-Ultimate Super Saloon- {Finished}

That would be around 500 hp at the wheels (or less), and would still be about average for that class.

Damn it, when I get home tonight I’m going to look at repowering the Comet. It’s too late for this contest but the more I think of it the more I feel the N/A 4.5ish liter CCPC V8 I picked just isn’t suited to a high end luxury car

It’s not too late, you still have 10 days ^-^

I can resubmit?

EYah, you can. No problem.

Too powerful or lacking?

~460HP ~425lb-ft I think, so not really under powered, it scooted right along even with the automatic but it was too high revving I think for the car, 8500 if I recall. The motor would be more at home in a M3 style small sport coupe rather then the 2+ ton luxury sedan. I’m going to go with either the 5.6 liter turbo pushrod straight 6 from my last luxury car or one of my 9 liter v8’s which I’ve been using for nearly every challenge I’ve entered.

Well, that’s like, you know, your opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

In more seriousness, this is actually a big question. One which, in the bigger picture, does seem ridiculous. I think luxury is superfluous, but on the same token, you’d have very good reason to argue that oodles of horsepower is irrelevant. I refer to the Porsche Cayenne as one of the worst inflictions of motoring upon the planet since 2000 not just because it epitomises everything wrong about mass produced vehicles, but because it was (and continues to be) so damn popular.

Point is, this is a market driven industry and it’s given to one upmanship. The steadily increasing outputs within most classes of vehicle is, to me, more than just engineering. And when it comes to competing manufacturers, psyching each other out is common (and something we just saw hehe). In reality I agree who the hell needs over 450hp in a sedan? But I’ve been intoxicated by petrol fumes and massive numbers, so you can expect it to be typical of me to make an overpowered car. It’ll definitely be different in approach, the question is, will it intoxicate others too, or miss the mark by failing to sway the judges with its vision?

Dammit, man! How many times have I told you that freebasing unleaded is BAD for you? :laughing:

What was that? I can’t hear you over the sound of VROOOOOM :laughing:

lmao, well that is the beauty of the freedom in automation, we can do what we want within the limitations of what we have. But for me, when I design my cars in the game, I’m living in a virtual reality in my mind. A place where I am making my own versions to compete with cars that actually exist today. I get more satisfaction from the game that way.

The point is, to each his own. So it’s ok to get drugged on petrol fumes and create massive fire breathing monster holy shit dragon type cars; and at the same time, it’s also ok to create things are funky, realistic, goofy, or whatever. :wink:

8500 rpm doesn’t sound that bad for a performance luxury car, unless you want to build a full size luxury class sedan.

On another note, I’ve never built a 9 litre engine…lol…i need to try that! :slight_smile:

In all honesty this challenge is actually well balanced, bringing a common theme to compare the cars, and generally forcing them to be decent all around, which means in general, all models that qualify would be comparable to real life equivalents as listed in the OP. Its a matter of our personal tastes/styles/habits as to what balance (or imvalance) we seek.

(That was also why I wanted to know how overall results would be adjudicated, given we’ve been given quantitative values to match or exceed.)

Never mind about repowering I guess I was thinking of a different version only 350ish torque and a sequential box. I’m too tired to fiddle it will be fine as is.

[quote=“strop”]In all honesty this challenge is actually well balanced, bringing a common theme to compare the cars, and generally forcing them to be decent all around, which means in general, all models that qualify would be comparable to real life equivalents as listed in the OP. Its a matter of our personal tastes/styles/habits as to what balance (or imvalance) we seek.

(That was also why I wanted to know how overall results would be adjudicated, given we’ve been given quantitative values to match or exceed.)[/quote]

Well common theme: yes; decent all round: yes; comparable to real life equivalents: not necessarily, only in the most unequivocal possible way…but i do see your point.

I struggled to get over the weight limit because I’m using a very lightweight design.

Due date on this one coming up soon! Work is progressing, albeit slowly… with a secret collaborator who’s really put a boost in the styling department.

Putting the SPORT in GTR-S!

(Dan’s comment: I thought I said executive you idiots, not sporting. Oh well, it better at least be as fast as it’s trying to look.)

I like the front. It looks nice…and judging by the amount of vents i can bet it’s turbocharged. :slight_smile:

Here is my car for the challenge, the Baltazar Basil GTS