-Ultimate Super Saloon- {Finished}

Cant wait for the results :slight_smile:.

I’ll put it to you guys like this; I have so many entries, I decided to move all of my old cars that I made into a separate folder just so I can focus on judging xD

So, this isn’t the judging. I’ll post results for performance as soon as the final person gets their car in.

I’m awarding people, although they’re not advancing or being setback. Because sometimes people go crazy, and it’ll be special recognition. Like that one guy who made a car with over 760 HP and 880 ft-lb torque with a 7.4L engine… COUGH, COUGH

Wow there’s a bit more than a Audi A6 TDI between me and that guy…

Finding myself having performance envy, I regret holding back so much. It’s just not my style!

P.s. will try sorting out that funny grille issue is half an hour.

EDIT: Sorted. A path was changed in between versions of a mod download, causing titleguy to be unable to load my car! Sorry for the wait.

Yeah, the dude with uber HP will likely take the performance cake. but what about everything else? Titleguy’s last competition gave scores for balance. Cars that were too far in one direction and not rounded well didn’t do well.

I like to balance out my contests as Vic said, so obvoiusly if your car has crazy HP and no turning ability, you’re not getting full credit in the perf category.

I don’t often care about where I finish in balanced competitions, I’m definitely not in this one to win it :stuck_out_tongue: There’s also the fact I have no idea how titleguy is actually going to be judging each category.

I held back on the POWA meter because I wanted to change my approaches, play with other things, branch out to see what it was like. Turns out I’m a pure horsepower tyre smoking tear-your-face-off on the track kind of guy, because the feeling of persisting with suboptimal choices to eke as much out of it as possible just doesn’t quite get my jollies off. I’ve got a lot of margin to play with when it comes to money and economy, and I have heaps of points over the baseline in many of the stats… but I still feel… underpowered. Like instead of a 3.8L 6 cyl like the GTR, I should have gone for like a 5.4L 6cyl that puts out 850bhp and 1000nm (which was easily doable btw, and still did better than 20mpg). THAT’S more my speed. But eh, there’s always redevelopment. After all, I’m pretty pleased with the styling, and that’s a start.

EDIT: I’m really sorry guys, for some reason my .lua is being really buggy (you’re not alone vos, it must be a problem my end!) so titleguy and I had to pull some really weird shit to get things working again. At least, he’s got the file now. I hope it works. The specs are a bit off as a result (magic weight gain of 13kg hooray) but othewise, good enough.

While we wait, for a joke, I have the quick rumination on what the car would have been like if I had decided there’s no replacement for displacement and used a 5.4L i6 turbo instead of a 3.8L i6 turbo… hello, Veyron-like performance!

[size=150]Well, guys, it’s happening! The very first round of judging. Let’s see who drives fast, and who is simply left in the other’s dust.[/size]
Here’s a chart thing for recognitions.

[quote] :open_mouth: - 0-60 MPH > 3 Seconds
:smiley: - RWD
:astonished: - Top speed >/= 200 MPH [/quote]

**V10I10ilove10cyl- Mentalist GTSR- 6/10: Although it doesn’t pack a crazy amount of power, the crazy low weight off sets the power deficiency. Also, redline at 5800 RPM?! Lap time 1:24.80
VicVictory- 2015 Ardent Iroquois RS-T- 7/10: One of the best all-rounders here. Good tires, good power, good everything. Lap time 1:25.20
nialloftara- Centauri Comet GTZ- 7/10: It may be irrelevant, but it sounds like a Nascar in a good way. However, while good in most areas, its weight can’t be overshadowed. Lap time 1:29.17
Rollarider10- Mercusa Ramses Mk III APEX- 5.5/10: Although fun to throw around and make huuuuge 4WD powerslides, it doesn’t translate into a good lap, nor is it easy with its 205 mm tire. Lap time 1:28.46
doncornaldie- SC-500- 6/10: There’s definitely a lot of power coming from this engine, especially from an I6! But, the LAG. Somewhat skinny tires and big roll don’t help too much, either. Lap time 1:26.21 :smiley:
Luilakke- Cognoscenti- 6/10: Oh, my! The highest redline of the day! It certainly was fun. However, the roll was comparable to that of a boat. Lap time 1:25.69 :astonished:
HighOctaneLove- 2015 Bogliq Patriarch- 7/10: The power combined with the not-quite-as-good-as-you-want-tires made this our other drift car. Nevertheless, it’s very fun. Lap time 1:24.11 :smiley:
xABSOLUTIONx- AED Myst- 9.5/10: Power, acceleration, handling, this car has it all. The light weight and good roll make this a great backroad and track car. Lap time 1:20.9 :open_mouth:
Tycondero- Astana Avenger- 7.5/10: Even though it’s the only car in this test with a 5-Speed gearbox, this car is still great to drive. Lap time 1:23.36 :smiley:
ViruTypeR- AMC V8 ZZ-R- 8/10: Another great all-rounder, this car does it all. Great steering and very good tires help it become a true driver’s car. And Aston Martin, much? Lap time 1:23.54 :smiley:
ESkuda- Torino- 7/10: A classy looking car, hampered down a little by high weight. Still nice nevertheless. Lap time 1:24.32
vmo- Montes ZD-R MRP- 7/10: The ZD-R rolls a bit, and it isn’t the lightest of all cars, but it looks the part. The steering is as good as the car looks. Lap time 1:22.01
AshleyBlack- Black Sterling S- 7/10: The Sterling’s power peaks at 6600 RPM, but the redline flies past 8000… Huh. Still, this was one of the flattest cornering cars at the competition. Lap time 1:24.83
onix953- BZ Motors GARIBALDI USS- 5/10: Not the lightest car, nor the fastest. And it redlines at a measly 4500 RPM. But, oh my god… Over 850 lb-ft of torque! Lap time 1:26.61
Razyx- Salo 570 LS- 8/10: Not the most powerful, but for sure it made the most out of what it had. The lap time was very low, considering it didn’t breach 600 HP. Lap time 1:21.39
oppositelock- GSI Orcus V- 9/10: Another great lap time for what it has, the Orcus manages to be the 3rd fastest car on the airfield track. Lap time 1:20.04 :astonished:
utopian201- Utopia R- 6.5/10: It may not have sports tires, but it does have 345 mm tires F/R. Cool. The Utopia is the other boat in our competition. Lap time 1:25.39
Chipskate- Decker Super Special 60th Anniversary- 10/10: OMG WAT MORE THAN 760 HP AND OVER 880 LB-FT OF TORQUE WAT. That alone gives it a 10/10. Lap time 1:19.22 :open_mouth:
Rossriders- Weiler Lion15- 7/10: Our final good all-rounder. Everything is great except for the average weight, but I’ll take it. Lap time 1:25.22 :smiley:
Leonardo9613- Baltazar Basil GTS- 7.5/10: Another nice car with good power and a high top speed, slightly deterred with OK handling. The power makes up for it. Lap time 1:20.60
Strop, Vosnox- GK-R- 10/10: The person who I had a ton of problems with shines through with, somehow, the fastest lap time of the day! Also, 666 HP! ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED! Lap time 1:18.13 :open_mouth: **

[size=150]CURRENT RANKINGS[/size]

21: onix953- BZ Motors GARIBALDI USS- 5 points
20: Rollarider10- Mercusa Ramses Mk III APEX- 5.5 points
17: doncornaldie- SC-500- 6 points
17: V10I10ilove10cyl- Mentalist GTSR- 6 points
17: Luilakke- Cognoscenti- 6 points
16: utopian201- Utopia R- 6.5 points
9: HighOctaneLove- 2015 Bogliq Patriarch- 7 points
9: ESkuda- Torino- 7 points
9: Rossriders- Weiler Lion15- 7 points
9: vmo- Montes ZD-R MRP- 7 points
9: AshleyBlack- Black Sterling S- 7 points
9: VicVictory- 2015 Ardent Iroquois RS-T- 7 points
9: nialloftara- Centauri Comet GTZ- 7 points
7: Leonardo9613- Baltazar Basil GTS- 7.5 points
7:Tycondero- Astana Avenger- 7.5 points
5: Razyx- Salo 570 LS- 8 points
5: ViruTypeR- AMC V8 ZZ-R- 8 points
4: oppositelock- GSI Orcus V- 9 points
3: xABSOLUTIONx- AED Myst- 9.5 points
1: Chipskate- Decker Super Special 60th Anniversary- 10 points
1: Strop, Vosnox- GK-R- 10 points

Hooray! I’ll gladly take the fastest lap time.

[size=75]Too bad for drivers of this car that replacing the tyres is going to cost them a bomb at the shop…[/size]

I love the faces for the accolades, that’s hilarious. A couple of minor proofreading points:

Top speed >/= 200MPH, I think you mean (right now it reads equal to or less than).
Chipskate’s car is the second fastest around the car, so oppositlock’s car would be the third fastest.

Thanks, fixed. :smiley:

At least I made a nice soundtrack, considering how long my lap took.

I am sorry, but I don’t get these notes at all.

It truly makes no sense how you ever got them, they just seem awfully arbitrary. Cheeseman has a complex and intelligent way of giving scores for his car, with lots of forumlas. Yours just seem to come out of the blue, without an underlying logic behind them. I am sorry if I am being harsh, but I like to sense that things are well explained and that they had some thought put into them.

So a car that went .3 of a second quicker get 1.5 less points? What? What are the parameters? Self-explanatory, quicker car should get more points no?

He talks about ride quality too, I’d assume he’s judging bump harshness, roll angles and general poise. These are luxury sports cars afterall, can’t go dislocating spines with solid dampers or having your driver get tipped out of their chair.

It seems to me that 7 is average, and then you’re punished based on how easily something could be fixed, and rewarded for how outstanding something is. I imagine that the fact that the car is slow (thus needs to be fixed) penalises people to begin with. Lastly, it may also be a way of skewing against cars that are less sporty, I know mine only had 25 sportiness, and it came second last, and that’s to be expected. So all in all, I don’t think the scoring was that far off.

Well I guess it doesn’t help that what is included in “performance” doesn’t have a consensus on Automation. Mentioned in the comments is power, redline, top speed, weight, body roll, lap time… but in the absence of a formula, the comments also suggest that certain scores were affected by how prominent some features were over others. After all, I’m pretty sure at 1817kg, my car qualifies as a “bus” too, but I just happened to pour a bucketload of cash into the tyres and I actually tuned the suspension for track performance (which actually helped, not hindered comfort), hence the really good lap time >_>

That said, with this many entries, it’s going to be difficult to have acceptable scoring unless you have a fairly robust system in place.

I dunno but reading the “Performance” section, I’d assume that it is judge purely by the laptimes. And if anybody wants to give a toss about your car comfort level they can wait and see it on Comfort and Prestige section.

You have a point there.

Maybe if the statement said “how fast your car feels around a track”, then all the things mentioned would seem more relevant :laughing:

I deliberately made my car less sporty than it could have been, because I thought it wouldn’t matter.

I traded some of that for better comfort and tameness. Values which in my mind suit an executive car way better.