The Grand Tourer: 1971 (User Voting/Market Results)

Awwww…this is not good at all! The V12 I started with was only about 3 points higher than the V8 I submitted…

Wondering how much cost effected mine and the others. heheheh


[X] Rekt [ ] Not Rekt.[/quote]
[ ] Rekt [ ] Not Rekt [X]Tyranosaurus Rekt



im surprised that im the only SOHC that got so high

I know for a fact that the body I built suffered a 17% hit to its desirability for the old style, so, if I adjust, I should be about 8 places higher… Not too shabby for a quick and angry build. :slight_smile:

Old body, puny engine with the rougher of the two crank configs, forgot that hand made interiors were a thing…I’m surprised I didn’t place last XD. I got close, though. Hopefully it fares well on the track and people are pleased with the looks.

My car isn’t the biggest capacity engine, but had a great amount of HP.

in that case minus one point for me because I thought wrong :confused:

Well, my car was not particularly good looking anyway, so I didn’t vote for it.

Not much time left to place your votes! I will be counting em up tomorrow after 4pm (PST) or so.

Do you guys think the keeping the Market secret till after the entry period was a good idea? Or would you rather I have the market I use be released to the steam workshop prior to the competition?

I think after is better, to keep part of the competition a surprise, much like any race and vote.

Did it change the order of the results? If not, then I don’t really mind either way. This way is good because the spread of the results is much narrower, and for a heavily weighted result that’s a good thing.

I don’t think it really matter, because the order of the results wasn’t changed. It was just a matter of maxing the scores on that particular section at our end, and seeing who was able to max it the most. So even though your results were far more sensible, they don’t really change anything.

Had you created a different region, with different parameters, the story would be different.

Temporary redact due to stupid American math.

Fixed results after stupid american math.

Sorry if anyone saw the first one and got excited.

Damn, only 14th? I tried hard, too. :frowning:

Congratulations to Victor for the win!

There may be some more errors, either mathematical or in the points listing. It seems that either I’m missing 5 points (perhaps show points?) or I’m ranked too high with 48 points where I only have 43 in reality.

Either way, congrats to Victor the top victor.

That’s what I get for using google charts and not cross checking things, I appreciate your candidness.

I cross checked it again, made sure all the math lined up (some how I had a few scores calcing off the wrong rows…)

Anyways the Writing will start after Christmas, everyone enjoy your family.

Not bad at all, ended up making up some of the deficit with a decent lap time and best in show. But that displacement limitation really did stunt my performance a lot! Nonetheless I ended up in good company, so I’m satisfied.

Merry Christmas to all, and thanks Lordred for hosting.

lol. i bombed this one. no one voted for me

I was only 4 tenths of a second off Strops laptime! :open_mouth: I may be crap at producing GT-P spec cars but I’m really happy with that particular result :laughing:

Congrats Victorgarcia on your well deserved win and thanks Lordred for running a really interesting competition :smiley:

Let’s see how the Rado L-50 played out.

Rado L-50 executive:
Slowest car on the track by eight seconds.
Second worst GT-P car.
and the worst looking.