Things You've Heard Non-Car People Say

typical dealership :joy:

  1. My wife and I go to the Toyota dealer to look at a new Rav 4 in 2014. The sale person is showing us around the car. He points to the little plastic fins afixed to the side of the car just under the rear side window and says “These add horsepower.” The sad thing was he was dead serious.

  2. My dad brings an 2001 Toyota MR2 Spyder (MRS) to a dragstrip. Another driver looks at him pulling up and yells to his friend “There’s another Front Wheel Driver coming in!”



seriously thou… dissing someone else with false fact… you’re just making yourself sound stupid



Oh, how good this car looks :astonished:

After Fukushima I did think of a rather insensitive ad that you could have for a Japanese car. Show the car with someone waving a geiger counter over it and it just going ballistic. Then you could finish the ad by saying “Our cars are hot!”


A fairly recently locked thread (Nov 23rd) had a lot of stuff that belongs in this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

“The power of its torque” - Mercedes commerical. I’m not joking. Unfortunately, I can’t locate it anywhere. It was about the W166 or X164… not sure which, but more likely the W166. Mercedes; I am disappoint.
Anyone else remember this one?


In my school hallway I heard a random person say “The Bugatti, it’s got like a V12…”


How could you screw that up? The Veyron’s engine stands out well, I don’t know how someone could think it’s a V12. But if they were talking about the EB110 everything would be fine.

I do not expect you to know that Dali’s “Persistence of memory” is inspired by cheese, so why would you expect two car illiterate people to know what an engine even is?


I once heard someone claiming that the Dodge Viper was available with a V8, a V10 or a V12. :sob:

Some years before that i heard some idiot claiming that the “Nitro” used by Top Fuel cars was Nitroglycerine,
because over in 'merica they were allowed to use whatever they liked.:fearful::scream:


I was trying to educate someone about how manual transmissions work and the person had the stupidest realization ever and said something along the lines of “OOOHH there are like actual gears? that explains why they call them gears!” and she felt really proud of herself for figuring that out…


But then again all of Dali’s stuff is inspired by cheese, just in varying degrees of melted :stuck_out_tongue: oh, there was that one that was apparently inspired by beans, I suppose.

@Speedemon maybe they were true aficionados who appreciate underrated cars like the EB110…

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A few years ago Ford releases a commercial for the Powerstroke diesel which stated that “the turbocharger has a turbocharger!” A setup that only exists for emissions, not performance.

I always thought those setups were partially to minimize turbo lag, but regardless I’m willing to let a lot more idiotic things slide when it comes to marketing than I would if I was just some guy talking about cars.

compound turbocharging…60+ psi…there is a Santa!

Any reference to turbochargers as an instant boost available on demand. I’ve explained this several times. Turbochargers generate boost according to engine speed, they don’t do so instantaneously. Which then leads to the explanation of nitrous, and the inevitable mentions of laughing gas.


And all cars have engines, just in varying number of cylinders :smiley:

Do electric car engines have cylinders? Shit, I really need to brush up on my car knowledge… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I dare you to say that this coil isnt’ a cylinder


I don’t even know where that goes in an electric car :joy: #IKnowSweetFuckAllAboutElectricCars