker for the Faenza, they were able to pull enough attention off of the speeding cheese wedge to get themselves a nice warning about driving like a bunch of idiots. Then they managed to get the truck stuck on the road with the nose parked in a snow-drift so badly that the front tires were off the ground. A local, just wanting to deliver his truckload of coal, dragged them out after 46 minutes of watching the idiots fighting to get their weird truck out of the ditch.

@GetWrekt01 & @That-S-Cop

Cunning Stunts

After an early speeding ticket, the Contra UTE got stuck behind a timid truck driver for 5 hours, 24 minutes, and 10 seconds. Eventually, traffic cleared up enough to pass.


Team Till D End

No breakdowns, no tickets, just two very filthy vehicles covered in snow, road-grime, and coal dust.



After the disaster of facing down shotguns and giant werewolves in the previous stage, the driver of the Edgelord Special chose to back things off a little. As a result, they ended up with a speeding ticket today after choosing to stop. Not to be outdone, the American Reality RV driver gunned the engine and blared the horn because the ticket writing was taking too long, earning a verbal warning for interfering with police business.


Team Gunship

While nothing has appeared to go wrong, the inside of the Haapala Streetcruiser looks like a dirty chocolate-chip ice cream shake.


4 Dicks in a Truck

Other than a warning because their trailer ended up in the oncoming lane a time or two around corners, it was a decently quick run for the four dicks and their (t)rusty truck.


Team Shift Happens

Pre-Race Camp (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Drive (VSmgAB)
Stage 0 Camp; Part 1 (VSmgAB)
Stage 0 Camp, Arrival. (Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp, The Range (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 0 Camp, Night Time Breaker Trip (VSmgAB + Shift Happens)
Stage 1 Departure, Sounds Like A Plan (The Ambassadors & Shift Happens)
Stage 1 Drive (Shift Happens)
Stage 2 Camp, Arrival (Shift Happens)
Stage 2 Camp, Job Applications (VSmgAB & Shift Happens)
Stage 2 Camp, A Word With Authority (Sinesian Rejects & Shift Happens)

Driver’s Log 1
Driver’s Log 2

Driver’s Log 3

We’re four days into our trip through Nehmenweld.

In this time, we’ve had no major breakdowns of our own, but our fellow participants have had no shortage of chaos.

We had a huge delay in the Rift when the clutch let go in the Hillbilly Rollers’ Rugger. Team Aeromad used that time to tune up the airplane engine in their mental muscle car.

Tires seem to be the big one here. Doesn’t help that so many people drive with, as I’ve heard the term said, “Lead feet.” Nehmenweld’s police departments, while not willing to chase cars beyond their jurisdiction, are aggressive in persuing speeders. There’s a few teams who have had 12 earth hours in jail to think over what they did by trying to run. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of collateral damage in the form of innocent drivers hitting spike strips.

There’s also a lot more traffic than I was expecting. While it’s not a hard vehicle to drive, the Carry All is far from small, and I was more than a bit nervous when dealing with speeding coal trucks today. Thankfully, there’s no scratches on the paint yet - I’d hate to have to teach a lesson for that.

There’s at least confirmation that I’m not the only one looking for this Chalice of Aureia in Nehmenweld. General Landon Sabourne and Karl von Heislingberg are also searching for it, for different reasons.

Sleeping in camp has been an… experience.

Kaylie and Jayde spend most of their time using their enchanted tent. Rukari sleeps in the cab of the Carry All. Kayden in the cab of the Home Unit. Kivenaal and Malavera usually share a tent, but sometimes Malavera sleeps in the Home Unit, using a spare bunk. I sleep on one of the two lower bunks, as does my father, Takaraya.

We’ve learned that if we want to reheat food with the microwave, we have to shut off our climate control unit. This is, to say the least, mildly annoying and fairly inconvenient if forgotten. Likewise, I’m not looking forward to my turn to walk across camp and let everyone know I screwed up and tripped a circuit breaker.

Kivenaal is a bit irritable that he hasn’t had the chance for a good smoke in a few days. I get the feeling between him and Rukari, Kivenaal is the one who is going to break first and take a walk to the edge of camp.


Cunning Stunts

*Roleplay and status updates maintained by Yours Truly

Chapter 1

Stint 1

The Rift was about as eventful as Inskip point, a lot of vehicles powerless to the environment taking ages to traverse it.
Base Camp 1 was fun… at least for the Australians, Lots of foreign vehicles to look at.
Over the resting period the team drew twigs for who was going to be riding shotgun first in the truck and the ute; being that it was going to be agreed that Zach and Murray were primary drivers for the Contra and the VHT respectively.
Lana and Sophie argued over how to make tea while making the stint 1 meals, Which effectively were an awful lot of ANZAC Biscuits made in a Cast iron Pot over a campfire.
Murray and Zach spent time mulling over racing technique and how to explain it to the Girls while on the drive so 2 of them can handle Stint 2 as Liv is leaning on Zach the whole time.

Stint 1 started well as Zach and Murray were driving out as the most experienced drivers in these vehicles only briefly tested in Murray’s dad’s Truck yard, with time spent explaining the vehicle nuances to the passengers, seeing faster cars pass, seeing faster cars break down and passing them, Murray complaining about the Shock absorber Temps, counting how long it takes to pass the seldom occurring cars and Zach hyping the team up with the whole stint being… surprisingly uneventful and Rolling into Base Camp 2 with very little to do.

Chapter 2

Is this accurate to the described terrain, Likely not, but who's caring

Stint 2

Stint 2, lot more eventful, Liv managed to ‘Get caught up by cousin Jeffery’ according to Lana in the Contra. Which delayed the Convoy by 5 hours and 80 ANZAC Biscuits and required the crew to swap drivers in the vehicles due to keeping on time with Murray’s 13 Hours Driver hour rule, resulting in Sophie getting a chance to drive the VHT. ‘For a pig of a vehicle it sure hauls corners more sideways than Zach’s own car’

S-cop out, See you in 2 results.
PS: Team Sane Insanity, Might want to find us at camp to scream at Murray for driving like he’s Catching Cattle.


Team Slow
Part 3, Chapter 2

(Mainly because I wanted to get a break from doing write-ups to not demotivate myself, that’s why i havent posted in a while)

After various endeavours, we set off from Hollenburg. It was quite snowy there, As Matt got to the car, the doorhandle got frozen shut on the driver side. Nothing that maybe a little of heat can solve.

Following that, Matt gets into the car and gets it started, and then Izzy puts whatever sort of camping gear we have and the tent and it’s posts, crammed into the trunk like usual. She then gets into the car and the team start driving to the next area, until Sinesian Rejects’ car becomes closer on the pothole-filled road, Mixed with some other natural materials.

Matt starts tailgating behind their ute at some inappropriately close distances, and after Sinesian Rejects speeds up abit to get away. We give abit more distance to the vehicle, around a 1 second gap. It may not have given a another meaning to “Drive like you stole it”. Meanwhile Izzy is telling Matt to stop tailgating their car like a derelict.

(some mini-dialogue about this segment)
Izzy: You’ve been tailgating them for well over an hour, just leave a gap already!

Matt: If they don’t brake, then we’re a- he gets cut off mid-dialogue by Izzy

Izzy: Wrong? Do they not teach you about at least 2 second gaps during your driving tests? Embarassing

Matt: Well, i didn’t realise that?

Izzy: I’m just not gonna bother, i don’t know what you’re on about. Just keep moving and get along with driving, Normally that is.

Along with that, he slows down to keep a normal car-to-car distance rather than

After that… experience, we arrive at the village, setting up camp in the inactive mine. All goes well, we set up our gear, and then Izzy goes and finds the team to apologise for Matt’s god awful driving gap distance. Matt starts looking at her as she walks there, and then he goes and finishes setting up the tent. He decided not to go to save the humilliation. The inexistant indicator stalks are one thing.

Izzy finds the cars that Team Sinesian happens to have, alongside the crazy Frankencar, or the redhead as they call it.

She goes up to Al, one of the team members of Sinesian Rejects, as Izzy goes and says, whilst looking like she’s gonna likely be roasted/humilliated
“Hey, so uhh. I’m sorry for the fact that my team’s driver tailgated you for a very long time. If you’re wondering why i’m here instead of Matt, well that’s because he’s abit busy.” She is standing beside the back of the ute, to which Al shoots up, in the middle of attempting to wash ‘embedded’ dirt from the suspension components of the Ute.

(for this part, bold= Sinesian Rejects, non-bold= Team Slow/Not So Slow)

“It’s fine. Stage time is just as important as safety, I guess. That’s why I have a rear-view which is conveniently blocked by the camper shell.” Al replies to her, and then Izzy says

“Ah alright. I guess i’ll go back to my car, have a good day.” Izzy then goes back to her teammate, and then does her own thing. Al then goes back to the Ute, washing up embedded dirt from the car’s suspension pieces. All is good for both parties i guess.

OOC: @shibusu you might want to check your rear view mirror.