True or False: Forum game

Yes, especially considering I don’t have one… so it’s power is basically 0.

TNP has had major surgery

false, luckily i had no surgeries

TNP also has never been in surgery

False. I had a tooth removed a long time ago.

TNP is a fan of 90’s supercars/hypercars.

Yeah. some I really really like (Jaguar XK220 :hearts:) and then some I really really REALLY like (Honda NSX :hearts:)

TNP has Chickens

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TNP has a cow.

False, I am a cow.

TNP likes tofu

who knows, never tried any

TNP thinks i should keep trying to hit on strop

That’s all up to you.

TNP doesn’t care about @cpufreak101 hitting on @strop since it has no bering on TNP’s life.

Agreed. Although I am an admirer of strop, just not the romantic/sexual way.

TNP likes cold showers more than hot ones

@cpufreak101 Let’s just analyze strop for a moment. I’m sure you will enjoy this.

Age: definitely adult.

Muscly? Check.

Fit/healthy? Check.

Speaks good english? Check any/every post of his.

Is a beta tester? Check. (Is that a requirement to be hot? It absolutely is now, in the world of Automation forums.)

Strop is nice/friendly. Check.

Is he talented at many things? Yes.

Technical car stuff? Yes.

Did I mention he is a beta tester?

Should you continue to hit on him? Also, yes.

In fact if I would declare myself homosexual by this point but then strop would get arrested for sexual assault of a minor since he is a year younger than twice my age. Either way, don’t worry strop you didn’t miss anything



Wth is “the succ”…

TNP agrees with me that someone needs to save Potto from his crippling meme depression

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Wide wheels? Like, radius?

ERROR: 404 Question not found.
TNP does not exist.

tralse, while i really do exist, some days i don’t want to

TNP will not find this TNP

So I won’t find TNP, yet I am TNP…

…So I haven’t discovered myself? :anguished:

Time to post lots of this sorta sh*t on Facebook!

TNP has activated their CD copy of DiRT 3 OR has rediscoverted DiRT 3 (cos its a seriously good game)

Wish I could. I’m a poor student at the behest of his parents. I don’t even have the full version of Automation yet.

TNP has tried chickoo (I completely loathe the stuff)

This is new, back when I was in school everybody was like “no homo” while standing in a circle jerk playing “soggy Sao”. while irrelevant let me clarify that I never stood in a circle jerk. Let me just say it is wonderful when people can speak out more freely and not qualify things with disingenuous denials though you’re not obliged to identify as homosexual to stand in a circle jerk, apparently.

Also dw I wouldn’t get arrested, I’m not the one doing the soliciting LOL. I’m just letting my ego inflate from the online flattery until everybody discovers I’m a total basement dweller :joy:

Also true, there really is nothing quite like a good nut. I mean, would you rather a bad nut?

TNP has copped it in the nuts before (or the crotch in general, I was just trying to segue)